Tony Buzan's mental maps

Tony Buzan's mental maps

Our minds contain large amounts of information, but on many occasions this information resides in our brain in a little organized way and it is impossible for us to access it, which generates frustration and aversion to want to retain more information. ¿What is the point of storing information if we can't use it later? Faced with this, if you want to improve your memory, the ability to organize and plan the information, if you need help to plan the agenda you must study or do not know how to plan your future, you can start using Tony Buzan's mental maps. In this Psychology-online article, we will explain what Tony Buzan's mental maps are, how to make mental maps and we will show some examples of mental maps.

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  1. What are Tony Buzan's mental maps
  2. How to make mental maps
  3. Characteristics of mental maps
  4. How a mental map is elaborated: 7 steps
  5. What is a mental map for
  6. Tony Buzan: Quick Reading
  7. Examples of Tony Buzan mental maps

What are Tony Buzan's mental maps

Mental maps constitute a graphic technique, driven by Tony Buzan, which aim to achieve the maximum potential of our brain, since this method of analysis allows us to organize our thoughts using our mental capabilities to the fullest. Mental maps are a simple way to manage and plan all the information of our brain: the words, ideas, numbers, readings, drawings, ... and relate them to each other, from a central idea, that is, they are A technique that allows us to organize our ideas.

Tony Buzan's mental maps share the same structure, which consists of an image, word or central idea surrounded by ramifications that are related to this idea, thereby allowing us to understand all the variables related to the central idea. For this reason, mental maps are A strategy that allows us to order and structure our thoughts, through its hierarchy and categorization, ¡Let's see how they are elaborated!

How to make mental maps

Tony Buzan's mental maps share something in common: their structure. Mental maps start from a central idea, Located in the middle of the map and from this central idea, branches that leave it are established, representing the other main thoughts, of which ramifications with secondary ideas will come out, and thus consecutively.

To build a mental map, we must Select the most significant information, simplify it, reducing it to keywords, and subsequently, organize it and relate the concepts with each other and with the central idea.

The keywords used in mental maps can be words, verbs, images, adverbs, etc. However, we must keep in mind that The use of images helps us remember In a more effective way and produces an activation of both hemispheres, thereby increasing creativity, retention and communication capacity, so it is advisable to associate keywords to images.

Characteristics of mental maps

Other slogans that must be taken into account for Make mental maps are the following:

  • Distribution: It is advisable to use a hierarchy and make use of numerical orders.
  • Techniques: The most appropriate for its elaboration is to make the mental map as visual as possible, before this it is recommended to use three or more colors and make variations in the size of images and ideas, for example use thicker lines for the main ideas and finer for secondary schools, in different colors.
  • Associations: In order for associations between the different ideas to be clear, it is advisable to use arrows, colors and/or codes.
  • Clarity: The clarity of the map is the most important element, before this it should be sought that the words are expressed as clearly as possible, using only a keyword by line, establishing connections between the different lines and making use of what has already been cited, making use of different thick in the lines to increase its clarity.

How a mental map is elaborated: 7 steps

  1. Start in the center From a blank sheet, this will allow you to move freely towards any direction, letting your imagination fly.
  2. Draw a picture that represents the main idea, since an image allows us to enhance our imagination and brings us more information than a word. The central image is the core of interest, the center of our attention.
  3. Make multiple colors, will stimulate your brain, in addition to providing more fun and interest in the map.
  4. From the central image, Create ramifications With the most important ideas. Our brain works through associations, therefore, linking our ideas will help us remember them more easily. This will also help us structure our thoughts.
  5. Use curved lines, since our brain will receive them more attention and easily.
  6. Make use of a only keyword By line, since it will allow us to establish more associations to it than the use of phrases, which slow this multiplier effect and the flexibility of associations.
  7. Use the images a lot, Well, a picture is worth a thousand words and will allow us to encompass many more concepts in it.

What is a mental map for

Tony Buzan's mental maps can be used in any aspect of our lives. They will help Improve learning and clarify our thoughts, increasing our performance. Mental maps help us to turn extensive boring information into an organization easy to remember, helping us to have a global vision of everything, through the grouping and association of our ideas. In short, mental maps can help us:

  • Enhance our creativity
  • Reduce the time invested
  • Solve problems
  • They provide concentration
  • Enhance memory
  • Organization efficacy on thoughts
  • Clarify our ideas
  • Obtain better performance, for example in the results of the exams, since they allow us to study in a more effective and rapid way
  • Obtain a global vision on the concept
  • Planning
  • Communication

Tony Buzan: Quick Reading

Tony Buzan, in addition to offering us the technique of mental maps, shows us from his book: THE FAST READING BOOK, a simple method that has the objective of increase the speed of our reading, coming reach 1.000 words per minute, improving understanding and concentration about what we read. The book offers us a set of techniques that will teach us to use our eyes and brain in a more effective way, in addition to questionnaires and practical examples to put their techniques into practice.

Examples of Tony Buzan mental maps

Below are some examples of Tony Buzan mental maps. Mental map examples can inspire, but for maps to be really useful, they must be done for oneself.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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