Paull Allen's best phrases

Paull Allen's best phrases

Paul Allen is mainly known for being the Microsoft company co -founder Next to Bill Gates. He was born in 1953 and as a young man showed his interest in computers. He entered Lakeside School where he met Bill Gates. In 1975 they founded the company "Micro-Soft" providing the operating system to the new IBM PC computers.

Allen played the guitar and was a great sports fan, to the point that he acquired several sports clubs. It was also a Great philanthropist contributing to many charity works. He died on October 15, 2018 Due to a long disease.

Celebres by Paul Allen's quotes and phrases

You look at the things you enjoy in your life, but much more important is what you can do to make the world a better place.

Any crusade requires optimism and ambition to aim high.

In my experience, each failure contains the seeds of your next success, if you are willing to learn from it.

The best opportunities are where your competitors have not yet established themselves, not where they are already entrenched.

What we did had no precedents, but what is understood less is that we had no choice.

Technology is known for absorbing people so much that they do not always look for balance and enjoy life at the same time.

There are relatively few ideas that you can do alone.

I simply wanted to advance in the field of artificial intelligence so that computers could do what they know best (organize and analyze information) to help people do what they know best, those inspired intuition jumps that feed original ideas and advances.