The 36 most shocking Eric Berne phrases

The 36 most shocking Eric Berne phrases

Eric Berne It was a prominent psychiatrist, who struggled to understand human behavior.

Reading some of Eric Berne's phrases can help us understand how he conceived the human being and why he dedicated himself to creating his own theory.

Because his desire to learn more about the actions of individuals led him to design the theory of transactional analysis, which is currently well known.

Berne also tried to be a psychoanalyst, but failed to be recognized as such, which led him to devote himself more strongly to his original theory, which consisted of a group therapeutic method.

Next, we share some of Eric Berne's best phrases with the purpose of approaching his approaches.

Eric Berne's following phrases allow us to know more details about his therapeutic approaches:

Eric Berne's best phrases

A person acts and feels, does not agree with what things really are, but according to their mental image of reality.

The moment when a child cares about whether it is a cramp or it is a sparrow, you can no longer see birds or listen to them sing.

The mentally ill people do not have different instincts, but express in a different way those instincts that are universal among human beings.

Each person designs his own life, freedom gives him power to carry out his designs, and the power gives the freedom to interfere in the designs of others.

The brain is necessary for effective action in compliance with a specific purpose.

Games are commitment between intimacy and maintain intimacy of distance.

The man who buys a lottery ticket constitutes a good example of the way anxious people try to adapt to their images with the least possible effort.

Children understand people much better than the elderly trained who study human behavior.

Each person decides in his early childhood how he will live and how he will die, and to that plan, which carries in the head wherever he goes, we call him script.

Each individual is pushed by their script to repeat the same behavior patterns again and again, no matter how much the consequences.

All your decisions are made by four or five people inside your head, and although you may not pay attention if you are too proud to hear them, they will be there next time if you bother to listen to them. Script analysts learn to amplify and identify these voices.

The main themes of vital scripts are the same that are found in fairy tales: love, hate, gratitude and revenge.

Hobbies and games are substitutes for the real experience of real intimacy.

There are more possible connections in a single brain than those in a world switch if each human being had a phone.

Hunger is the need to touch and be touched, to be recognized by society and only appeases with caresses.

The eternal problem of the human being is how to structure his wake -up hours.

Instead of encouraging people to live bravely in an old world, it is possible to live happily in a brave new world.

No man is a hero for his wife's psychiatrist.

Each psychiatrist has their particular way of considering people, derived from their own clinical experience.

People are born princes and princesses until the civilization process makes them toads.

Dreams are an individual product that the subject elaborates to obtain satisfaction.

I'm fine, you're fine.

Human life is the process of spending time until the arrival of death, or Santa Claus.

Paternal programming is not the fault of the parents since they do nothing but pass to the children the programming received from their parents, just as it is not their fault the physical appearance of their children since they do nothing but pass the genes they received from their ancestors. But brain chemical materials are easier to change than those that determine the physical appearance.

The man who buys a lottery ticket constitutes a good example of the way anxious people try to adapt to their images with the least possible effort.

A healthy person says yes, no and brave!. A little healthy person says yes, but no, but there is no brave.

It is incredible to think, at first, that the fate of man, all his nobility and all his degradation, is decided by a child of no more than six years, and generally three of three.

Who loses does not know what he will do if he loses, but he talks about what he will do if he wins, and who wins does not talk about what he will do if he wins, although he knows what he does if he loses.

We think we interact with others ... but we are really playing.

People believe they are looking for security, but what it really seeks is a sense of security, since real security, of course, does not exist.

Games are commitment between intimacy and maintain intimacy of distance.

The man who triumphs is that whose images correspond to matos approximation to reality, because his actions lead him to the results he imagines.

It is our responsibility to take that toad skin and remain princes and princesses.

Libido is the energy of the desire for life that preserves the race.

The child in the person is in power capable of contributing to his personality exactly as a happy and real child is able to contribute to family life.

The most brutal psychological blow that a human being can receive is proof that his good mother cheated him.

These are Eric Berne's phrases that have caused more impact on those who have studied their work. We hope you have also made you reflect a lot.

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