Are video games good for children? 5 benefits

Are video games good for children? 5 benefits

Many wonder if video games are good for children and some aspects suggest that.

Above all, parents are the ones who show more concern about this issue, but now it is known that there are many benefits in video games.


  • Brief history of video games
  • 5 Benefits of video games
  • Real life skills
    • Bibliography

Brief history of video games

A video game is an electronic device that, through controls, simulates games on computer screens, televisions or other electronic devices, in which movements and actions of its characters are reflected.

Video games appeared around the 25th, being the first the "ping-pong", which was played on the screen in black and white; Then, "Pacman" and "The invaders of space" continued, followed by, many more appeared.

"Super Mario Bros", "Tetris", "Mortal Kombat", "Street Fighter" and others that were mostly played in premises attended by children and adolescents also appeared.

In the 21st century other versions were created to play them in the domestic environment, either through the TV or computer. Now, video games have gained a lot of dissemination and are part of the experience of many children around the world.

In the same way that society has advanced, also the video games have done, because, now there are games with adult songs, but present in everyday life, and integrate sex and violence scenes, in addition to drug use, which is What worries the parents the most.

It was due to this reason that the idea of ​​establishing a classification arose according to its content and to avoid negative effects on children, so, in 1994, The Entertainment Software Association (ESA) created the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) And video games were classified into six categories which are:

  • Year, only adults;
  • M, adults, for people 17 years and older;
  • T, for adolescents from 13 years and older;
  • E 10+ for over 10 years;
  • And, for 6 years and older; and
  • EC, for early childhood.

Mention apart from this, it should be noted what positive effects can be obtained from video games or, more specifically, if video games are good for children.

5 Benefits of video games

  1. Visual acuity and cerebral plasticity: Among the effects that can be mentioned, highlights the fact that people who play video games usually have greater visual acuity, that is, they can follow up several objects at the same time, or see things in rain or fog that others they could not. In the case of some video games, when the enemies are observed, the best loot is taken and the inventory is changed, without the need to observe the controller and, when doing this, brain plasticity is being practiced. It is not in vain that Some video game fans are great surgeons. Which explains why some doctors before entering the surgeries room, make a game.
  2. Tenacity: Video games can also teach a person to never surrender, without taking into account the times required to overcome and reach the next level.
  3. Problem resolution: Video games also train people to solve problems and try different solutions, because this is necessary to overcome the opponents. Many video games offer different problems with various solutions, which makes the person noticed that trying to find the solution.
  4. Critical thinking: Another reason why video games can be good for children is because they can teach critical thinking skills, which, combined with hard effort, can lead to success.
  5. Team play: The videogames, They also teach the value of friendship, Well, in addition to making new friends, you can also establish interaction with those old friends to whom you can no longer see. In this case, video games are like a virtual recreation patio where it is often necessary to share and help. Although it is just a game, this experience with friends can move to the real world. Well, contrary to thinking that video games promote individualism, rather teach the value of working together to obtain more profits.
The importance of grandparents for children

Real life skills

Video games are good for children because they also prepare them to face a real That, many times, can be more hostile.

Many times, some players consider that video games are easy, but, uploading the degree of difficulty can become more fun. Therefore, in real life, life also shows that solving difficult problems can be rewarding.

For all this, there is nothing wrong with enjoying video games and Develop multiple skills at the same time.

However, it should be taken into account that some video games can often foster high levels of explicit violence and that they can create addiction in young children, since many of them do not have regulation.

In these cases, according to Reyes-Hernández, in his study on video games: advantages and losses for children, it is advisable that parents know and familiarize themselves with video games in order to determine which are the most appropriate, according to the age of Children, in addition to restricting time.

Of the rest, it is already known that video games are good for children and can foster multiple skills, yes, provided they are consumed in moderation.

Technological dependence


  • Brenes-Peralta, c., & Pérez-Sánchez, R. (2015). Empathy and aggression in the use of video games in children. Latin American Magazine of Social Sciences, Children and Youth13(1).
  • López, m. F., & San Román, J. TO. R. (2006). Effects of the use of video games in children from 7 to 12 years. An approach by survey. Icon144(1), 205-216.
  • Jiménez, J. M., & Araya, and. C. (2012). The effect of video games on social, psychological and physiological variables on children and adolescents. Challenges. New trends in physical education, sport and recreation, (21), 43-49.
  • Reyes-Hernández, k. L., Sánchez-Chávez, n. P., Toledo-Ramírez, m. Yo., REYES-GÓMEZ, u., Reyes-Hernández, d. P., & Reyes-Hernández, U. (2014). Video games: advantages and damages for children. Mexican Pediatrics Magazine81(2), 74-78.