Body and energy therapies, types and functions

Body and energy therapies, types and functions

Body and energy therapies are those therapies that are based on Apply energy to the body with the objective that he recovers physical, mental, emotional and spiritual harmony. As you can see in this article, there are different therapies of this type.


  • What are energy therapies?
  • What are the different energy therapies that exist?
    • Acupuncture
    • Aikido
    • Auriculotherapy
    • Medical biomagnetism
    • Meditation
    • Chi Kung
    • Gemotherapy
    • Chromotherapy
    • Digitopuntura
    • Electroacupuncture
    • Feng Shui
    • Magnetotherapy
    • Reiki

What are energy therapies?

Energy therapies are those therapies that consider that energy is a fundamental piece in good health and the general well -being of a person. Of course, not all therapies that exist have this approach, and That is why we differentiate the energy therapies from others.

As you can imagine, the objective of energy therapies is to properly channel the organism's energy, in such a way that this well -being and physical and mental balance can be obtained in the patient.

For its characteristics, There is a good amount of therapies concrete that can be encompassed within energy therapies. Everything that tries to improve the mental, physical or emotional health of a person from the energy channeling is an energy therapy.

Some of them are well known, but others do not enjoy such popularity. Let's take a look at the most important in the following section.

What are the different energy therapies that exist?

It is time to see the main energy therapies that we can take advantage of to feel much better on a physical plane, but also in a mental and spiritual plane.


As sure you know, the acupuncture It is an millenary therapy that has its origin in China and uses steel needles for work the body of the body. Therefore, energy therapy should be considered.


Aikido is a martial art that is based on use the energy used by the opponent to answer. That is, you use the energy that the person who attacks you uses to attack him.


The article is based on stimulate different reflex points of the ear to help the organism recover balance and both mental and spiritual and physical health. Naturally, it is another energy therapy.

Medical biomagnetism

Medical biomagnetism is responsible for handle different diseases and ailments through an energy and vibrational vision. It focuses more on physical than mental and emotional ailments.


Biorresonance is based on the use of biophysics and quantum theory to maintain the body in balance. Different techniques are carried out, generally managing waves that regulate the body.


The meditation consists in activate the farms of the human body so that energy circulates properly And, in this way, heal mental and emotional problems. It does not focus on solving physical problems.

Chi Kung

Chi Kung is an energy therapy of Chinese origin, which can be practiced with any age, and which consists of Use of different respiratory, physical and mental exercises to strengthen the body.


The Gemotherapy is based on the Use of gems to improve a person's health. Gems have unique characteristics depending on the type of gem, and allow substantial improvement by reorder vital energies.


The Chromotherapy it's based on Develop action patterns that are consistent with chromatic sunlight patterns. Then, these patterns must be applied to our day to day, treating alterations, physical, psychic and energy.


Digitopuntura is a therapy that Use the pressure performed with the fingers to contribute to proper physical recovery. Sometimes massages are also performed. These massages or pressures are carried out at specific points, called acupunctos or tsubos.


The electroacupuncture is A type of acupuncture, where, in addition to the use of needles, a Additional electric current, which allows pain and paralysis to be treated, in addition to certain energy mismatches.

Feng Shui

He Feng Shui It is one of the best known energy therapies, and includes a whole collection of art, science and philosophy that allows us to obtain a greater balance in our lives, considerably increasing spiritual harmony, health and general well -being.


Magnetic therapy uses Magnetic fields directly applied to the organism. In this way, alterations in the energies of the body are caused, which allows its reorganization and the consequent physical and mental improvement.


With Japanese origin, the Reiki Body energy rearrange through the use of hands overlaps.

As you can see, the Body and Energy Therapies They are a fantastic way of recovering peace both at spiritual and physical level. Of course, there are those who doubt its effectiveness. But it is best to try it for oneself. That is why we recommend you once in your life.