The 80 best phrases of Sherlock Holmes

The 80 best phrases of Sherlock Holmes

Next, we will share some of Sherlock Holmes phrases, a fictional character who was the protagonist of four novels and more than fifty stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Sherlock Holmes phrases

These are the most striking and interesting Sherlock Holmes phrases:

A strange enigma is man.

I never make exceptions. An exception refutes the rule.

The main proof of the true greatness of man lies in the perception of his own smallness.

The world is full of obvious things, that no one by chance once observes.

Our ideas must be as broad as nature if they aspire to interpret it.

It is a capital error to theorize before having data. Insensibly, one begins to deform the facts to fit them in theories instead of fitting theories in fact.

Eliminate all other factors, and the one who remains must be the truth.

That man intrigues me, Watson; He knows how to hide his emotions very well.

My name is Sherlock Holmes. It is my business to know what other people do not know.

There is nothing like first -hand tests.

It is luck for this community that I am not a criminal.

For a great mind, nothing is small.

My business is that of any other good citizen, enforcing the law.

In the depths of my heart I thought I could succeed where others failed, and now I had the opportunity to try.

There is no combination of events that a man's intelligence is not able to explain.

Mediocrity knows nothing superior to itself; But talent instantly recognizes a genius.

I am a brain. The rest of my body is a mere appendix.

I fear that, if the matter is beyond humanity, it certainly is beyond me.

There is nothing more misleading than an obvious fact.

I confess that I have been blind as a mole, but it is better to learn late than ever.

The best way to act successfully is to be.

They say that genius has an infinite capacity to take appropriate measures. It is a very bad definition, but it is applied to a detective job.

Letting the brain work without sufficient material is how to compete with an engine. Get rid of pieces.

My mind is like a racing engine, breaking apart, since it is not connected to the work for which it was built.

The game is underway.

You know what my method is. Apply it.

No man charges his mind with small affairs unless he has some very good reason to do so.

The more strange and grotesque an incident, the more carefully it deserves to be examined.

My mind rebels in stagnation. Give me problems, give me work, give me the most abstract cryptogram or the most complex analysis.

Everything comes in a circle. The old wheel becomes, and the same speech is repeated. Everything has already been done before, and it will be again.

My horror for his crimes was lost in my admiration for his ability.

You always have to look for a possible alternative and be prepared for it.

What is out of the ordinary is usually a guide more than a hindrance.

It is very good to say that a man is intelligent, but the reader wants to see examples of it.

And he was never as formidable as after spending whole days in his armchair, plunged into his improvisations and his old books.

Where there is no imagination there is no terror.

Come right away, if it is convenient, if it is inconvenient they see anyway.

The truth is preferable, whatever, to an indefinite doubt.

All problems seem childish after they have explained.

There is nothing more stimulating than a case in which everything goes against you.

Never trust general impressions, grant in details.

I never suppose. It is a bad, destructive habit for logical faculty.

Only the truth makes us free.

He hated them and distrust them, but it was always an adversary stable.

Education never ends, it is a series of lessons with the elderly for the latest.

Nothing clarifies both a case and affirming that another person committed it.

You have a great gift, the silence. Makes you very valuable as a partner.

Underestimating is something as far from the truth as exaggerating one's own faculties.

I was forced to agree.

The press is a very valuable institution, if you know how to use it.

I'm not a psychopath. I am a high functioning sociopath. Do your research.

You see, but don't observe. The distinction is clear.

I listen to their story, they listen to my comments, and then they stay with my words.

The boring routine of existence horrifies me. I am eager for mental exaltation.

A man is always difficult to realize that he may have finally lost the love of a woman, no matter how bad he has treated her.

What a man can invent another can discover.

When you eliminate any logical solution to a problem, the illogical, although impossible, is invariably the truth.

You might not be a light, but you are a light driver. Some people without possessing genius have a remarkable power to stimulate light.

Our powers, our desires, our food, all are really necessary in the first instance for our existence.

I am not the law, but I represent justice in regard to my weak powers.

I can't remember at the moment any error that you have omitted.

DESCEDED READERS are rarely noted by the accuracy of their learning.

Maybe when a man has special knowledge and special powers such as mine, rather he is encouraged to seek a complex explanation when a simpler is at hand.

A wise man does not always admit everything he knows. And sometimes a friend too credulous can be a soft fun source.

The papers are sterile; Audacity and romance seem to have passed forever to the criminal world. Can you ask me, then, if I am ready to examine any new problem, however insignificant?.

It was at that time that for a moment it ceased to be a reasoning machine and betrayed its human love for admiration and applause.

The world is large enough for us. There is no ghost need.

I ignore.

I would prefer that you would not mention my name at all in relation to this case, since I choose to be alone associated with those crimes that present some difficulty in their solution.

When one tries to rise above nature, it is likely that he falls below it.

Each job has its own reward.

As a general rule, the more strange it is a thing, the less mysterious it turns out to be.

His ignorance was as remarkable as his knowledge.

You know that one does not get credit when your trick has already explained.

It has two of the three necessary qualities for the ideal detective. Has the power of observation and deduction. He just wants to know.

Life is infinitely more strange than anything that man's mind would invent.

Work is the best antidote against sadness.

We must seek coherence. When there is lack of it, we must suspect.

Singularity is almost invariably a track. The more characteristic and superficial it is a crime, the more difficult it is to bring it home.

There is no branch of detective science as important and as careless as the art of drawing steps.

These are the best phrases of Sherlock Holmes that you can find and that will incite you to rethink some issues.

80 short phrases with message: few words that say a lot