Ludopathy symptoms, causes, consequences and treatment

Ludopathy symptoms, causes, consequences and treatment

There are a variety of activities that we enjoy doing, some more than others. We prioritize some activities over others due to the enjoyment or pleasure that produce us; We can please us watching our favorite television program, going out one afternoon with friends, reading a book, creating research and experiments, taking photographs and, some, playing. In this psychology-online article we will explain What is Ludopathy: symptoms, causes, consequences and treatment.

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  1. Ludopathy: What is
  2. Ludopathy: symptoms
  3. Ludopathy: Causes
  4. Ludopathy: Consequences
  5. Ludopathy: Internet games
  6. Ludopathy: Treatment

Ludopathy: What is

All Addictions They keep certain common characteristics that make them accessible to recognize among all other pathologies. We define then that the Ludopathy as game addiction, which is considered a disease since it has characteristics in common with the rest of addictions.

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM 5 (2013), the characteristics of an addiction are as follows:

  • The behaviors of the game addiction, ludopathy or pathological game They activate reward systems similar to abuse drugs.
  • Game addiction produces behavioral symptoms similar to those of substance consumption disorders.

Ludopathy: symptoms

The symptoms that characterize the ludopathy, pathological game or game addiction according to DSM 5 (2013) are presented below:

  • The behavior of a ludopath is characterized by the persistent and recurring problematic pathological game.
  • Causes a clinically significant deterioration or discomfort.
  • Needs of Bet amounts of money increasingly in major figures with the aim of obtaining the desired excitation or pleasure.
  • The person suffering from game addiction is nervous or irritated When trying to reduce or leave the game.
  • Often keeps busy Thinking about betting (For example, reviving continuously with the imagination experiences of past bets, planning your next bet and thinking about ways of getting money for bets).
  • He frequently bets when he feels uneasiness (for example, anxiety, fear, sadness guilt).
  • After to lose money In bets he usually returns to the next day or days later to recover the lost.
  • Puts in danger or has lost an important relationship, an employment or academic career for your game addiction. Addiction addiction to game has important psychosocial consequences.
  • He often has other people so that they can give money and thus relieve their financial situation.

Ludopathy: Causes

Addictions have an origin, as recognized by DSM 5 (2013), multifactorial: temperamental, genetic and physiological. You will find inofmridation about the causes and the process of addiction in is the following article: What is an addiction: definition and why it happens.

One of the most frequent causes of game addiction is BAJA Tolerance to frustration For constant or zero exposure to pleasure. This low frustration tolerance can be formed to a greater degree in any genetically predisposed person (For example, a father who has had a substance addiction, a mother diagnosed with pathological game or pathologies can also be referred to in parents with an established diagnosis of depression, anxiety, neuroticism or narcissistic personality).

The betting game produces pleasure and therefore will be one of the activities we prefer to perform about the others. Based on the physiological principle of addictions, the reward circuit is formed and overactive, exacerbating the synthesis of the neurotransmitter involved in pleasure, dopamine. This is one of the causes that produce and maintain ludopathy or game addiction; It is difficult for us to abandon something that allows us to skip the unpleasant moments of life (for example sadness and frustrations).

Ludopathy: Consequences

As mentioned above in the symptomatology of game addiction, one of the characteristics of the ludopathy is the clinical deterioration that exists. Below are some of the most frequent consequences of addiction game:

  • Deterioration of psychosocial functioning. Specifically they can put at risk or lose very important relationships with friends or family for their involvement in the game by lying repeatedly to others to hide the magnitude of their illness.
  • Physical and Mental Health deterioration. Starvation for investing time and money in bets. An anxiety disorder, depressive disorder, sleep problems or secondary or comorbid eating disorder can also appear as a consequence of addiction.
  • Labor or academic deterioration. Labor, professionals or academic activities are affected or deteriorated. For example, low performance at the university or at work, since they can devote work time or study to play or your concern for bets.
  • General health quite deteriorated So they usually make constant use of medical services.

Ludopathy: Internet games

As mentioned at the beginning, addictive game behavior shares characteristics with those recognized by DSM 5 (2013) as substance consumption disorders; Video game addiction behavior covers the same presentation (invest more time than planned in the activity, abandoning or neglecting responsibilities, social, family, work, professional or academic deterioration, general health deterioration and repeatedly failed attempts to abandon the addictive behavior) but is still studying for its officer integration into some category of mental disorders.

This addiction should not be confused with the diagnosis of the pathological game/ludopathy or addiction to the game since this is characterized by a persistent and recurrent use of the Internet to participate in games, which are often with other online players and that cause deterioration or clinically significant discomfort.

Usually the games are also used online to evade or relieve negative affection (for example feelings of guilt, anxiety, sadness, helplessness). In the following article you will find more information about Internet addiction.

Ludopathy: Treatment

The treatment of the ludopathy or pathological game can be the same that is used in substance addictions; The first step is the Recognition of the problem (point that is difficult but essential), being aware that addictive behavior requires Professional intervention It begins to take part in the responsibility of symptoms and their consequences.

Psychoanalysis proposes to explore the conflict and internal difficulties that symbolize the behavior of game addiction.

In cognitive behavioral therapy, the causes, precipitators and maintainers of addiction are analyzed and those that can be modified are influenced. By means of the Psychoeducation and learning Emotional Management Techniques It is intended to empower the person to deal with addiction. It is also important to have the support of nearby people so they must be informed and work as a team with professionals and the patient.

If you wonder how to leave the ludopathy, from Psychology-online we recommend you go to a medical center as soon as possible. Professionals can advise you the best treatment for your case.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to Ludopathy: symptoms, causes, consequences and treatment, We recommend that you enter our category of addictions.