The 6 personality types according to Holland

The 6 personality types according to Holland

Personality types according to Holland have helped many people find the career of their life or dream work.

There are those who have preferences for an area more than for another. For example, there are those who love logic, while others like art and bring their creativity and imagination to the fullest, therefore, for each of these personalities, there is a specialty that will help you bring your talent to the summit.

In this sense, the personality types according to Holland are based on a study carried out by said researcher in 1975 and in which he pointed out that there are six personality types for which he could find professional specialties that fit them with them.

Since then, Holland's typology has been widely applied in psychology and orientation to help people find the areas in which they perform better.


  • Personality, what is really
  • Personality types according to Holland
    • Holland's personalities
      • Bibiography

Personality, what is really

To begin, it should be noted that personality is the result of the dynamic articulation of psychological aspects, among which are those intellectual, affective, cognitive, in addition to biological aspects. That is, they are their own factors to each person and that make others different from the others.

For a long time, the personality was impossible to modify, then, according to its origins, one of the main characteristics of the mask -where the word comes from personality- which was used in the ancient theater was his fixity, his permanence. But, currently, this idea has been ruled out.

As indicated by Professor Diana G. Salvaggio, in his study in his study on personality, this can be defined as a dynamic organization inside the subject, of the psychophysical systems that determine their behavior and their thoughts.

This type of definition emphasizes that personality has a nature that is changing and dynamic; which is internal and not of external appearance; which is not exclusively mental, or exclusively neurological, but its organization demands the functioning of the mind and body as a unit.

In addition, such conceptualization assumes that psychological systems are determining trends that direct and motivate the action; It also emphasizes that behavior and thought are characteristic of each subject.

Personality types according to Holland

According to Martínez Vicente et.Al, in his research on the application of Holland's theory to the classification of occupations, in 1975 Holland presented a theory to try to explain vocational behavior and recommend practical ideas that helped people in their vocational choice, as well as to make occupancy changes, favoring vocational achievement and professional satisfaction.

In this sense, what motivated Holland to establish his theory was the desire to solve the problems that many people raised regarding their professional and vocational orientation.

For example: “What career should I choose?”What studies should I do?"," Should I accept this work?”; “I don't like my job, what other type of work can satisfy me?"," I like to be a teacher or architect, for which of these professions should I opt ", among others.

It should be noted that the vocational behavior to which Holland refers is defined as a set of psychological processes that a specific person mobilizes in relation to the adult professional world in which he intends to actively insert himself, or in which he is already installed.

This implies that the person activates psychological processes in which he develops over time, through experience and learning and that, in addition, has as conditioning the social environment, which is responsible for distributing opportunities, both educational, as work and economic.

Holland's personalities

Among the personality types according to Holland are the following:

  1. THE REALIST: They are the "makers". This type of personality loves to perform tasks in which they have to use machinery or tools, so the races that fit them are those related to engineering or gastronomy. However, they can have skills to work in health areas, such as pharmacy technicians or those in charge of physical therapies.
  2. The investigator: These personalities like to challenge their mind and go further, like the analysis and resolution of complex problems, thanks to their curiosity. Among the best careers or occupations for these personalities are financial engineering, scientific careers or law.
  3. The artist: They are those personalities passionate about art and everything related to artistic expression. They work independently and, to express their ideas, they like to do so through forms, patterns and designs. For these personalities the best careers are interior design, graphic design, advertising, plastic arts and others related.
  4. Social: These people have a gift with the word and a talent to communicate with others. They like work in which they can develop while helping other people. Therefore, the best careers for them are nursing or basic or middle education.
  5. The entrepreneur: This type of personality works very well in those tasks in which you must develop projects and draw objectives. They also have leadership skills. Its best occupations would be public relations, marketing management, finance, administrative and other related manager.
  6. The conventional: This type of personality follows the guidelines and norms indicated in all areas, so they are suitable candidates in those jobs that require strict compliance with standards and in which many rules have to be maintained. Some of their ideal careers could be those of accounting, assistant of medical procedures, among others.

These are personality types according to Holland, but those who require a bit of help to find their vocation, can also take a vocational guidance test and discover their ideal career.

Holland's professional interest test


  • Cupani, m., Azpilicueta, a. AND., & Sialle, v. (2017). Evaluation of a social-cognitive model of the election of the career from the typology of Holland in high school students. Spanish Orientation and Psychopedagogy Magazine28(3), 8-24.
  • Salvaggio, d. G., & Sicardi, and. (2014). The personality. Card of the Psychosociology Chair of Organizations.
  • Vicente, j. M. M., & Fernández, F. V. (2008). Application of Holland's theory to the classification of occupations. Adaptation of the Occupations Classification Inventory (ICO). Mexican Magazine of Psychology25(1), 151-164.