The best aphorisms to reveal feelings and passions

The best aphorisms to reveal feelings and passions

The meaning of aphorisms is to create a harmony with the person who has a problem. Is a type of Evocative language with phrases of life, that allow you to awaken vivid and intense sensations in order to cause changes in people who listen to or read them.

They can make the resistances and emotional and cognitive barriers emerge in the person, Because, although they seem harmless, they manage to induce concrete perceptions that fall on specific reactions, since the person is induced to intellectually analyze the meaning of a statement and perceives the aphorism as a flash of brilliant intelligence.

Revealing aphorisms

Life is brief; Long art; the fugitive occasion; fallacious experience and difficult judgment. Hippocrates.

In this world there are two tragedies. One is not to get what you want, and the other, get it. The last is the worst. EITHER. Wilde.

The limit of any pleasure is a greater pleasure.

It is not the violent evils that mark us, but the deaf evils, the insistent, the tolerable, those who are part of our routine and meticulously undermine us as time. AND. M. CIORAN.

It is only possible to be alone, if you know that someone sighs for you.

The bird that has been arrested in a bush begins to fear, with trembling wings, any bush that sees. W. Shakespeare.

Fear is uncertainty in search of security. J. Krishnamurtri

The timorarate ignores what it is to be alone: ​​behind his armchair there is always an enemy. F. Nietzsche.

Insomnia is a vertiginous lucidity that would turn paradise into a place of torture. AND. M. CIORAN.

No one can live without pleasure. Saint Thomas of Aquino

Pleasure has reasons that reason ignores. J. S. Cherbulier.

For you that you no longer have it, freedom is all. For us who is merely an illusion. AND. M. CIORAN.

Nothing can cure the soul, except the senses. EITHER. Wilde.

Between the sense of guilt and pleasure, pleasure always wins. F. Nietzsche.

An unlink love is much more intense precisely because it has not come true. A live a mor can end, but one not lived not, since it has not been consummated.

There are no bad companies, but corruptible people.

I can resist everything, except temptation. EITHER. Wilde.

What is pleasure but extraordinarily sweet pain? H. Heine.

We can imagine everything, predict everything, except how far we can sink. Emil Michel Cioran.

Sin makes us free.

Glotería is an emotional shelter: it is the sign that something is devouring us. Prince of Vries.

It is difficult to love so selflessly as to feed love without wanting to be fed. L. Wittgenstein.

Every man dreams of being the pigmalion of his wife, because he creates the illusion of being the only.

I have invented you how you have invented me. We need each other. P. Éluard.

For a woman it is not important to be the first but the last. EITHER. Wilde.

We will never forgive those who love us the resignations we do in your love.

In any case, you are trapped: if you think it will not be just yours and if it is ugly you will pay for everyone else. Socrates.

Love in twilight: the light tarnishes, the colors are blurred, the perfumes are mitigated, the sounds are appeased. Death stalks.

We have been the happy conjunction of two water currents, then a icy rain falls and we disperse.

Each person contains hell and paradise within it. EITHER. Wilde.

Some mothers need to have unhappy children, otherwise their maternal goodness cannot manifest. F. Nietzsche.

The only thing we are not responsible is our family.

The parents are not chosen, they suffer.

The man is fire and the woman's woman, then comes the devil and blows. M. Cervantes.

The devil always scares but at the same time attracts.

Love: the most sublime of self -deceptions, we fell in love with what "we see" in the other.

Pure love is the unrequited.

The things that I have not said swarm inside me like pitiful ghosts. TO. Polgar.

We are all at the bottom of a hell where every moment is a miracle. AND. M. CIORAN.

I was born weak and sick: I cost my mother's life and my birth was the first of her misfortunes. J. J. Rousseau.

I live only because I can die whenever I want. Without the idea of ​​suicide, if not for the possibility of suicide, I would have already killed me. AND. M. CIORAN.

Vague through days like a whore in a world without sidewalks. AND. M. CIORAN.

You are like a fire in the fire that has consumed all the water, but the fire continues to burn.

No one has been granted to avoid the worst of companies, yours.

I am a broken puppet with my eyes turned ... inward.

The same difficulty of living can become the only thing that keeps some individuals alive. TO. Polgar.

Seeing a cloud, anyone can see monsters inside. I can't erase the clouds, he could think that they are formed with my imagination, but they are still clouds and monsters.

All things in my life are like clouds: they come and go, they get rid of, they dissolve.

Anyway we will end up being dust in the wind.

The less hope we have, the more proud we feel, to the point pride and despair they develop at the same time. AND. M. CIORAN.

I don't think I lost a single chance to be sad. My man vocation. AND. M. CIORAN.

Sinful is the state in which we are, regardless of guilt. F. Kafka.

Both in suffering and joy is always alone.

We are two abysses: a well staring at heaven. F. Pessoa.

If you do not act, you are guilty for not acting; If you act, you are guilty for not acting as you should.

For people who do not appreciate themselves, success is worth zero and double failure.

We are united with invisible threads to our fears. We are the puppet and the puppeteer, victims of our expectations. G. S. Rawling.

I measure is what gives me the most. M. of Montaigne.

I always carry with me a minimal concern that makes me see and seek hazards even where they do not exist. This makes the minimum adversity grow to infinity and makes it extremely difficult with other human beings. S. Kierkegaard.

An imaginary disease is but that a disease. Proverb Yiddish.

Against the obsession of death, the subterfuges of hope are revealed as ineffective as the arguments of reason. AND. M. CIORAN.

... like when one flees from the lion and runs into a bear or, to enter the house, rest the hand on the wall and bite the snake ... Book of masters.

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