The best 100 funny phrases to flirt

The best 100 funny phrases to flirt

The phrases to flirt They can be a complement in the conquest process of the other person. And the best thing is that there is for all tastes: funny, fun, daring, cutres, funny, ingenious ..

In this article you will find the most indicated for you based on your personality, since we put at your disposal 100 incredibles phrases to break the ice and flirt.


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    • Phrases to flirt daring
    • Phrases to flirt cutter

Phrases to flirt

These are some phrases that you can always turn to to approach in a respectful way that person you love, or simply use them to make who you already love laughing. In the end, who knows if these phrases to flirt and break the ice can help you find the love of your life.

Phrases to break the ice by flirting

  1. Do you know how much panda bears weigh? Enough to break the ice: What is your name?

  2. Have you smiled at me or just the sun has just come out?

  3. What does a star so below the sky?

  4. What is your favorite animal? This only applies to start a conversation.

  5. We still don't know each other, we must solve that problem.

  6. I like your style.

  7. I am doing a catalog with the best coffees in the city, do you accompany me to complete it?

  8. Excuse me, I don't usually do this: do you have fire?

  9. Maybe I am not the most attractive person in the premises, but here I am, presenting me.

  10. Hello, I wanted to introduce myself because your smile has captivated me.

  11. Suddenly I have made me want to meet you and go out with you, would I mind?

  12. I know you don't know me, that's why I have come to introduce me.

  13. Do you know what time it is? Seeing you I have lost the notion of time.

Funny phrases to flirt

The funny phrases to flirt are those that make the partner can laugh, and nothing is more powerful than grace and laughter.

Therefore, we recommend a series of phrases to link fun that will make you look more attractive for that person you like so much and you do not know how to get it.

  1. Tell me your name to ask you when the kings come.

  2. I just saw an angel, I'm not sure to be on earth.

  3. Do you know the universe measures? So you don't imagine how much I like you.

  4. You are so pretty/or that I have forgotten what I had to say.

  5. You should not waste time looking for your orange, you have already found it!

  6. By chance your mother owns a florist? Because you are a beautiful flower.

  7. I love singleness, but I would think about you.

  8. You are so sweet that just by seeing you already start fattening.

  9. If Columbus saw you, I would say: Santa Maria! What does this girl have.

  10. Do you believe in love at first glance or should I take another round?

More phrases to flirt funny

  1. I want to be the “what ugly tastes you have” of your mother.

  2. If being beautiful, it was a crime, you would spend the rest of your life in prison.

  3. Excuse me, your name is Google? Is that in you I find everything I need.

  4. Your clothes are beautiful, Linda would show off on the floor of my room.

  5. Can you tell me your name? Yesterday I dreamed with you and when you were going to tell me, I woke up!

  6. You are so sweet that I could become a diabetic.

  7. Is it possible for a star like you to be on earth?

  8. Since when do the roses walk?

  9. Can you pay me a drink? When I saw you mine fell.

Funny phrases to flirt

  1. Excuse me, have I seen you on the cover of Cosmopolitan?

  2. For temptations like you, sinners like me are left over!

  3. Where do tickets sell to win this award?

  4. Where can I find a coffee shop?, want a coffee?

  5. We are going to get controversial: pineapple pizza, yes or no?

  6. Do you like dogs or cats more?

Fun phrases to flirt

  1. If so green lights, how will you wear mature!

  2. Excuse me, do we have a common friend to present us?

  3. Tell your mother that I would love to be my mother -in -law.

  4. How long do you plan to stay? A lifetime or just prepare coffee?

  5. We are likely to have many things in common, what if we discover it?

  6. Do you like jeans? Well let's leave the rodeos and go for a beer.

  7. Today I bought an agenda and I was most important: your phone number.

  8. You are very good, have you eaten pizza?

Phrases to Ligar Inguiosa

  1. There are many three, how about we stay alone?

  2. I just moved to the city, could you indicate the coordinates to get home?

  3. I have hurt myself when you see you, you are very pretty, could you give me your name and your phone to fix the insurance?

  4. At home they have taught me to pursue dreams, can I accompany you to your home?

  5. If Adam for Eva ate an apple, I would eat the whole Eden Garden for you.

  6. For a moment I thought I had died and entered the sky, but I see that I am still alive and it is the sky that has reached me.

  7. You are like to invite you to sleep and stay awake/a whole night.

  8. What discovery has been more important in your life? Netflix or mangoes?

  9. I love your biography, can I be part of it?

  10. I will start charging you rent, you have been living my heart for a long time.

  11. You must be exhausted, because you have been circling all day in my mind.

Phrases to flirt daring

  1. My phone number was lost, could you give me yours?

  2. I still don't know how to kiss, can you teach me to do it?

  3. I am not sure to be your guy, what if we give ourselves a chance to try it?

  4. I would like to have precious children at some point, so I would like to ask your parents for some tips to know how they did.

  5. Hello, I wanted to know if besides beautiful/or are you kind, are you?

  6. I will be honest and sincere: you have something special and I want to meet you.

  7. How long do you plan to stay? A lifetime or just prepare coffee?

  8. I try not to fall in love and you appear with that smile.

  9. Is this a dream or are you real?

  10. I'm not sure I met you before or that I have seen you a lot in my dreams.

  11. Since I entered the room I have not been able to stop looking at you, can I meet you?

Phrases to flirt cutter

  1. A madman like me needs a screw like you.

  2. You are the only human being with two hearts: yours and mine.

  3. Since I saw you, I lost my mind. Now I need a lawyer.

  4. I have amnesia problems since I met you, you are so beautiful that I forget everything I am going to say.

  5. I am not to blame for me, the fault is only yours for being so handsome.

  6. I hope you know how to breathe mouth to mouth, because maybe they faint at any time after seeing you.

  7. You make me collide with the walls when I stay looking at you.

  8. You must buy me a dictionary, when I see you I stay without words.

  9. You have something on your face: the most beautiful smile I have ever seen in my life.

  10. I would love to see you without makeup every morning of my existence.

  11. You are a dream of which I don't want to wake up.

  12. Everywhere I listen to you and look at you.

  13. Since I know you, I look at you and I feel that I can fly.

  14. I love your eyes, I would like to see me again.

  15. It seems a lie that I have taken so many years until I met you.

  16. I am writing a novel, you have not noticed, but you were the protagonist.

  17. I really like your eyes, especially the left.

  18. I don't need a prince to rescue me, I need you.

  19. I did not believe in love at first glance, until I saw you arrive.

  20. I wanted to tell you that I like you, but being honest: I love you!

  21. I love your face, I would like to know if this beautiful is your personality.

  22. I would like to have the superpower of being able to stay by your side.

  23. A plane is not necessary by your side, your kisses make me fly anywhere on the planet.

  24. For your birthday I give you how beautiful it exists: a mirror to look at it.

  25. Although I see you little, I think too much.

  26. Since I know you, I fear death, because I fear not being able to see you more.

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