The 30 wisest phrases of the Ecclesiastes book

The 30 wisest phrases of the Ecclesiastes book

These are the most wise phrases of Ecclesiaste book, a biblical book where life is reflected with great realism.

Who have analyzed this book, from the Hermeneutical method of philosophy, They have found that their worth is mainly given by the precepts about the life that every man must follow.

Its main narrator tells how everything in life is vanity, but only in the spiritual force, called by some as creator, or God, is that you can find Hope to face difficulties.

Next, we will share with you some of the most wise and enigmatic phrases of the Bible ecclesiastes book.

Ecclesiast book phrases

These are the phrases of the ecclesiaste book loaded with more wisdom and that will serve for your life, forever:

There is a pointed time for everything, and there is a time for each event under the sky.

Vanity of vanities! Vanity of vanities, everything is vanity!.

Do not rush to speak, or your heart has hurry to pronounce a word before God. Well, God is in heaven, but you on earth: therefore few your words.

I saw that wisdom argues to foolishness, like light to darkness.

What it was, that will be; What was done, that will be done. There is nothing new under the sun.

It is better not to make votes to make them and not fulfill them.

Because those who live know what they have to die, but the dead know nothing, nor do they already have any reward, because their memory is forgotten.

There is no memory of the first things or of the desserts that will happen; There will be no memory of them among those who will come later.

It is better to hear reproach of wise, that hearing praise of fools.

Time to cry, and time to laugh; time to lament, and time to dance.

He has done everything appropriate in his time. He has also put eternity in his hearts; However, man does not discover the work that God has done from the beginning to the end.

Everything has its moment, and everything its time under the sky: its time to be born, and its time dying; your time planting, and your time starting the planted.

Remember, then, of your creator in the days of your youth, before the bad days come, and the years are approaching: I have no pleasure.

What benefit receive man of all the work with whom he strives under the sun?.

As his mother's belly came out, naked will return, as he has come; And nothing can get out of your fatigue that you can carry in your hand.

Well, an absurdity occurs on earth: there are righteous to whom it happens to which corresponds to the works of the bad, and bad to whom it happens which corresponds to the works of the good. I say this is another absurd.

Everything your hand finds to do, do lo according to your strength; Because there is no activity or purpose or knowledge or wisdom in the SEOL where you are going.

Enough words. All is said. Fears God and keeps his commandments, that is to be a full man.

What does the worker get out of what he fells?.

What it is, has already been, and what it will be, it was already, and God seeks what has happened.

I said also in my heart regarding the children of men: certainly God has tried them to see that they are only animals.

I know that everything God does will be perpetual; There is nothing to add and there is nothing to take away; God has worked thus so that in front of Him they fear men.

Who knows that the breath of life of the man ascends up and the breath of life of the animal descends down, to the earth?.

I have even seen more under the sun: than in the place of law, there is impiety, and in the place of justice, there is iniquity.

All go to the same place. Everyone has come out of dust and everyone returns to dust.

Because the fate of the children of men and the fate of animals is the same: as one dies, the other dies. Everyone has the same breath life; man has no advantage over animals, because everything is vanity.
The fool crosses hands, and devours its own flesh.

There was a man alone, without successor, who had no son or brother, however, there was no end to all his work. In truth, his eyes did not satisfy the wealth, and never asked: Who do I work for my life for my pleasure? This is also vanity and painful task.

Better is a poor and wise young man, than an old and foolish king, who no longer knows how to receive advice.

Better is the end of an issue than its beginning; Better is the patience of spirit than the haughty of spirit.

The conclusion, when everything has been heard, is this: fears God and keeps his commandments, because this is concerned with every person.

Which of these phrases in the ecclesiaste book has impressed you the most? Tell us your impressions!

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