The dangers of an intellectual coefficient (CI)

The dangers of an intellectual coefficient (CI)

Having a high intellectual coefficient (or quotient) can be dangerous, although many seek way of being smarter than others. However, making the best decisions is not related to having a high intellectual coefficient, but many times the opposite can happen.

Throughout history, possessing a lot of intelligence is something that the majority has coveted, this was evidence. Since then, the theme gained popularity.


  • The dangers of a high intellectual coefficient
  • The results of a study
  • Intelligence and wisdom
    • Bibliography

The dangers of a high intellectual coefficient

In 1926 the psychologist Lewis Terman used the intellectual coefficient test to analyze a group of children cataloged as gifted (currently called children with high capacities), since many of them had more than 170 in the results of CI CI. They were called the termites.

Many of the children who participated in the experiment came to achieve fame and fortune in their lives, while others chose much less noticeable professions, such as sailors, police or typing. A striking detail was that Happiness was not related to intelligence, because the divorce rate, alcoholism and suicide was the same as for the rest of the people.

Analyzing the termites, it could be concluded that possessing a brilliant intellect was not decisive when measuring happiness, Well, rather, this implied less satisfaction life. One of the possible explanations is that knowledge about talent itself can become a heavy load.

The proof of this is that in the 1990s the termites were asked about the conclusions they could get out of their lives and, instead of recognizing their successes, many of them felt that they had not met the expectations of what was had raised when young. Coupled with it, Children who are smarter apparently are more aware of the problems that afflict the world, which generates affliction.

So, while most people suffer little, who have a high intellectual coefficient seem to experience more existential distress, worrying about issues such as the human condition, for example. In addition, those who had a high intellectual coefficient worried more and had high levels of anxiety during the day, which was caused by the concerns that the smartest rethinks again and again.

Hence, greater intelligence is not comparable to greater happiness or to make the best decisions, since it has been proven that the smartest have a “blind point of bias”, which makes them unable to observe their own defects, which they leads to guide more for instinct.

Therefore, many are committed to rather resume wisdom, instead of intelligence, given that The world is full of intelligent people doing irrational things.  

The results of a study

Having a high intellectual coefficient can be very profit when it comes to doing business, studying, solving some problems, among others. However, a study revealed that these people are exposed to a series of risks.

The study in question is titled: "High intelligence: a risk factor in the psychological and physiological field". In this research, different universities participated and their dissemination was through the magazine Science Direct. This study indicates that people with an intellectual coefficient greater than 130 have a greater risk of suffering from some diseases that range from affective disorders, to hyperactivity and autism.

To reach such conclusions, more than four thousand people were analyzed with a high intellectual coefficient and asked if at some point in their lives they had been diagnosed with diseases such as attention or autism deficit. They should also indicate whether they suffered humor or depression changes.

The results confirmed that there is a relationship between the diseases indicated and the people with an intellectual coefficient greater than 130, compared to other people. Therefore, one of the hypotheses raised by the specialists was that overcrowded people are more sensitive to external stimuli, which also weakens their immune system more than normal.

This does not mean that people with a high intellectual coefficient have these diseases as a direct cause, but have a greater predisposition to suffer from them. For this reason it is important that both family and friends, and even the same individuals, are attentive to any problem they may suffer in order to avoid future diseases and lead a healthy life.

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Intelligence and wisdom

Apparently, more than intelligence, what is truly relevant is wisdom, since it allows a better relationship with others, lower levels of anxiety and greater satisfaction in life.

This is because very intelligent people generate very quickly arguments, but they do it partially. On the other hand, wisdom can be trained and made better decisions, trying to make suffering aside.

The concept of intelligence, what is and how has evolved


  • CRESPI, b. J. (2016). Autism as a disorder of high intelligence. Frontiers in Neuroscience10, 300.
  • Karpinski, r. Yo., Kolb, a. M. K., Tretault, n. TO., & Borowski, T. B. (2018). High Intelligence: A Risk Factor for Psychological and Physiological Overexcitabilities. Intelligence66, 8-23.