The best therapeutic aphorisms to unlock and reinforce

The best therapeutic aphorisms to unlock and reinforce

When in a therapeutic process with Aphorisms and famous phrases We have revealed in the first instance the cause and functioning of the problem, we can go to the next phase, the reinforcement and support phase, in order to guide you to make the necessary changes we propose the following aphorisms to Unlock your problem.

Support and reinforcement aphorisms

Life is a mystery that must be revealed, not a problem to be solved.

We can be proud of what we have done, but we should be much more than we have not done. That pride is about to invent. AND. M. CIORAN.

When everything is thrown on us, we learn to use all our personal resources and build a castle with the rubble of the previous.

Our wonderful sense increases exponentially; The greater the knowledge and the deeper the mystery, the more we try to know and the greatest enigmas we end up creating. AND. EITHER. Wilson.

All great events take place in our mind. EITHER. Wilde.

The darkness that surrounds us cannot dissipate. Also the limits of intelligence gradually illuminate that section of path that allows us to advance. Thus, the car breaks the night continuously precipitating in the brief ray of light that he projects. OR. Bernasconi.

Living means being continuously exposed to possible changes.

First comes the seduction of the gaze, the allusions that create intriguing sensations; Then the contact comes: if the skin awakens the desire, the emotions are unleashed. So you know that you have found an elective affinity.

The authentic truths are those that can be invented. K. Kraus.

Any explanation is a hypothesis, but no hypothetical explanation can reassure us about love. L. Wittgenstein.

There is no defect of yours that I don't like.

You will be my current in a sea in which happiness is a chill.

I write what I feel because the fever of feeling decreased.

The first step of wisdom is to blame everything; The last reconcile with everything. G. Lichtenberg.

The best way to externalize is to go through the middle. R. Frost.

The possession of the truth, far from being an end in itself, is only a preliminary medium towards another vital satisfaction. W. James.

The more I read pessimists, the more I love life. AND. M. CIORAN.

Theories then become instruments and not responses to the enigmas with which to put an end to the investigation. W. James.

Nothing in excess, only what is enough.

If men are taught how they should think and not always what they should think, the misunderstanding is also prevented. It is a kind of initiation to the mysteries of humanity. G. Lichtenberg.

There is a severity in stupidity that, better oriented, could multiply the number of masterpieces. AND. M. CIORAN.

Do not violate nature, but to persuade it. Epicurio.

The best way to anticipate the future is to invent it. F. Ford Coppola.

The fact that life does not make any sense is a reason to live, the only one actually. AND. M. CIORAN.

An obsession lived to satiety is canceled in its own excesses. AND. M. CIORAN.

The ideas are transformed into us, they succeed on the resistance that we initially oppose and feed on rich intellectual reserves already prepared, which we did not know that they were destined for this purpose. M. Proust.

The illogical is a necessary step towards the logical. H. Vaihinger.

If you grant it, you can give up it; If you do not grant it, it will be inalienable.

If you avoid pleasure, you will feel overwhelmed by him. It's about establishing a equilibrium game: Grant it but in a controlled way.

The best way to get rid of temptation is to fall into it. EITHER. Wilde.

Ideally, the effect inadvertently passes and that change occurs as a natural inclination of events. F. Jullien.

There is no night, how long it is, not to find the day. W. Shakespeare.

The easy must be undertaken as difficult, and the difficulty as easy. B. Gracian.

One thing leads to another, which in turn leads to another ... if you concentrate on making the smallest, then the following and so on, you will find yourself doing great things having done only little things. J. H. Weakland.

Any long trip of five hundred kilometers begins with a small step. Lao Tse.

Watch me slowly that I'm in a hurry. Napoleon Bonaparte.

The soft expires to the hard, the weak beat the strong. The malleable is always superior to the immovable. According to this principle, the control of things is obtained by collaborating with them, and supremacy is achieved through adaptation. Lao Tse.

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mystery. It is the source of all true art and science. TO. Einstein.

Accusing others of misfortunes themselves is proof of human ignorance; accusing himself means starting to learn; Do not accuse either others or oneself, it is authentic wisdom. Epicurio.

However bold that it is to explore the unknown, it is even more inquiring in the known.

The most difficult value, which is especially necessary for the weak, is the value of suffering. AND. M. CIORAN.

If I don't know how to give either, I don't know how to receive, in the same way that if I don't know how to receive, I will not be able to give.

The lack of hope in life is not a fact, it is just a point of view.

Ask for what you lack yourself. CATÓN.

I know what would you like to be the world. M. Gandhi.

We are only defeated when we surrender.

I know everything in everything. Put how much you are in the minimum you do. F. Pessoa.

If I want to change the world around me, I must start by changing myself. M. Gandhi.

If you change your disposition in front of things, you will end up changing things.

If you want the best, you must be the best.

The balance does not consist of stopping at one point, but in continuous oscillation. If you stop while walking down the tightrope, you will fall. Instead, you must be increasingly balanced.

You don't have to be a perfectionist but perfectible. You have to try to continually improve and think that there is always one more step to climb and to commit to.

But he never fell into the error of blocking his intellectual development with the formal acceptance of a belief or a system, nor did he ever take a proper inn by definitive dwelling only to spend a night or a few hours of one night without stars and without moon ... No theory of life seemed important compared to life itself. EITHER. Wilde.

The fear of not being up to it is a weapon that allows me to climb a step more. Ancient Japanese Koan.

Sometimes, to remove you have to add: the best way to reduce one thing is to add another.

Everything is learned, but not to exhibit it but to use it. G. Lichtenberg.

Once we accept our weaknesses, they stop hurting us.

The confessed fragility ceases to be and becomes a strong point.

Humble people are not weaker, but the strongest of all, because they do not hide but expose themselves.

You will not learn anything if you are not willing to accept yourself with all your limitations. B. read.

The skeptic thinks that everything has to be earned, so it is not depressed if it does not succeed.

Days do not acquire flavor until one escapes the obligation to have a destination. AND. M. CIORAN.

If we discover and improve our strengths, they will end up defeating our weaknesses. B. read.

Every human being is a narrator of his own story and, although he can choose to be an original writer or a plagiary, he cannot avoid choosing. Is condemned to be free. J. Ortega and Gasset.

Look at fear in front and stop disturbing you. Sri Yukteswar.

Fear made him bold. Ovid.

When you can't go back, you just have to look for the best way to advance. P. Coelho.

Fear, or surpasses in the first person or is not overcome: no one can face for us the fear we experience.

In nature there is fear, not value, which is nothing but defeated fear.

What would our tragedies be if an insect would introduce us theirs. AND. M. CIORAN

Only who has been afraid can be brave; The rest is unconsciousness.

The most important lesson that a man can learn is not that in the world there is fear, but that it depends on us to take advantage and that we have been granted to transform it into value. R. Tagore.

If we push our limits daily, we will get, with small steps, to overcome the fears that prevent us from owning our existence. TO. D'Arrigo.

Selecting time does not mean saving time. F. Bacon.

So that a passion does not hurt us, we act as if we only have eight days of life. B. Paschal.

Don't wait for the right time: Believe it. G. B. Shaw.

If you don't expect anything, you'll never find what you never expected to find. Heraclitus.

We have to use the future as an engine that pushes us forward and not as a wall against which we are going to collide.

The real discovery trip does not consist of looking for new landscapes, but in looking with new eyes. M. Proust.

Make every moment of life the best possible regardless of the hand of destiny that sends it to us: that is why the art of living. G. Lichtenberg.

Self -esteem is built, it is not inherited.

Acts so you always can increase the number of options. H. von foerster.

If you want to see, learn to act. H. von foerster.

We often only managed to discern the important facts after having deleted the question "why"; Then, in the course of our inquiries, the facts themselves give us the answer. TO. C. Give.

If you want to know how something works, try to change its operation. K. Lewin.

Forgive is to release a prisoner and discover that the prisoner were you.

Intelligence does not consist of not making mistakes, but in discovering the way of taking advantage of them. B. Brecht.

There are people who live the present life but prepare with great zeal as if they had to live another life and not the one they are living, and in the meantime the time is consumed and flees. Antifonte.

Therapeutic aphorisms to reveal feelings and passions