The best Mindfulness books

The best Mindfulness books

He mindfulness o Full attention is a practice that helps us to be focused on "the here and now" to appreciate every step of the road, heal the wounds and balance the body with the mind. Although it is a concept derived from Buddhism that has acquired popularity in recent decades, the reality is that many people have a hard time focusing their attention on the present moment and leaving aside anxiety for the future or sadness for the past.

If you want to learn to cultivate full attention, calm and connection with the now, in this Psychology-online article you will find a careful selection of The best books of mindfulness that will help you explore and deepen this fascinating theme. In addition, these works will provide you with tools and techniques to reduce stress, improve your emotional well -being and live more consciously.

You may also be interested: mindfulness: Know yourself
  1. Take a breath! Mindfulness
  2. 50 mindfulness techniques
  3. Mindfulness for beginners
  4. The little mindfulness book
  5. Awaken the heart
  6. The practice of mindfulness
  8. Mindfulness in everyday life
  9. Mindfulness: Practical guide to find peace in a frantic world
  10. Mindfulness and science
  11. Mindfulness to teach and learn
  12. Mindfulness. Full attention
  13. Peace bubbles

Take a breath! Mindfulness

Mario Alonso Puig, one of the best known authors in the field of self -help, presents the book ¡Take a breath! Mindfulness. It is a masterful work that Combine a solid scientific basis with a simple narrative And enjoyable to help us understand that appreciating the present is the best medicine not to alter the perceptions of the mind.

In its pages, the author clearly explains that learning to keep calm during storms is the key to advance in life and control stress, anxiety and other emotions that alter the inner balance.

Buy book ¡Take a breath! ⧉

50 mindfulness techniques

We continue this list with the work 50 mindfulness techniques,Written by Donald Altman. This book is a real jewel for those who want Start in Mindfulness practice And they don't know where to start.

It is a compilation of Practical Tools, Tips and Strategies that will help you build full sustainable attention for the common day -to -day challenges to face.

Buy book 50 Mindfulness techniques ⧉

Mindfulness for beginners

The book Mindfulness for beginners by Jon Kabat-Zinn is a guide to learn to practice full or mindfulness through guided sessions and steps to follow simple, dictated nothing more and nothing less than the author who introduced the practice of full attention in meditation, Jon Kabat-Zinn himself.

Kabat-Zinn, a scientist and meditation teacher, presents a structured work in three parts in which Enter the basic concepts of full care and explains how it can be beneficial for physical and mental health. Mindfulness for beginners It will guide you easily by the exercises and help you understand the daily challenges so you can face them efficiently.

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The little mindfulness book

Another of the best books of conscience or full attention is the work of Patrizia Collard, The little mindfulness book. What attracts us most about this book is its simplicity to present more than 30 exercises focused on the present To find the best strategies that will help you calm anxiety, stress and to get the peace that you deserve so much.

If you want a simple and practical text, ¡This is our suggestion for you!

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Awaken the heart

Awaken the heart It is a book written by Sandra García Sánchez-Beato focused on the power of goodness and the positive emotions that leads us hand in hand by a exciting trip through our interior. The author's purpose is to begin to recognize that sowing positive thoughts is essential to transform the reality that surrounds us.

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The practice of mindfulness

As we have mentioned earlier, Jon Kabat-Zinn is a world reference in self-knowledge issues. For this reason, his book The practice of mindfulness You can't be out of this list of the best Mindfulness books. This text is a magnificent mixture between Wisdom, positive energy and spirituality management that you are going to hook you completely.

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Buddh monk Bhante Henepola Gunaratana presents this dynamic and out of the common book in which nfor your personal meditation experiences And how he managed to fully reach his focus on "the here and now".

In each chapter, the author presents different tools to learn to meditate and the best tips that are essential guides to correctly apply the mindfulness.

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Mindfulness in everyday life

Whether you are starting to practice full or that you need a review in the techniques you already know, this book by Jon Kabat-Zinn is a literary jewel. In this book, the guru and father of the mindfulness Explore the fundamental value of concentration In every step of our lives.

It is a compilation of definitions, techniques and strategies that are highly effective to completely develop full attention and combat negative emotions.

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Mindfulness: Practical guide to find peace in a frantic world

This work written by Danny Penman and Mark Williams is a Simple and very enriching guide based on cognitive therapy that will help readers concentrate on the really important through relaxation and meditation.

The authors teach you that learning to handle full attention is what you really need to calm anxiety and depressive states that may arise from emotions.

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Mindfulness and science

Developing full attention capacity is one of the most effective tools to control anxiety. That is what Ausiàs Cebolla and Javier García-Campayo's authors raise in their book Mindfulness and science, A work that Combine a traditional approach to the professional field so that readers can transform their own perception of the brain and learn to deal with their daily emotions.

While the book is aimed at professionals, it is also an inner trip that promotes change and transformation.

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Mindfulness to teach and learn

If you are looking for a book to learn all the foundations for full attention, this work by Deborah Schoeberlein and Suki Sheth is all you need. Each of its pages is designed for teachers, tutors and all those who work in education or practice some type of teaching can connect with their students.

Also, this book will help to understand readers that the mindfulness or full attention is presented as a conscious and intentional form of tune in to what happens inside and around themselves.

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Mindfulness. Full attention

THE MAGISTRAL Harvard Business Reviews Emotional Intelligence Series He teaches you the basic concepts of full attention so you can Improve your levels of concentration, creativity and emotional control. In addition, the work includes a compilation of articles by great writers of Autoautoayuda such as Daniel Goleman, Christina Congleton, among others.

In this book there are also ideal exercises and readings to focus on the present and leave aside the thoughts and concerns that cause us stress, both at work and personal level.

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Peace bubbles

While stress is usually associated with adults, the reality is that it can also attack children and adolescents. Peace bubbles from Sylvia Comas is a book that is addressed to the whole family For each member to embark on an eight -week trip that he will learn to practice the mindfulness To improve their interpersonal relationships and to strengthen their positive habits, something essential to achieve calm and happiness.

In addition, the book includes access to different web links in which you will find the content in audiobook format, recommended movies and even techniques to improve the attention deficit.

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This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

If you want to read more articles similar to The best Mindfulness books, We recommend that you enter our category of meditation and relaxation.