The best aphorisms to eliminate thoughts and behaviors

The best aphorisms to eliminate thoughts and behaviors

Sometimes in psychotherapy It is necessary to break with a type of distorted thought or inappropriate behavior that produce suffering and pain. For this reason there are also Famous phrases and aphorisms of aversion or rejection to break with the vicious circle that is created when the person maintains his problem through behaviors he makes to try to solve them without success.  These are "corrective" aphorisms that help change and unlock dysfunctional modalities.

Aphorisms to eliminate and reduce

Nothing deceives us more than our judgment. Leonardo da Vinci.

Remember that the men of their own misfortunes are themselves. Pythagoras.

Each of us builds the reality that later suffers. TO. Salvini.

The more you try to order, the more you see the disorder. The more you are looking for pleasure, the more you escape. The more you try to have value, the more you scare yourself. The quieter you want to be, the more nervous you put yourself. The will, almost always, crushes the sensations.

While you are still in the past, you will place the past in the present and prevent the possibility of creating the future.

There are no intelligent answers to stupid questions.

The limit of any pain is even greater pain. AND. M. CIORAN.

The desire to be able to something, often prevents it from being. F. of the Rochefoucauld.

With the best intentions, most times, the worst results are obtained. EITHER. Wilde.

We are victims and architects of our own disasters. G. Nardone.

While we pursue the unattainable, we make the feasible impossible. R. Ardrey.

One of the most erroneous beliefs of modern man is that once he has understood one thing, he will be able to dominate or change it automatically.

The search for causal explanations has little to do with the implementation of solutions.

The habit of discerning annuls the habit of discerning. Chinese wisdom.

Doubt is the engine of knowledge, it is also the trampoline of the obsession.

When a man does something completely stupid, he always does it for the noblest of the reasons. EITHER. Wilde.

An accepted belief becomes true. Orthodoxy of reason stuns more than any religion. G. Lichtenberg.

The creator who wants to become transparent to himself, stops creating: knowing himself is to quell one's gifts and demon himself. AND. M. CIORAN.

The accepted belief becomes true.

Looking continuously inside you cannot go outside.

Custom weakens us, gently submitting us.

There is no more crazy in the world than who believes is right. L. PIRRANDELO.

When I try to change what is in me with an unpleasant fighting against it, the only thing I can hide it. If I accept it, it will go to the surface and evaporate. If I try to resist it, it will continue to survive stubbornly. Anthony de Mello

If you get married, you will regret; If you don't get married, you will regret. You get married or not get married, you will regret the same. If you laugh at the fuels of the world, you will feel it; If you cry them, you will feel it too; whether you laugh at the world's follies and if you cry for them, you will also feel it. If you believe a girl, you will regret it; If you do not believe it you will also regret it; Whether you think in a woman as if not, you will regret it. If you hang yourself, it will weigh you; If you don't hang yourself, it will also weigh you. Whether you hang up as if you do not hang, it will weigh you equally ... S. Kierkegaard.

Nothing is worth everything and forever, just as nothing is good for everything and forever.

The truth cannot be taught ... the paradox of the paradoxes is that the opposite of the truth is equally authentic. H. Hesse.

Rejected people have children's behaviors, consistent with the age of rejection. B. Stamateas.

Human understanding, by its very nature, is prone to conceive of existence with more order and regularity than the world is. F. Bacon.

Men will pursue what they fear most. That is, they will be miserable not to fall into misery. Leonardo da Vinci.

In this world of images created by ourselves, we have invented as a unit, as what remains constantly instead. F. Nietzsche.

Everything that is absolute is part of the pathology. F. Nietzsche.

During decision making, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the second best is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is keep your arms crossed. T. Roosevelt

The rigor is only death due to suffocation, creativity alone is pure madness. G. Bateson.

Circumstances have less power to become happy or unhappy than it is believed, but the anticipation of future circumstances has immense power in fantasy.

We do not do anything well until we stop thinking about how to do it. W. Hazlitt.

Find guilty, if they meet, prevents looking for solutions.

Wanting to erase the mistakes made in the past, implies repeating them in the present.

For people who do not appreciate themselves, success is worth zero and double failure.

Don't tell the things you do. Do the things that tell. Zig Ziglar

Pride can make you feel strong, but it will never make you feel happy.

Men's defects cannot be avoided without giving up their virtues at the same time. AND. M. CIORAN.

Where you run away, man, always take yourself behind. Seneca.

Excess information equal to knowledge cancellation.

We have no choice but to contemplate the splendor of our disasters.

Resignation is a daily suicide. H. from Balzac.

Very very anguished is the life of those who forget the past, do not take care of the present and fear the future: when they arrive at the end, they understand too late that they have long been busy without doing anything. Seneca.

I have always been like tears in the rain.

We do not face adversities because they are difficult, but are difficult because we do not face them. Seneca.

I am tired of what I never had and I will never have, tired of the still non -existent gods. My body is sore by the effort that I did not even imagine. F. Pessoa.

Our resent. And we will never forgive others. AND. M. CIORAN.

When you are more depressed, things are immobilized, waiting to become ice. AND. M. CIORAN.

All avoidance confirms how threatening it is what has been avoided.

Unfeltness is the absence of desires.

Our limits are what we impose on ourselves.

The anxious builds his fears, then he settled in them. AND. M. CIORAN.

Life is not brief, but we make it brief wasting our time into meaningless activities, without realizing that while we hope to live, life passes. Seneca.

If we care too much about what can happen next, we are expressing it.

I carry all the scars of all the battles that I avoided free. F. Pessoa.

Fear is death at any moment. AND. M. CIORAN.

The eyes can't look while looking at.

Thus, fear of concrete evil leads us to a worse evil. Epicurio.

Not happy with real sufferings, the anxious imposes the imaginary. AND. M. CIORAN.

Your mind is the greatest scriptwriter in history: incredible stories are invented, generally based on dramas and situations that have never occurred and probably will never occur.

The path of hell is paved with good intentions. F. Nietzsche.

There are so many things that we lose for fear of losing them. P. Coelho.

If you attach two hawks together, you will have four wings, but they won't know.

The aversion increases with all the efforts that are made to repress it.

You have to distrust the suffering people, because they will take revenge on their suffering with those who love them.

Disadvantages of any time only exist for cowards. J. W. Goethe.

A good thing we don't like when we are not up to. F. Nietzsche.

There is no worse selfish than the one who suffers. He owes him first of all to relieve his suffering and to this purpose, with Law, he is willing to attack anyone.

In the pessimist an ineffective goodness coincide and an unattended evil. AND. M. CIORAN.

Nor the greatest force is comparable to the energy that some have to defend their own weakness. Voltaire.

For many people, playing the game not to see what play a game is the best they do; Thus they call his own blindness honesty. R. Laing.

Only frivolous do not judge things for their appearance. EITHER. Wilde.

No one can escape love and death. P. Sirius.

Desire is fatally intended to increase when frustrated.

When you want to not forget someone, think about that person continuously, stick to her forever, it is necessary to strive to love it but to hate him. AND. M. CIORAN.

In the pleasure of the senses, the disgust limits with the enjoyment. F. Bacon.

Think that I will not think about you, it means continuing to think about you. Let me try, then, to think about not thinking that I will not think about you anymore. Chinese maximum.

No pleasure in itself is a evil. But the things that produce certain pleasures carry many more disturbances than pleasures. Epicurio.

If you can't live without a person, you can't live with her.

In the couple there are no guilty or innocent, but complementary relationships.

Perhaps a break is necessary to meet again. Often a relationship is the most intelligent that can be done to save it.

A little sincerity is dangerous, but it is very fatal. EITHER. Wilde.

In love there is no winner and a loser, because either they expire or lose both.

If we allow someone to do us something, we are always responsible.

Who defends himself grateful for not being grateful, ends up becoming the real aggressor.

Recrimination or reproach transforms its object, that is, the faults of others, into legitimate rights.

Who does not know how to be alone, does not know how to be with anyone.

If a person does not feel the desire or the value of risking for you, it is not worth running the risk of being with her.

Trying to forget it is the best way to remember it.

Distrust of those who turn their backs to love, ambition, society. They will take revenge on having renounced it. AND. M. CIORAN.

The true mystery of the world is not the invisible, but the visible. EITHER. Wilde.

A bad conscience drinks most of her poison. Attal it.

Crazy is the one who tries to expel his own shadow and is lost in it. W. Shakespeare.

Love has never cured anyone; On the contrary, he has ill to many.

What most deteriorates sentimental relationships is to transform them into a mutual help bank.

Before censoring, it should always be verified if it was possible to offer justification. G. Lichtenberg.

Celebres Psychology phrases