The 10 most common couple problems and how to solve them

The 10 most common couple problems and how to solve them

Couple problems can arise due to very different causes. However, we can assure you that Acting as if nothing to a conflict will not bring any solution. If what you want is a healthy and comprehensive relationship, then you must keep in mind that the best way to overcome a conflict is, first of all, identify it. So you can do something about it.


  • The 10 most common couple problems
    • 1. Lack of communication
    • 2. Infidelity
    • 3. Jealousy
    • 4. Different objectives
    • 5. Sexual problems
    • 6. Conflicts for families
    • 7. Disillusion
    • 8. Economic difficulties
    • 9. Problems by children
    • 10. Routine
  • Solve couple problems and their importance
    • Bibliographic resources

The 10 most common couple problems

Based on the importance of recognize a problem in the couple to get to a solution, Now we will tell you which are the 10 most common couple problems. If you want to know about them to know if they are taking place in your partner, then keep reading.

1. Lack of communication

Communication is one of the pillars on which any relationship is built. Faced with some conflict, it will always be to talk in order to be able to clarify things. Communication and misunderstandings problems can be thousands. The key is to know how to listen to the other, insist on being heard and, above all, talk openly about each other's feelings. Thus they will avoid serious couple problems.

2. Infidelity

In monogamic relationships, infidelity can lead to conflict of great importance. In it, someone from the couple maintains a sex affective outside the bond, with someone external.

This situation summons sensations and feelings of anguish, disappointment and anger in the person who was deceived. The important thing, given such a situation, is get out of impulses. Stop to think, reflect on what happened. We must not immediately give the relationship that the relationship should end, nor that it was something passenger that will easily cope with. The reflection and personal space to investigate your emotions Your best allies will be in infidelity.

3. Jealousy

Jealousy and possession tend to attribute only to young couples. However, we assure you that this is not so, and they can bring serious conflicts in a relationship. They generate unpleasant feelings both in the person who feels them and in the one to whom he is jealous. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance power clarify things in situations.

Whether you are jealous, and if your partner feels jealous, it is best talk about it. If each one expresses what he feels will be able to get to the bottom of the matter. A crucial issue is to understand that people are not our property, and in case of feeling it, the solution will be in search of help by a professional.

Excessive jealousy and self -esteem

4. Different objectives

This is definitely one of the most common couple problems and that more serious conflicts can bring. Present different plans, objectives, wishes, can divide a couple.

In these cases, we recommend being sincere before their partners. Once Each knows what are the objectives of the other and whether or not they are, compatible with their own, they may reach a decision in this regard.

5. Sexual problems

Here the conflict can be varied, but it is generally produced that one of the parties does not present sexual desire, or it can also happen that physical difficulties occur. In these cases, looking for alternatives will be the best option. Always respecting, of course, the integrity and desires of the other.

Talk about it and reach an agreement, why not, testing new things, you will surely get your partner out of the conflict.

6. Conflicts for families

The problems may also appear, of course, in the face of differences with the families of our partners. This is definitely A very complicated problem.

When it comes to loved people, making decisions can become difficult. Therefore, given these conflicting, it is recommended hear both parts of the conflict. If you have problems with your partner's family, try to analyze the dimensions of the problem, and if it is worth facing or not for this issue.

7. Disillusion

What happens if someone we love, communicates us not to feel the same, or not in the same way? Without a doubt, it is an extremely painful situation, and we assure you, it will hurt. The most important thing is that you know your partner give space and understand what happens.

If you communicate something like that, it will be best to learn to respect and find strategies to cross the duel of heartbreak and disappointment.

8. Economic difficulties

Concern about economic problems can generate stress situations And, the tension, generate conflict in the couple. That is why, in such a situation, The best thing is to join as a couple, more than ever. Together it will be much easier to find solutions and face adversity.

9. Problems by children

Having children, for many couples implies fulfilling dreams, and is lived as something wonderful. However, implies a great responsibility, and can obviously bring serious problems and disagreements between the couple.

Tiredness of parenting, jealousy, different opinions about decisions to be made, they can trigger problems. In these cases we recommend giving rise to the conflict and conversing it, patiently and being receptive. Thus they will surely find a solution in this regard.

10. Routine

Day -to -day activities can make monotonne a relationship. With the passage of time, routine can lead to ask you if love really in the couple still exists.

The solution in this common problem can be simpler than you think. Search activities that allow out of the routine and Breaking with monotony will allow emotion in the relationship. You will see that love was always there, sometimes you just have to give it a push.

Solve couple problems and their importance

We hope that, from the reading of the most common couple problems that we have just described, you can identify you to solve them. But, above all, we hope you understand the importance of communication to be able to resolve any kind of conflict. Communicate and express what happens to us will bring solutions to our lives, will allow us to overcome great conflicts.

Through listening and respect, you will solve couple problems. Thus the union will prosper.

Bibliographic resources

  • Beck, a. T. (2009). With love is not enough: how to overcome misunderstandings, resolve conflicts and face couple problems. Barcelona [etc]: Paidós, 2003 Barcelona [etc.]: Paidós, 2003 ..
  • Johnson, s. M. (2002). Marital Problems.
  • Trujano, r. (2010). Systemic treatment in family problems. CASE ANALYSIS. Electronic Journal of Psychology Iztacala, 13 (3), 89.
  • Vargas, j., & Ibanez, J. (2007). Solving couple and family problems: Theoretical Fundamentals and Alternative Solution to Conflicts from the perspective of the link. Pax Mexico Editorial.