Drug addictions causes and protection

Drug addictions causes and protection

Drugs are chemical substances that affect the body and brain. Many of them can cause lasting and even permanent health problems. They can even continue after a person has stopped taking the substance. Therefore knowing its causes is the beginning to protect themselves from drug abuse.


  • What are the reasons why drugs are consumed?
  • Factors that influence addiction
    • 1. Environmental factors
    • 2. Genetic factors
    • 3. Situational factors
  • The treatment to end addictions
    • Protection factors
    • References

What are the reasons why drugs are consumed?

There are many reasons why a person can become addicted to drugs and Causes of drug abuse can be different even depending on the substance, But there are common reasons why people start consuming drugs.

  • To integrate: It is usually the most common reason among young people. They start using drugs because they want to fit or express independence and rebellion. In most cases, influenced by social pressure, do not understand the seriousness of drug use and addiction.
  • To feel good: either to avoid stress and anxiety or to feel better on weekends, consume drugs is the entrance door to an addiction.
  • To experiment: The curiosity to try new experiences can cause the person to begin to abuse substances that alter the mind, due to the strong addiction produced by drugs.
  • To improve performance: The pressure to be paid at work or sports competitions causes it to begin to consume substances that stimulants or steroids.

When asking why people consume drugs, it is important to understand that only that first moment when they make the decision is voluntary. From there, the situation continues due to the physical demands of chemical substances and what they produce to the brain.

Factors that influence addiction

Once we know why drugs are consumed, it is good to take into account the risk factors that favor an addiction.

1. Environmental factors

Family and friends can influence drug use. For example, when there is a Early exhibition to drugs and alcohol, young children and adolescents learn to accept it as a normal component of life. It is part of the behaviors they learned during their growth. Is what they consider normal.

Also, teenagers tend to abuse drugs due to the pressure of the classmates without understanding the effects. Group pressure imposes this perception.

2. Genetic factors

It does not always happen but there is some evidence that shows that there is a Predisposition to use drugs and alcohol based on genetics. Studies indicate that around 40 to 60 percent of the probability that an individual develops an alcohol addict comes from genetics.

For some people, there is a link to abuse alcohol that cannot be changed. This type of genetic predisposition comes from evolution. People tend to transmit key features from one generation to another. It is not necessary to have a genetic bond to be at risk. However, some people are more likely to develop an addiction than others.

3. Situational factors

Sometimes substance abuse problems are caused by situations and not by their environmental environment, but rather because of the way they feel and experience everyday life. For example They drink alcohol to avoid stress, relax or forget about a problem of their life. Drugs can also be used to help hide the symptoms of some diseases, especially mental ones, such as depression.

In these cases, drugs only make the situation worse, because people are unable to manage their lives causing the worsening of relationships and experiences. This leads to more every day due to their inability to improve the problem.

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The treatment to end addictions

Regardless of the factors or type of addiction, one thing is clear, addicts are victims of a chronic disease and deserve to be provided with the tools they need to overcome their problems to move towards the improvement of their quality of life.

Treating addiction is a bit more complicated than other diseases. The treatment for addiction disease is different because the individual must learn new behaviors and coping mechanisms, In addition to physical detoxification. That is why this process is usually carried out by professionals who know the treatments to avoid consumption. In addition, it is important to discover the factors that made them addicted so that they can face a solution to their problems.

Protection factors

In detoxification centers with the help of therapists and psychologists, the patient learns healthy coping mechanisms that will help him respond with more skill to stressful situations. Protection factors that can help both addicted people and non -addicted people who want to get away from drugs. Among the protection factors as an example can be anti-drug policies, self-control, supervision of parents and family, leisure activities, positive group pressure, etc.

To prevent and avoid drug use Prevention factors can be implemented on several levels: family, community, school and individual. The objective is that there are more protection factors than risk, minimizing the latter to reduce the probability of initiating an addiction or falling.

Drugs: How to prevent their consumption in young people and adolescents


  • García del Castillo Rodríguez, M. J. (2014). Drug addiction: risk factors, prevention and treatment. Elsevier Spain.
  • Domínguez-Lara, s. TO. (2017). Risk and protection factors associated with drug use in adolescents. International Addiction Research Magazine, 3 (2), 21-35.