Reminiscence therapy, what is it

Reminiscence therapy, what is it

Reminiscence therapy is widely used in centers that They work with older people who suffer dementia. This therapy has yielded good results and has been implemented for several years.

Through reminiscence therapy, it is aspired to stimulate a specific area of ​​the brain to obtain desired results.

Origin of reminiscence therapy

Reminiscence is a memory that comes to mind, it can be an event or an object. In psychology it is used for reflect on the past or express yourself about the vital existence itself. For a long time, in the field of psychology, it has been considered Reminiscence as a regressive process that generates an enjoyment from the past that no longer exists.

Thus, within the group of therapies to remember the past is reminiscence, one of the options that has been most successful and that uses several elements, such as objects, anecdotes, music, people or trips that allow to bring to memory experiences significant to the lives of people suffering from dementia.

The origins of reminiscence therapy date back to the eighties and versa about the debate of events, activities and experiences of the past, with support of tangible or intangible objects that allow to trigger memories and stimulate the episodic memory of older or dependent people.

Episodic memory, what is it

Reminiscence too It facilitates that the elderly establish a connection with their past and recover part of their identity.

In this sense, the reminiscence therapy meets several objectives, among which is to review the past, discuss a fact that has occurred, improve mood, encourage interaction between patients and health professionals, help the person You feel done and improve self -esteem. The activities that are part of this therapy are related to the person -centered care model.

Woods and Cotelli have been some of the authors who have studied this therapy, thanks to the benefits it contributes at cognitive and mood. Other authors, such as Irazoki, have indicated that this therapy improves depression, so it becomes a great option during the elderly.

Examples of reminiscence therapy

Among the examples of reminiscence therapy are not only objects, but also writing, which allows you to organize memories. In addition, the following can appear:

  • Memories boxes: With important objects in their life, which have marked some vital fact, such as press cuts, letters, photographs or postcards.
  • Autobiographical text: as a newspaper, in which any significant event is chronological.
  • Music therapy: It is applied within the reminiscence techniques, since you can select songs from the person's time and work with the memories that you are evoking.
  • Advertising: of the time, such as television or radio wedges that were present in the life of the elderly.
  • Gastronomic space: With different aromas and flavors that allow memories to emerge.

Reminiscence therapy is composed of sessions that last thirty and forty minutes; These can be carried out in a group or individual form. Thus, the therapist is a listener and who suffers deterioration tells experiences.

The decoration is also important in some cases, since through this the patient could be placed at a certain historical moment, if desired. So that the therapist would collect valuable information, data or objects for activities with the elderly.

What is desired through the use of the aforementioned elements is stimulate the senses, making a good choice of resources after considering the stage of the disease that the person suffers, since in some cases he can coexist auditory or visual deficits.

There are many songs that historically enjoyed great popularity and these are linked to the experiences of the elderly. Therefore, it is considered that Musical reminiscence is one of the most used techniques For the therapists. In these cases, activity with music can last an hour. From there, it is conversed on the significant or what represents the lyrics or the song itself and, at the end, they are asked if they want to listen to it again or prefer another.

Music allows feelings to be expressed more easily, due to the emotions that are related to songs.

Finally, reminiscence therapy is a cognitive process that allows to recall lived experiences or situations that have not been resolved, so it has a therapeutic character.

Main types of psychological therapy or psychotherapy in psychology


  • Afonso, r., Well, B. (2010). Reminiscence with different types of autobiographical memories: effects on the reduction of depressive symptomatology in old age. Psychothema22(2), 213-220.
  • González-Arévalo, k. TO. (2015). Reminiscence therapy and its effects on older patients with dementia. PSYCHOGERIATRY5(3), 101-111.
  • Irazoki, e., García-Casal, J. TO., Sánchez-Meca, J., & Franco-Martín, M. (2017). Effectiveness of group reminiscence therapy in people with dementia. Systematic review and meta -analysis. Rev neurol65(10), 447-456.