The best phrases of Máximo Gorki

The best phrases of Máximo Gorki

Máximo Gorki is the pseudonym used by Alekséi Maksímovich, a Russian writer and politician, belonging to the revolutionary movement. He was born in Moscow on March 28, 1868 and died on June 18, 1936. He stood out not only as a politician, but also as a writer.

Máximo Gorki was the founder of the literary movement called Socialist Realism and received five nominations for the Nobel Prize for Literature. He wrote for the theater and essay genre, but his greatest success was in the novel, especially in the works entitled Low Funds and the Mother.

Among his friends were other notable Russian writers, such as Antón Chekhov and León Tolstoy.

Next, we will review some of Máximo Gorki's most interesting phrases.

Maximum Gorki phrases

These are some of Máximo Gorki phrases:

The man was born so that one day a better man is born.

Try to love while you live: nothing better has been found in the world.

What a beautiful office to be a man on earth!

When the man laughs, the gross inside flees.

The search for God is a useless occupation, because there is nothing to look for where nothing exists. The gods are not sought, they are created.

Money poisons when you have and kill hunger when you lack it.

Everything will happen, but what is done, done is.

From the walls they look at the faceless icons, without hands or legs. The concentrate smell of the drying oil, of the rotten eggs, of the sour clay that covers the slits of the soil.

We always sigh for beauty visions, we always dream unknown worlds.

From the moment a man lends himself to giving his freedom and his life for his belief is that his feelings are sincere.

Had God descended from heaven to earth or is it, on the contrary, the force of men that had exalted him from earth to heaven?

Believe in God? If you believe it exists; If you do not believe, it does not exist.

In the fight, the hours of boredom and anguish pass fast, inadvertent.

Men are always children, even though sometimes they astonish their cruelty. They always need education, tutelage and love.

We were twenty -six, twenty -six living machines locked in a basement, in which from morning until night we kneaded flour to make donuts and panecillos.

There are no useless people, there are only harmful people.

To succeed in the struggle for life, man must have or great intelligence or a heart of stone.

Critics are like tábanos, who prevent horses from working.

But the more I read, the more work it was hard for me.

It seemed to me that I was going to find a simple and wise human being who would lead me to a wide and bright path.

I have put myself eager to look for books, I have found them and almost every afternoon Leo. These are good afternoons, the workshop is silent, as if it were already closed, on the tables they beat the glass balls, similar to white, cold stars, whose rays illuminate the heads, disheveled or bald, which lean over the Tables; I see serene faces, dreamers; Sometimes, an exclamation of praise to the author of the book or its protagonist resonates. Men are attentive, encaled, others seem; I appreciate them very much in these moments, and they also treat me affectionately; I feel in my post.

If you dispossess the rich, you get impoverished; But you can't enrich the poor.

A society that only see man as an instrument for enrichment is an antihuman society, something that is hostile to us, and therefore we can never accept his moral, false and hypocritical. The cynicism and brutality that shows human being so much, that we fight and fight against any form of servitude

For us there are no nations or tribes, there are only comrades and enemies. All workers are our comrades. All rich and all governments are our enemies.

For an artist, freedom is as indispensable as talent and intelligence.

It is not our fault if life is fixed in such a way that the loyalty of an action is always found in opposition to its advantages.

It may be a misfit or perhaps a man with too clear ideas, so much so that they are incompatible with those who handle their ideologies at will and convenience to get better benefit from them.

If someone wants to get socialist quickly, who travels to the United States.

The wisdom of life is always deeper and more vast than the wisdom of men.

Greed, evil and lies, those three monsters that have undermined and intimidated the world with the strength of their cynicism ..

The fear! That is what loses us! And those who send over our lives take advantage of our fear to scare us even more.

We all love what we feel close, but for a big heart the distant is close!

Yes, people are bad. But now that I know that there is the truth in the world, they seem better ..

To succeed in the struggle for life, man must have or great intelligence or a heart of stone.

The truth advances clandestinely around the world.

From the moment a man lends himself to giving his freedom and his life for his belief is that his feelings are sincere.

A cheerful man is always kind.

We always sigh for beauty visions, we always dream unknown worlds.

So help me! Give me books! Books of those who sow an eternal restlessness in the men who read them! You have to sow the brains of hedgehogs, of hedgehogs with spikes!

People do not catch it with reason. The reason is a shoe too narrow and delicate for their feet!

This is life. I fight her, I don't want her as she is.

The young heart is always closer to the truth ..

A man may believe or not to believe, that is his thing. Because it is his own life that bets on faith, disbelief, love and intelligence. And there is no greater truth on earth for the human spirit than this glorious and humble condition. The man risks his own life every time he chooses and that makes him free.

It may be a misfit or perhaps a man with too clear ideas, so much so that they are incompatible with those who handle their ideologies at will and convenience to get better benefit from them.

But the more I read, the more work it was hard for me.

These are some of Máximo Gorki phrases to reflect on life.

The best wise and intelligent phrases of life for personal development