The best mood phrases for loved ones from loved ones

The best mood phrases for loved ones from loved ones

Although death is part of life, sadly when that hard time comes It is very difficult to assimilate the situation and stay strong enough to overcome the loss of a loved one. After this painful loss, life can give us an important blow and make us reflect on many things.

Now, it is normal that Let's move with the pain of others and we want helpr to others to feel better with so alone a word of breath. In fact, an encouraging phrase will help cope with such a hard blow.

That is why in this post you will find the better phrases to help a person overcome the loss of a loved one, Inspired by some important authors such as Fyodor Dostoevsky, Mark Twain, Rafael Alberti, Marcel Proust and Oscar Wilde.

How to encourage someone who lost a loved one

The first thing to understand is that duel is a natural process that must be respected. Therefore it is not convenient to question mood and reactions at such a hard time. If you want to know how to help a person overcome the loss of a loved one, here are some advice:

  • You are present for him or her in a sincere way, Always respecting your mourning space
  • Offer you to accompany him, as long as the person needs your presence
  • Avoid saying empty or reckless phrases.  You never think about saying "I was old, and now it will rest ”, or" you surely recover from that ", With this you would achieve that beyond helping to calm pain you would cause an opposite effect.
  • Don't make unfinished offers. If you really want to help that person who has so much pain, do not think "Call me, if you need to do something", Remember that it is a generic formulation and the mourner does not know at that sad moment what is really willing to do or not. So, I know more directly with that person, asking him what he needs precisely.
  • The person when he has just lost a loved one, what he needs most is to feel the support, understanding and calm of some close person. Do not forget that duel is a process that takes time and that goes through different stages until it comes to acceptance.

The best phrases to help overcome the loss of a loved one

It is very natural that when the loss of a loved one occurs, it is normal for the person to feel that inexplicable pain, Pain is so great that there is no comfort to relieve that difficult moment.

However, there are some words of encouragement that can calm that sadness a little. In that sense, then we show you some phrases to help overcome the loss of a loved one of great famous characters.

The duel does not change you, it reveals you. John Green

The darker the night is, the brighter the stars are. The deeper the duel, the closest God is. Fyodor Dostoevsky

Cry is to make the duel less deep. Willian Shakespeare

No one ever told me that the duel feels how fear. C.S. Lewis

There is no duel like the one who does not speak. Henry Wordsworth

They say that time heals all wounds, but that presupposes that the root of the duel is finite. Cassandra Clare

One cannot go for life without pain. What we can do is choose the pain that life presents us. Bernie s. Siegel

You don't know how strong you are until being strong is the only option you have. Bob Marley

Pain is a fruit. God does not make them grow in branches too weak to support them. Victor Hugo

Each life has a measure of pain. And sometimes this is what awakens us. Steven Tyler

A man who owns himself can end with pain as easy as he can invent a pleasure. Oscar Wilde

Pain is like a precious treasure, show it only to your friends. African proverb

Do not be ashamed to cry; You have the right to cry. Tears are just water, flowers, trees and fruits cannot grow without water. But there must also be sunlight. An injured heart will heal in time and when he does, the memory and love of our losses will be sealed inside us to comfort us. Brian Jacques