Love lessons that only experience can teach you

Love lessons that only experience can teach you

If loving another person was always easy, your relationship would not have left you a legacy of lessons. Unfortunately for you, these teachings are usually arduous, extensive, painful and can generate doubts before venturing towards a new romance.

So, Why do people persist in the search for eternal love? The reality is that, through the evidence and experiences lived along the way, we aspire to make good use of our baggage and, hopefully, find someone ideal that we do not hurt us in the future.

The most vital lessons about love are only learned through experience.

Next, we present a list of truths that you will only believe and assimilate when you live personally.


  • Love tips
    • 1. Leave pride
    • 2. Do not settle for fear of loneliness
    • 3. Learn to fight constructively
    • 4. Love brings surprises
    • 5. Do not be afraid of being the one who loves the most
    • 6. Love is an unlimited resource
    • 7. Love is not synonymous with happiness
    • 8. Having a partner will not solve all your problems
    • 9. Falling does not last
    • 10. Love does not carry the account
    • eleven. The fact that you love someone does not guarantee the success of the relationship
    • 12. Love is not fair, and that's what makes it so beautiful
    • 13. Do you want to be right or want to be happy?
    • 14. Never have an "type" ideal couple
    • fifteen. Love is a challenge
    • 16. Love yourself
    • 17. When you know, you know
    • 18. Almost nothing is as important as love
    • 19. Life continues after rupture
    • twenty. Love is learned
    • twenty-one. Wait for the unexpected
    • 22. Fulfill your promises
    • 23. Your attitude can change
    • 24. Love is healer
    • 25. You will learn to give up
    • 26. Love transforms you
    • 27. You will face challenges
    • 28. Any time can be romantic
    • 29. Love is not limited to a feeling
    • 30. Your partner cannot read your mind
    • 31. Each relationship is unique
    • 32. There is no perfect relationship
    • 33. Your partner becomes more human with time
    • 3. 4. Complementarity matters more than compatibility
    • 35. Set limits on the best relationships
    • 36. Love becomes more real over time
    • 37. Find comfort in mutual silence
    • 38. The true friendship is eternal
    • 39. Intimacy is fundamental
    • 40. Nothing happens to go to the angry bed
    • 41. Trust, even when it is difficult
    • 42. Cultivate gratitude
    • 43. Learn to express yourself
    • 44. Stop worrying about the opinion of others
    • Four. Five. Don't strive to change your partner
    • 46. Vulnerability is essential in love
    • 47. There is no magic formula for love
    • 48. Learn to praise and avoid criticism
    • 49. Practice quick and frequent forgiveness
    • fifty. Difficult moments strengthen ties
    • 51. Do not confuse sex with love
    • 52. Don't hold on to the past
    • 53. Love transcends barriers
    • 54. Dance to find happiness

Love tips

1. Leave pride

Love and pride cannot coexist. When you are in love, pride disappears. What you previously considered important in your image and reputation stops importing. The only thing you care about is the loved one.

2. Do not settle for fear of loneliness

Feeling alone is not a sufficient reason to be in a relationship. Learn to love and enjoy your own company before looking for a couple. Only when you love yourself you can be a good partner in a healthy relationship.

3. Learn to fight constructively

Conflicts are normal in a relationship, but it is important to know how to face them. The way in which fights can determine the destiny of your relationship. Avoid fighting destructively and seeks mutual solutions and understanding.

4. Love brings surprises

Prepare for the unexpected in love. Unexpected situations may arise at any time and with anyone, even with those who are least expected. Keep your mind open and willing to face whatever comes.

5. Do not be afraid of being the one who loves the most

Sometimes people fear loving excessively, believing that it is a weakness. However, love is never a weakness, on the contrary, hatred and fear are. It shows that you are a affectionate and mature person, regardless of how much you love someone compared to their love for you.

6. Love is an unlimited resource

Unlike what many people think, love is not exhausted. It is infinite and we all have the ability to love infinitely. Loving someone does not mean you have less love to give other people. Love multiplies and there is enough for everyone.

7. Love is not synonymous with happiness

Although we all seek happiness, love for itself does not guarantee that absolute said. Love can be an important part of our happiness, such as the icing on the cake that makes life sweeter, but it is not the only ingredient.

8. Having a partner will not solve all your problems

Sometimes, when we face depression or melancholy, we believe that being in a relationship will solve all our problems. However, being in a relationship does not imply that previous challenges automatically disappear.

9. Falling does not last

We learn this in our adolescence, but only with maturity we understand that the initial euphoria of falling is not eternal. The lack of butterflies in the stomach with our partner is not something negative, but indicates a transition to a more stable and enriching relationship.

10. Love does not carry the account

We must not keep a record of what we give and receive in a relationship. This approach only generates resentment if we discover that we are investing more than we receive. True love accepts the other person with their defects and loves unconditionally.

eleven. The fact that you love someone does not guarantee the success of the relationship

Sometimes, we must accept that even with all our love and effort, the relationship will not work. Accepting this defeat is extremely difficult, especially when we still feel something for that person.

12. Love is not fair, and that's what makes it so beautiful

Loving someone does not guarantee that they will love us back to the same extent. Although this can be painful, it is part of life. True love transcends expectations and conditions.

Personality and Couple Compatibility Test

13. Do you want to be right or want to be happy?

Sometimes, we must choose between being right in a discussion or being happy in our relationship. It is not comfortable or beneficial for both exaspear our partner trying to prove our view constantly.

14. Never have an "type" ideal couple

You can have a preconceived idea of ​​what appearance or personality fits with you, but love will teach you that it has its own selection plan. By limiting yourself to a specific "guy", you could be overlooking people who could be great couples for you. The best love advice is: do not have a "couple prototype".

fifteen. Love is a challenge

Forget the romantic fantasies that present love as if it were all pink color. Unfortunately, reality does not work that way. When you fall in love, you face significant sacrifices and commitments. Love requires effort and dedication.

16. Love yourself

Everything you thought about yourself will be questioned, challenged and shaken by a roller coaster of emotions. Your emotional state becomes more fragile and vulnerable than you could imagine. And this will give you a valuable lesson about who you really are. A love advice sometimes disconcerting but true.

17. When you know, you know

Do you remember that recurring line in romantic films: "How do I know if it's true love?"The answer is always:" When you feel it, you know it ". And that is totally true, do not give him more rounds.

18. Almost nothing is as important as love

When you are truly in love, everything else in the world, all the events and events that seemed so crucial, simply fader and become insignificant. Your mind and heart can only concentrate on the person you love. Even the most sensible and practical person will see their confidence in their ability to stay in the face of the emotions of love.

19. Life continues after rupture

If you are going through a separation and you are still dealing with pain and shock, you may listen to many people to say that things will improve and that you will find someone else. Although it can be difficult to believe at that time, the truth is that life continues after a break. Not only can you find someone better in the future, but you will also have the opportunity to rediscover yourself.

twenty. Love is learned

Each of us grows with their own idea of ​​what love is, mainly influenced by our family experiences. For example, if you grew up in a home with attachment deficiencies, you may have associated that behavior with "love" due to what you presented in your childhood. On the other hand, if you grew up seeing an unconditional love, you will understand that this is what love really means. For better or worse, we learn about love through our experiences in life.

twenty-one. Wait for the unexpected

Get ready for unexpected surprises in love. They can occur at any time and place, even with people you never imagined. Keep your mind and heart open to receive the unexpected.

22. Fulfill your promises

In love, empty words have no value. It is easy to promise, but it is more important to comply. Remember that actions speak louder than words. Do not make promises that you cannot fulfill and be faithful to your commitments.

23. Your attitude can change

Some things that bother you, will become adorable behaviors when you are in love. You will discover that your loved maniah become lovely. Love has the power to change our perspective and see the positive in the small peculiarities of our partner. But be careful, this happens in the early stages of falling in love, over time it is very likely that these things return to normal and return the discomfort when certain behaviors happen. Be patient, you already knew when you started the relationship.

24. Love is healer

True love has the power to cure and heal. Even in the most difficult days, a smile or a kind word of the loved person can fill us with joy and renew our forces. Love is a powerful medicine that can transform our mood and make us feel invincible.

25. You will learn to give up

One of the most valuable love advice is to understand that there will be times when you will have to commit yourself. It's not about giving up all the time, but you must be willing to put aside your own wishes to find an intermediate point with your partner.

26. Love transforms you

It doesn't matter if you fall in love once or several times in life, every love experience will change you somehow. You will learn lessons that will modify your perspective and way of seeing life. Recognize and value those little transformations.

27. You will face challenges

Love will test your limits, push you and make you question why you get involved. But even in the midst of emotional chaos, there are lessons to learn. You should not allow prolonged suffering to affect your well -being. Get away if something hurts you and shows no signals of change, but always remember what you taught you.

28. Any time can be romantic

It is not just about the typical occasions such as Valentine's Day. You can turn any time into a romantic moment if you choose to see it like this. Even being together while holding a baby crying can be romantic if you appreciate it that way.

29. Love is not limited to a feeling

Many confuse love with the euphoria of falling in love, which is like a drug that disappears over time. True love goes beyond feelings and is based on choice and action.

30. Your partner cannot read your mind

Do not assume that your partner knows what you are thinking. When you expect your wishes and needs to guess, you will frustrate yourself. Remember that they are not mind readers, it openly communicates what you need.

31. Each relationship is unique

Do not compare your relationship with that of other people. Each relationship is unique and has its own dynamics. Work with what you have and do the best you can. If it doesn't work, remember that you gave your maximum effort.

32. There is no perfect relationship

Do not idealize the relationships of others. All couples have problems, fights and errors. The perfect images shown on social networks are just a unilateral part of history.

33. Your partner becomes more human with time

At first, you can see your partner as someone perfect and charming. However, over time, the honeymoon period ends and you see its imperfections more clearly. Remember this important love advice.

Trust in the couple: frankness, sincerity and understanding

3. 4. Complementarity matters more than compatibility

There are different opinions on whether opposites are attracted or if compatibility and similarity are fundamental in a relationship. The truth is that the complementary characteristics of both can be balanced and mutually completed.

35. Set limits on the best relationships

Loving someone does not mean giving up your power and preferences. Both need to have personal limits to promote mutual respect and cultivate self -love, which is fundamental in a relationship.

36. Love becomes more real over time

In the early stages of a relationship, everything seems innocent and new. With the passage of time, you recognize that your partner is able to make mistakes and love them becomes a challenge. Love ceases to be idealized and faces reality.

37. Find comfort in mutual silence

During the beginning of the relationship, you have the desire to know all the aspects of the person. However, as you deepen, silence ceases to be uncomfortable and becomes a comforting moment to be together.

38. The true friendship is eternal

A mature relationship implies more than romantic feelings. Friendship is a key component of love. Love transcends romance, since it is rooted in friendship.

39. Intimacy is fundamental

Intimacy goes beyond physical appearance and focuses on the encounter of minds and emotions. Reflects compatibility and connects you at a deeper level that words can describe.

40. Nothing happens to go to the angry bed

Unlike popular belief, sometimes it is better to go to bed angry, sleep thinking about the problem and address it with a fresh mind and ready to solve it the next day. You will see how problems are solved more quickly by giving you time to reflect and overcome anger.

41. Trust, even when it is difficult

Trust is essential in a relationship, even when it is challenging. Not only is it about trusting your partner's loyalty, but also in trusting yourself to handle any situation that arises.

42. Cultivate gratitude

Thanks everything you have and embrace gratitude. When you realize abundance in your life, you find happiness. Stop pursuing material possessions and comparing yourself to others, since money will never be enough.

43. Learn to express yourself

Although you love your partner, you also have a voice and vote in all aspects of your life together. From decisions on the decoration of the kitchen to visualize in the future, remember that you have the right to express yourself in all aspects of your shared life.

44. Stop worrying about the opinion of others

It is your life and you should not allow the unhappiness of others to affect your decisions. Do not stress yourself from what other people think or say at important times of your life, such as marriage, children, properties, etc. Focus on forge the best life for you and your partner.

Four. Five. Don't strive to change your partner

Recognizes that people have their own growth and evolution trajectory. Do not become obsessed with transforming your partner into the ideal version you have in mind, since perfection does not exist. Accept that both are imperfect human beings that make mistakes and learn together.

46. Vulnerability is essential in love

To build a deep connection, it is necessary to be emotionally intimate and share thoughts and feelings. This requires opening and being vulnerable. If you build barriers to protect yourself, you will be excluding your partner from your true being. Vulnerability is the basis of emotional intimacy.

47. There is no magic formula for love

Although it would be wonderful to have an infallible instruction manual for love, the reality is that each relationship is unique. There is no universal recipe for true love, since each couple has their own path and way of loving. Do not compare yourself with others and create your own version of love.

48. Learn to praise and avoid criticism

Criticism is poison for love. Although there will always be aspects that bother you from your partner, focus on pointing them out will not strengthen the relationship. Better Focus on making your partner compliments and compliments. Love raises and generates happiness, while criticism only generates negativity and discomfort.

49. Practice quick and frequent forgiveness

Forgiving does not imply validating someone's mistakes, but freeing yourself from negativity and resentment. As Buddha said, clinging to resentment is harmful. Forgiving is an act of liberation that allows love to bloom. Learn to forgive and let the past wounds.

fifty. Difficult moments strengthen ties

Life is not a fairy tale, and all couples face challenges. Difficult moments can generate significant memories and create deeper and more durable ties between two people. Although the valleys are not pleasant, they are opportunities to grow together and strengthen the relationship.

51. Do not confuse sex with love

There are a lot of people who tend to mix both concepts, believing that if someone has sex with them, that means they love them. However, it is important to understand that sex can simply be a fun and pleasant experience, without necessarily implying deep feelings of love. For many people, loving someone is not a requirement to have sex. So avoid confusing these two things and keep your expectations and emotions clear.

52. Don't hold on to the past

The past is history and you can't change. What has happened has already happened and you can't go back in time to alter it. Instead of getting caught in what has already happened, focus on looking forward and building a better future. Learn from past mistakes and use those lessons to improve in the future. Concentrate your energies to make every day the previous one and to work to achieve your goals and dreams.

53. Love transcends barriers

Love is not limited to race, gender, age or religion. Sometimes, we condition ourselves to believe that we must be with someone similar to us, but love does not see differences or care. Love is inclusive and has no limits imposed by society.

54. Dance to find happiness

Although not everyone likes to dance, the act of dancing can provide joy and happiness. Music and dance keep love alive and generate positive emotions. Do not forget to enjoy dance moments, either in the rain or in the comfort of your room.

Remember that love is a trip full of unique learning and experiences for each person.

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