The best books to work emotions

The best books to work emotions

Emotional intelligence plays a fundamental role in daily life because it helps to control in a assertive way those emotions that we must constantly handle. Although everyone faces at some point with anger, anger, joy or sadness, sometimes it is very difficult to interpret and effectively control what we feel. Luckily, throughout history, great authors such as Daniel Goleman or James Clear have reflected their reflections and contributions in different ideal books to learn about emotional intelligence, regardless of the age you have.

¿You are looking for a good book to learn to work emotions? In this psychology-online article we recommend The best books to work emotions And know you better. Prepare to discover new paths towards emotional growth.

You may also be interested: the best emotional intelligence books index
  1. Books to work emotions in adults
  2. Books to work emotions in adolescents
  3. Books to work emotions in children

Books to work emotions in adults

In this section you will discover some literary treasures that will invite you to reflect, explore and heal your emotions in a deep and enriching way. From inspiring stories and exciting narratives to practical guides written by experts, these books to work emotions in adults will accompany you on a self -discovery and self -care trip. ¿We start?

1. Atomic habits: small changes, extraordinary results

James Clear delivers a fascinating very easy to read work that makes it clear that The small habits are the ones that make the difference When we want a transcendental change in our lives.

«Atomic habits: small changes, extraordinary results» is a practical and complete book that offers an ideal frame to create good habits and break those that subtract vital energy. Besides, it's full of Useful tips and inspiring examples, So it's the perfect book for you if you are looking to improve your life.

2. Master your emotions

¿You want to learn to master your emotions once and for all? "Master your emotions," written by Thibaut Meurisse, is a kind of instruction manual written in an understandable and easy to understand that it will guide you step by step so you can learn to deal with the negative emotions that prevent you from moving forward To achieve your own goals.

This is a very interesting book full of effective tips and instructions To learn to reprogram thoughts. The main objective of this work is that you understand the power of your mind in emotional control and all the benefits you get through this control for your physical and mental well -being.

3. Workbook of negative thoughts

Gives life. Clark leaves us an exceptional book that will help you learn to manage the negative thoughts that steal you tranquility. In this book, the renowned psychologist and expert in the field of cognitive therapy David A. Clark provides practical tools and exercises for examine and modify recurring negative thoughts that can affect our mental and emotional health.

The workbook is structured in the form of exercises and questionnaires that help readers identify their negative thinking patterns and address them constructively. Through real life examples and strategies based on cognitive therapy, the author shows how to challenge and replace those negative thoughts with more realistic and positive ones.

Without a doubt, this is an excellent book to work emotions and that is perfect for those who suffer from some emotional disorder such as anxiety, stress or depression.

4. Work with emotions in psychotherapy

«Work with emotions in psychotherapy», by Leslie S. Greenberg and Sandra C. Paivio, is one of the most recommended books for emotional control, since it is written based on evidence and its reading catches you from the beginning to the end.

In this work, the authors present a Therapeutic perspective centered on emotions, highlighting its relevance in the understanding and approach of psychological problems. In addition, it is a text in which it is explored how emotions influence our experience and how they can be processed in a therapeutic context.

It is a book that provides a solid theoretical basis and a series of practical techniques and strategies To work with emotions on psychotherapy, so it focuses on the idea that emotions, including those that may seem challenging or difficult, are essential for personal growth through an innovative work model in the therapeutic field.

5. Mandalas to work your emotions

The dome publishing house presents a very attractive book with more than 300 mandala designs to work with peace of mind each of your emotions. It is a work that seeks to teach you the importance of embrace and understand all emotions For your personal growth.

Therefore, the work focuses on that everything we feel, is positive or negative, is part of life itself and that we cannot flee from it, but that we must live with our emotions and feelings, but handling them with assertiveness.

Books to work emotions in adolescents

One of the most complex stages in the development of the human being is adolescence, since it is full of emotional changes of great importance and that, if they are not assertively handling, can derive in traumas or frustrations. Next, we leave you a compilation of the best books to work emotions in adolescents:

1. Me too

Karina m. Soto, Mayte F. Tepichin and Toño García meet to deliver this book that is ideal for helping adolescents to understand the hormonal, physical and emotional changes they must face during their adolescence stage.

It is a compendium of anecdotes, advice and examples of situations that help expose the changes that all people will cross in their passage through puberty, while the authors explain that, like every stage, the negative emotions they experience for these transformations, they will also happen and everything will be fine.

If you want a simple book, without technical concepts, entertaining and that manages to connect with young readers, this is the text we recommend you. Although first it may seem to focus on a female audience, it is also a perfect work for all those children who are confused by Adolescence Changes. ¡Surely they will love!

2. A backpack for the universe

This book by Elsa Punset manages to hook the reader from his first pages. It is a very well -related story in which emotions of the past that intertwine with those of the present to put the reader in the context that everything in life is changing are unraveling.

Through 21 transcendental questions, the author raises the situations that will help you advance in your life Through the best decisions based on emotional control. For this reason, "a backpack for the universe" is an essential book for anyone who wants to learn more about their own emotions and the best strategies to know how to manage them.

3. The spirit of the last summer

If the previous book is fascinating, "The spirit of the last summer" by Susana Vallejo Chavarino is also one of the classic books to work emotions in adolescents. This work presents the story of a young man who returns to the places of his past that he longs for in his vigil hours.

It is a text that reflects The search for a treasure that is the interior Of each of us, so the story has an unexpected ending and full of magic for readers.

4. Emotional Intelligence 2.0

This book by Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves includes sixty -six well -structured proposals that the authors pose so that you have the ability to self -manage your own social conscience, as well as your interpersonal relationships and the way you treat yourself/a.

With emotional intelligence 2.0 You will also learn to know your emotional coefficient. In this way, you can take advantage of each of the advice given by the authors of this wonderful literary work with greater effect.

5. Invisible

¿Who did not want to be invisible? Even more in adolescence. We cannot leave out of this list to the "invisible" book by the writer Eloy Moreno, who tells the story of A boy who dreams of being invisible To face the monsters inside. Through the work, the main character travels through a series of events that help him achieve a spiritual and emotional transformation.

Is an easy reading book and with an impeccable plot, that takes you by the hand for a story of personal and emotional growth that will move you completely.

Books to work emotions in children

Working emotional intelligence in children can be something complicated because they have a hard time expressing what they feel. However, by reading stories, stories, fables or anecdotes you can help you acquire the necessary cognitive skills for emotional control. Each page of these books will allow them to immerse themselves in emotions, learn important lessons about empathy and find tools to express and manage their feelings.

1. The colored monster

Undoubtedly, this is one of the books to work the most fresh, lovely and funny, So it is ideal for boys and girls. «The monster of the colors» of Anna Fulls Serra presents the different emotions that the little ones face daily, but masterfully associate them with the different colors so that they can identify them better.

As the book develops, the monster experiences different colors and each of them represents a particular emotion. The book not only seeks to teach children to recognize and manage their own emotions, but also to Empathy and understanding encourage of emotions of others. In addition, use colorful and playful illustrations to create a friendly environment that invites younger readers to connect with emotions in a fun and fun way.

2. That's my heart

"This is my heart" is a work written by Jo Witek and illustrated by Christine Roussey, in which it is proposed that the heart is a place where people will experience different emotions that must be accepted and learning to recognize.

As is a very attractive book, it is Recommended for boys and girls from three years. Its author describes the emotions through the colors and in the different ways in which each of them can be felt once they enter your heart. If you want a fresh and entertaining book to work emotions in children, this is one of our main recommendations.

3. ¿What do I need when I get angry?

¿You need a book to help your son or daughter face their emotions without losing control? «¿What do I need when I get angry?», Written by Tania García, it will be very useful to you. It is a friendly and entertaining book, which is aimed at parents and mothers to learn to accompany their children in their process of emotional evolution, understanding that expressions such as tantrums are not a bad behavior, but are expressions of emotions.

Once this concept is conceived, fathers, mothers, caregivers and tutors can help children control emotions and express them assertively and based on values. Therefore, this work is an essential guide that should be in the homes of all those who are immersed in children's parenting.


¿You are looking for a book to work the emotions that are easy to read? "The great book of emotions" is a very complete guide to help children to understand that emotions are part of their evolution and that they must be able to manage and express them to feel better at an emotional level.

The author, María Menéndez Ponte, delivers a book with very attractive illustrations that invite children to talk about what they feel, so that they free themselves from inner emotions that do not know how to express. Each of its pages is designed to generate micro dialogues, so it is an interactive and entertaining book for small readers.

5. Emotions diary for children and adolescents

We follow this list with "The Jessi Fraquet Emotions", a book that focuses on people learning to discover what they feel through their own experiences.

It is a newspaper in which for 100 days You can write from your own perspective your emotions, without anyone judging or criticizing you. The objective of this newspaper is that you know yourself to start accepting yourself as you really are.

6. The art of exciting you: explore your emotions

One of the books to work emotions in children who focuses on a tour through 40 different emotions that we can experience throughout our lives. Cristina Nuñez and Rafael Romero offer practical tools and creative exercises To explore and understand what we feel inside.

In addition, the book uses a combination of Meditation techniques, mindfulness, Drawing, writing, as well as other artistic expressions that will help readers to connect with their feelings and find ways to express them and manage them in a healthy way.

Through different illustrations of great attraction, exercises, reflections and activities are presented so that smaller readers Explore your emotional world, identify your emotions and learn to use them as a source of wisdom and personal growth.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to The best books to work emotions, We recommend that you enter our category of personal and self -help growth.