Emotions and digestive system

Emotions and digestive system

Emotions and the digestive system seem to keep a closer relationship than we suppose. In fact, digestion is a process that can affect the mood of a person. Hence the relevance of taking care of food, then, Good nutrition would result in a greater amount of positive emotions.

Emotions and digestive system

Although we usually see the brain and the digestive system in isolation, the truth is that when there is a digestive normality, there is also an emotional balance. Well, although it is true that the digestive system works autonomously, when something goes wrong, the connection between emotions and the digestive system become more patent.

This is because There is an extensive network of neurons and neurotransmitters that connect the stomach and intestine walls with the cerebral cortex, sending information about what happens in the digestive system and how digestion is carried out. So, this system also acts as a kind of alarm, since when something is not working in the right way, the sensitive nerves that are located in the inflamed walls of the digestive tract are hypersensitized, amplifying the local stimuli that give way to the discomfort, pain and nausea. This takes place because the brain records the signals that come from the digestive system and modify them by transforming them into anxiety, anguish, and even depression, which can be aggravated.

It should be noted that the relationship between the digestive system and the brain is bidirectional. This means that when there is a presence of digestive diseases, such as gastritis or colitis, which are with irritation or inflammation, they are aggravated when anxiety or stress increases, that is, they become more latent when there are emotional factors.

Digestive health depends on the fact that there is a balance between digestive function and brain function, which is influenced by diets.

The treatment for Recover digestive normality is oriented towards disinflammation and regulation of sensitive and motor activity, adopting an adequate diet, as well as works to restore balance emotional level.

Among the recommendations for a good digestion is to take care of the intestine, so that there is a good intestinal transit, learn to relax the abdomen, take care of the microbiota and dedicate the necessary time to go to the bathroom.

Similarly, Dr. Irina Matveikova, in her book entitled: Digestive Intelligence, a holistic vision of your second brain, indicates that within our entrails we have a true brain, whose neuronal function is similar to the brain activity of the head. This digestive system has an extensive network of neurons, which are located between the two muscle layers of its walls.

He also points out that The structure of digestive neurons is similar to the structure of brain neurons, And they have the same ability to release the same neurotransmitters, chemical molecules and hormones. This refers to the enteric nervous system, or second brain.

What about the microbiota?

The microbiota is made up of the set of microorganisms that inhabit the digestive tract, and this information is also relevant regarding emotions and the digestive system.

In the intestine there are approximately one hundred trillions of microorganism, according to the data provided by the European Food Information Council (EUFFIC). These microorganisms are mainly bacteria and have a crucial role in digestive health, in addition to having influence on the immune system, so it is important to address the issue of emotions and the digestive system and how they relate.

Because of this, many specialists recommend wearing adequate diet to make good digestion. Among the suggestions is the increase in fiber consumption, since this prevents constipation; In addition, to have a healthy intestine, it is necessary.

In the case of people who cereals produce gases and experience irritable intestine syndrome, they are recommended to obtain fiber from fruits and vegetables.

In addition, Experts recommend ingesting a lot of liquid, especially water, because the fiber absorbs water and this helps to intestinal transit. To make sure that enough water is being ingested, it is suggested to drink a glass with each meal.

In the case of soft drinks, coffee and cola, or tea, these drinks can cause acidity in some people, so it is suggested to choose drinks that do not contain bubbles, such as milk, herbal infusions or water.

Regarding food, some may be difficult to digest for some people. In the case of citrus or tomatoes, which are acids, they can cause acidity, just like salads for salads. Onion and wheat can also cause irritable intestine syndrome.

In any case, The relationship between emotions and the digestive system is proven, So this opens a door to future research and therapies to improve, not only digestive health, but also mental.

Defining physical and emotional health


  • From González Méndez, T. M. (2010). Psychoneuroimmunendocrinology, emotions and disease. A review.
  • Matveikova, i. (2011). Digestive Intelligence: A holistic vision of your second brain. The sphere of books.
  • Raffa, s. (2017). Interaction of emotions, food and digestive alterations(Dissertation Doctoral, Isalud University).