The best evocative phrases for anxiety and stress

The best evocative phrases for anxiety and stress

Next we will show you a series of phrases that many psychologists use in their consultation for therapeutic purposes. Also called "therapeutic aphorisms", they are rapid formulas that produce evocative effects thanks to language. In this case we propose aphorisms to evoke emotions.

They have the ability to awaken vivid and intense images and sensations in the interlocutor, which although they seem innocuous cause concrete perceptions and induce reactions when used in the context and with the right person.

They are metaphors that evoke, but at the same time they grant freedom to the interlocutor to interpret them. It is a way to obtain a great result with a minimum effort.

Use suffering and strength to guide them towards change: "As in martial arts, it does not use many blows, but one at the right pressure point to demolish the adversary". It has been compared to the sharp blade of a scalpel that can penetrate and cut simultaneously. If you know how to use surgical precision, it produces extraordinary results.


  • Evocative phrases for anxiety and stress
  • Evocative phrases about fear
  • Phrases that reveal and reveal
  • Aphorisms for therapists

Evocative phrases for anxiety and stress

Anxiety with fear and fear with anxiety contribute to stealing the human being their most essential qualities. One of them is reflection. Konrad Lorenz

Not happy with real sufferings, the anxious imposes imaginary. AND. Ciorán

Many problems feed on what we do to fight them.

I think that the anxiety that circulates in my life is born from an imbalance between what I am what "should be". My anxiety does not originate in a vision of the future but in the desire to hold it to my will. Hugh Prather

Every morning he has two handles, we can take the day for the handle of anxiety or by the handle of faith. Henry Ward Beecher

The pain in the present is experienced as an offense. Pain in the past is remembered as anger. The pain in the future is perceived as anxiety. Deepak Chopra

I do not increase a gram because my anxiety works like aerobic exercises. Woody Allen

The natural role of the twentieth century is anxiety. Norman Mailer

No human thing deserves great anxiety. Plato

The action is the best antidote for anxiety and information the only remedy to combat uncertainty. John Verdon

Anxiety does not exhaust the anguish of tomorrow, only exhausts the strength of today. Bernardo Stamateas

At one point I felt harassed by anxiety. But I got rid of fear studying the sky, determining when the moon would come out and where the sun would park in the morning. Louise Bourgeois

Free yourself from anxiety, think that what should be, will be, and it will happen naturally. Facundo Cabral

Stupids are better physically preserved because they are not corroding the existential anxiety to which people are more or less lucid. Eduardo Sacheri

Hope means that one does not give up anxiety, defeatism or depression when it stumbles with difficulties and setbacks. Daniel Goleman

There are times when all the anxiety and effort accumulated are in the infinite indolence and rest of nature. Henry David Thoreau

Anxiety is the early experience of failure. Seth Godin

The pain does not follow us, walk forward. PORCHIA

Evocative phrases about fear

From what I have fear is your fear. William Shakespeare

Fear is always willing to see things worse than they are. Tito Livio

It is not necessary to know the danger to be afraid; In fact, the unknown dangers are the ones that inspire the most fear. Alejandro Dumas

Above all, you are not afraid of the people, it is more conservative than you!. Napoleon Bonaparte

Religions are based on the fear of many and in the vivacity of few. Stendhal

Nobody reach the top with the fear. Publio Siro

When someone is afraid it is because we have granted that someone's power over us. Hermann Hesse

For those who are afraid, everything is noise. Sophocles

We must not be afraid of poverty or exile, or prison, or death. What you have to be afraid is of fear itself. Frigia Epictet

Fear is nothing more than a desire upside down. Loved nerve

The height of unhappiness is to fear something, when nothing is expected. Seneca

Good luck pounds many of his punishment, but no one of fear. Seneca

The bravery that many flaunt is a skilled calculation about the fear that dominates their adversaries. Balzac honor

There is no medicine for fear. Scottish proverb

Fear is the form of our subordination to physical laws. Benito Pérez Galdós

The heart that is full of fear must be empty of hope. Fray Antonio de Guevara

There is no thing that is so afraid and fear. Michel de Montaigne

Under the mask of recklessness, great fears are hidden. Marco Anneo Lucano

Fear is my most faithful partner, he has never cheated me to leave with another. Woody Allen

The fear of not being up to it is a weapon that allows me to climb a step more. Ancient Japanese Koan.

Not that I am afraid of dying, I just want to be there when it happens. Woody Allen

Only one thing becomes an impossible dream: the fear of failing. Paulo Coelho

Fear is a suffering that produces the waiting of evil. Aristotle

Do not fear prison, either poverty, or death. Fear to fear. Giacomo Leopardi

Hope and fear are inseparable. François de la Rochefaucauld

The fear of not being up to it is a weapon that allows me to climb a step more. Ancient Japanese Koan.

What and what is strategic brief therapy?

Phrases that reveal and reveal

Showing instead of hiding our limitations, allows us to overcome them.

The man is perishable. It can be, more we perceive resisting, and if it is nothing that is reserved for us, let's make this an injustice.

In times of change, those who are open to learning will take over the future, while those who believe they will know everything will be well equipped for a world that no longer exists. Eric Hoffer

There are no bad companies but corrupible people.

We want to avoid error but it really is the error that, through the modification of our visions and actions, makes us improve.

The confessed fragility ceases to be and becomes a strong point.

When everything is tied on us, we learn to use our resources and build a castle with the debris of the previous.

An obsession lived to satiety is canceled in its own excesses.

The best way to get rid of temptation is to fall into it.

If you avoid pleasure you will feel overwhelmed by him. It's about establishing a equilibrium game: Grant it but in a controlled way.

Sometimes with the best intentions the worst results are obtained.

While we pursue the unattainable we make impossible what is attainable.

An unplayed help not only does not help, but it harms.

If you use the enemy to defeat the enemy, you will be powerful anywhere where you go. Sun Tzu

The one who judges everything will find the difficult life. Lao Tse

That the teacher turns needle and the thread disciple, and that the two train without rest. Miyamoto Musahi

If you cannot be strong, and yet you cannot be weak, that will result in your defeat. Sun Tzu

Seeing yourself is to be clairvoyant. Lao Tse

Life is a game, play it. SHATYA SAI BABA

Knowing when you have enough is to be rich. Lao Tse

What you earn for reason and dialogue, lasts forever. Hironori Ohtsuka

A wise general takes care of the enemy. Sun Tzu

If you and I argue and you sell me, will it be true about yours and my false?. Lao Tse

If your opponent thinks of mountains, attacks how the sea, and if you think like the sea, attack like the mountains. Miyamoto Musashi

When the orders are reasonable, fair, simple, clear and consistent, there is a reciprocal satisfaction between the leader and the group. Sun Tzu

Elegant words are not sincere; Sincere words are not elegant. Lao Tse

Our resent. And we will never forgive others. AND. Ciorán

I carry in me all the scars of the battles that I avoided free. F. Pessoa

If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always obtained. TO. Robbins

Man is not the son of circumstances, but circumstances are creatures of man. Epicurio

Water beats everything because it adapts to everything. Heraclitus

Who forgives everything, has forgive everything. PORCHIA

You would like everything to be harmonious, in our environment and in our own life. A too small desire. There is nothing better than rising above all this. Schuon

Aphorisms for therapists

Before convincing the intellect it is essential to touch and predispose to the heart. B. Pascal

If you want to persuade someone, use your same arguments. Aristotle

If you want to convince others, you must seem willing to be convinced. B. Pascal

The teacher is the fair synthesis of natural disposition and constant exercise. Protágoras

Many words are never indicated in much wisdom. Talete

Most people listen to the intention of responding, not with the desire to understand. TO. C. Give

There are no impossible patients, but incapable therapists. D. D. Jackson