The 12 best personal overcoming books

The 12 best personal overcoming books

Knowing the best personal overcoming books will allow us to incorporate new skills to deal with everyday challenges into our lives.

We will realize, in the passing of life, that we cannot always change what happens in our environment, so our greatest strength will be to learn to handle what happens within us. Hence the relevance of personal overcoming books.

Best personal overcoming books

There are those who are in a situation that do not know how to address or want to change the course of their life, in these cases, personal improvement books can be a good tool to guide our actions.

Next, some personal improvement books:

  1. What are you going to do with that duck?, of Seth Godin: This text is oriented to the analysis of several areas in the life in which it can be improved. To do this, the author starts from a series of questions that invite the reader to rethink many of the beliefs that he has. It is a good book to feel motivation and start changes.
  2. 48 hours of power, by Robert Greene: The book stands out for focusing on the notion of power, since it is present in the relationships that are made with the other people. It is a book that teaches how other people use their power to obtain their profits and how a person can protect them from it. It also offers a list of big names in history that have used power to achieve their goals.
  3. Eat that frog!, Brian Tracy: It is a book that offers a guide to get out of the spiral of negative thoughts and focus on what you really want to achieve.
  4. The 7 habits of highly effective people, of Stephen r. Covey: People who are highly effective have certain habits that the author teaches to others in this book. But, in order to achieve this, it is necessary to change the way we perceive the world and ourselves, that is, a paradigm shift is required.
  5. The Attention Revolution, From Alan Wallace: Although the world is filled with technological advances that disperse the mind, the author of this book teaches its readers a path to reach Shamatha, a mental state of Buddhist meditation in which the person is free and distraction. It is a path that few people can reach, but, once it is achieved, life changes.
  6. Think and become rich, Napoleon Hill: It was a book written in 1937, but it still has an impressive validity; It is not a formula or recipe to get money quickly, but a guide of the areas that must be improved to achieve it, which covers planning, decision making and learning to face fears.
  7. Mental vision, of Daniel J. Siegel: The book combines aspects of meditation, psychoanalysis and neuroscience to show how neuroplasticity can be used and reprogrammed the brain.
  8. How to win friends and influence people, of Dale Carnegie: It is one of the best known personal overcoming books. Learn to treat other people makes life make an incredible change. This book shows how everyone in the end wishes to feel appreciated, so, rejoice someone else's day, will make the world much better.
  9. A astronaut guide on life on earth, From Chris Hadfield: The protagonists of the book teach readers how you can be prepared, even if the worst happens.
  10. The last lesson, Randy Pausch: It is likely that a large number of people have thought about death at some point in their lives; This work explores the meaning of having an end and how this can help achieve what is long for in life.
  11. Philosophy for life, by Jules Evans: The philosopher Sloterdijk proposed that philosophy was a system that allowed psychologically to improve. Precisely, this book collects all philosophical currents that can help us overcome.
  12. Man's Search for Meaning, of Viktor e. Frankl: The author was a psychiatrist who lived the horrors of four Nazi concentration camps, including the dark Auschwitz. Despite all the adversities he faced, Frankl teaches us how he managed to find meaning to his existence.

Although life can be full of challenges or obstacles, it depends on each one of us to learn to manage how we feel and how we will face adversities. To do this, we need to be fine with ourselves and reach our maximum personal improvement. These books are recommendations to start reading them and undertaking some changes.

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