The 5 steps of the staircase of self -esteem

The 5 steps of the staircase of self -esteem

The self -esteem staircase refers to the steps that must be climbed to have a strong self -esteem. It all begins with self -knowledge, following a path in which you reach self -supply.

The way is not short, because it implies knowing the weak points, accepting them and trying to strengthen them through strategies that allow improvement.

The staircase of self -esteem is a very useful resource because it indicates which with the factors that should be considered so that each one has a good relationship with themselves.

High self -esteem is important to be able to live with fullness and well -being, Since self -esteem is the perception that each one makes of himself, which includes thoughts and feelings that derive in behaviors. All this forms the way in which each one is perceived and thinks about himself, about his personality and character.

There are those who consider that self -esteem is not a key factor to be able to live with well -being, but the truth is that it is, since it is influential in certain behaviors. Those who live with depression, anxiety and stress, usually do not feel good about themselves. They are the ones who devalue and self -note for certain aspects of which they estimate that they are not right.

Thus, Good self -esteem can help reach an optimal welfare level And with that to be able to undertake new goals for self -supposperation.


  • The problems of low self -esteem
  • Self -esteem levels
  • The staircase of self -esteem
    • Bibliography

The problems of low self -esteem

If a person has a low self -esteem, some psychological disorders are likely to experience, such as restlessness, hopelessness, pessimism, difficulty concentrating, restlessness, among others. Likewise, you can express certain affective disorders, such as fear, irritability, and even the inability to make decisions.

In the intellectual field, Who has low self -esteem can have difficulty communicating, tendency to self -evaluate, have unpleasant memories repetitively, among others.

As for behavior disorders, the person with low self -esteem can neglect their obligations, as well as their daily cleanliness; It is also possible that you have poor performance in your work and use harmful substances.

Somatic disorders can also be present, such as anorexia, bulimia, insomnia, dizziness, stomach diseases, vomiting, muscle tension, among others.

Therefore, it can be said that self -esteem not only influences mood, but also has physical and mental repercussions.

Self -esteem levels

It is important to know that there are several basic states or levels of self -esteem, which are the following:

  • High self-steem: when the person feels full confidence and feels suitable and valuable;
  • Average self -esteem: which makes the person feel doubts, or sometimes confident, but other times wrong.
  • Low selfsteem: When the person feels wrong and has little encouragement in his day to day and,

The ideal thing is that a person can develop high self -esteem. In this sense, knowing the staircase of self -esteem can help.

According to Hilary Pérez Villalobos, in his study on self -esteem, theories and his relationship with personal success, self -esteem corresponds to the positive or negative assessment that the person makes of himself and implies a predisposition to feel suitable for life and meet your own needs.

The person with good self -esteem feels competent to face the challenges that they are emerging, as well as feeling that he is worthy of happiness.

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The staircase of self -esteem

The steps for which you have to ascend to feel good and make the most successful decisions are the following:

  1. Self -knowledge: It's about finding virtues and limitations. This is done from the negative aspects to be able to see, in contrast, the positive and work on what needs to be reinforced.
  2. Selfconcept: It is about seeing what each one truly believes about himself; This includes the positive and the negative. When creating your own image, you can analyze what you want to change.
  3. Self -assessment: It arrives when what the person is and what defines it has been recognized, this leads to assess each positive aspect.
  4. Authorship: It is the ability that people must have to feel happy and keep in mind that others can also be. Feelings are accepted and respected in the best way, without the need to harm, respecting themselves as valuable beings and avoiding any comments that are detrimental to the person who is.
  5. Self -user: This arrives when the person knows himself, is aware of the changes he has lived throughout his life and understands that his growth is permanent, that the love and affection he feels for himself is a resource for improvement continuous and for the development of your happiness.

After having climbed the steps it is when a level is reached in which the person believes in their own skills and abilities to make the most appropriate decisions and have the strength to overcome the challenges and adversities that arise in their day to day to day.

Self -esteem, what is and how to improve it in 8 steps


  • Araceli, d. V. S. Recognizing my self -esteem.
  • Franco, c. H., & De León, V. M. (2015). Increase self -esteem. Logos Scientific Bulletin of the Preparatory School3(2).
  • Hernández, d. TO. C. (2019). "Self -esteem" Self -esteem. Logos scientific bulletin of the preparatory school no. 26(12), 26-26.
  • Villalobos, h. P. (2019). Self -esteem, theories and their relationship with personal success. Recovered from http: // www. alternatives. ME/ATTACHMENTS/ARTICLE/190/2.% 20Autoestima,% 20t Eor% C3% ADAS% 20y% 20Su% 20 Relationship% C3% B3n% 20con% 20el 20el 20el 20eltwenty, C3.