Gabriel Marcel's best phrases

Gabriel Marcel's best phrases

The phrases of Gabriel Marcel, This great French philosopher and playwright are to keep in mind at any time in life. Well, this French thinker knew, through his words, reach the true human essence.

He dedicated himself with equal passion to dramaturgy, an art in which his philosophical ideas knew.

Many consider Gabriel Marcel, Defender of the circumstances of each person, is part of the existentialists, while others qualify it as a smart person.

In any case, it is worth reviewing these phrases by Gabriel Marcel, which encourage us all to reflect on our human condition.

These are some of Gabriel Marcel's phrases that contain the core of his philosophical thinking:

Gabriel Marcel's phrases deeper

We must live and work, at every moment, as if we had eternity before us.

Loving someone is to say: You never die.

Only who, for love, leaves the circle of the self towards a you, gives the door that leads to the secret of being.

There is much more life in the music of mathematics or logic.

When one does not live as he thinks, he ends up thinking about how he lives.

To be happy in love one should know, without blinding, how to close your eyes.

Contemporary thinkers would say that man is continually transcending himself.

Man depends largely on the idea that he becomes himself.

Mysteries are not insoluble problems, but non -objective realities, but that being immersed in them illuminate us.

There is nothing more than a suffering: being alone.

While it is creator, why it is the level of its creation, a man can be considered truly free.

[Existence] whose primacy implies recognizing our judgment - and that for an act of true spiritual humility - that existence that melts with the existing, cannot be affirmed from anything particular and designable, not even of the self; And it will never be used quite prudence in the choice of formulas aimed at translating what is less abstract immanence than an effective presence.

It is only legitimate to say I am my body when it is recognized that the body is not assimilable to an object, or to a thing. While I keep with him a certain type of relationship (this word is not perfectly adequate) that is not allowed to objectify, I can, affirm myself as identical to my body, and even the word objectivity is inadequate, because it is applicable to a world of things and abstractions that incarnation inevitably transcends.

What prevented it from being so - war from an abstract point of view - were the visits that I received several times a day and that, almost always, they moved me because they put me in the presence of suffering and concrete anguish. And what was at my hand was at least welcoming these people who came to me in a human and personal enough to not have the impression of addressing an office or window.

Gathering does not mean abstracting, they are the very interior attitudes that are revealed different, and perhaps contrary. It is abstracted from, which means that it is withdrawn and that consequently it is left or abandoned. Recollection, on the contrary, is an act by which we head towards, without abandoning anything.

From the moment we have clearly recognized that feeling is not reduced to suffering, although maintaining that in some way this is to receive, we are in a state of discovering in its center the presence of an active element, something like the power to assume or better still open to .. .

In the background I cannot say validly I belong more than to the extent that I believe, or that I believe; That is, let's recognize it, in which, metaphysically speaking, I do not belong to me.

The reflection itself can appear at different levels: there is a primary reflection and another that I will call second reflection ... While primary reflection tends to dissolve the unity that is presented to it, the second reflection is essentially recovery, it is a reconquest.

Too much will never criticize a possible representation of experience as such. Experience is not an object, and I take here - as I will always do - the word object in its etymological sense of Gegenstand, a thing that is placed before me, in front of me.

From this point of view I will say that there cannot be, in my opinion, concrete philosophy without continuously renewed and properly creative tension between the self and the depths of being in which and for which we are, or also without such a strict reflection, as rigorous as possible, exercising about the most intensely lived experience.

One of the major evils that afflict contemporary humanity is that it has lost the meaning of recollection.

These are just some of Gabriel Marcel's most emblematic phrases, a thinker whose thought is still in force.

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