The therapy of pressed magnetic fields or magnetotherapy

The therapy of pressed magnetic fields or magnetotherapy


  • Benefits of magnetotherapy for the complementary treatment of diseases
  • TCMP (pulsed magnetic field therapy)
  • Conditions that can be treated in a complementary way
  • Pressed magnetic field therapy in yesterday's world and today
  • What are some of its benefits?
    • Links

Benefits of magnetotherapy for the complementary treatment of diseases

In recent years, science applied to the service of the human being has taken giant steps. Technologies ranging from bright and intelligent television screens, computers, cell phones, mobile devices, all satellite technology and others. These devices have become valuable tools for us, because we perform many of our daily activities; he electromagnetism It is part of the life of all people in the world. However, The magnetic radiation emitted all of them is harmful to our well -being.

In this type of specialized fields for treatment, electromagnetic radiations harmful to health are not generated. All Our bodily functions need electrical stimulation of the brain And through the nerves it reaches the muscles.

Who can benefit more with TCMP? All people because their action is at the cellular level ... from High performance athletes and dancers, to people who spend many hours in front of a screen, Those who have posture problems also benefit greatly. It is only contraindicated for those who have pacemaker. They are endless conditions whose condition can improve with TCMP.

This therapy is Earned since 1976 by the FDA (FUD & Drug Administration) for the treatment of joints, bones, chronic pain and ulcers healing.

CONCLUSIONS OF WHO's scientific research (World Health Organization)

“In the last 30 years, approximately 25 have been published.000 articles on the biological effects and medical applications of non -ionizing radiation. Although some people think that more research is needed, scientific knowledge in this field is now broader than those corresponding to most chemicals. Based on a deep review of scientific publications, WHO concluded that existing results do not confirm that exposure to low intensity electromagnetic fields produces any consequence for health ”.

TCMP (pulsed magnetic field therapy)

Electric microcurrents are induced in TCMP, The conductive material is mainly living fabrics, Thus we stimulate them: through electrotherapy.  The treatment does not generate pain and is not invasive either.

The CM is pressed because it emits the electromagnetic field in a way intermittent, Its intensity may vary according to the patient's needs, The therapist may indicate what the protocol is. The frequency is measured in Hertz and means the number of pulses per second.

The magnets are not used here; In them, the intensity is the same, but in the CMP the intensity of these varies and can be measured (gauss). It is based on Faraday's law either Electromagnetic induction. The electricity It is generated and conducted through inductors, which are inside the mattress, which connects to a electronic brain.

Small pauses at work improve performance

Conditions that can be treated in a complementary way

The electromagnetic field is something that the body needs to function and produce the electrical conductivity of the body, most people have low conductivity and that makes the body do not produce the necessary electricity, so the patient You have to make more effort to generate the electricity you need.

Pressed magnetic field therapy in yesterday's world and today

There are very old references of the use of Cm in medicine and aesthetics, great ancient civilizations such as Egypt, India, China and Greece already used them for the treatment of many conditions and to maintain vitality.

  • Europe, Russia, China and Japan use together for the treatment of some chronic diseases such as cancer.
  • The University of Santiago, Cuba uses TCMP in complement for breast cancer treatment, with excellent research results.
  • In Mexico it is authorized for orthopedic rehabilitation. As a health professional and at the same time patient with chronic-degenerative diseases, I can also assure you that TCMP, along with essential oils have been a great complementary resource for the treatment of many physical and psychological conditions of many patients of many patients.
  • In the National Institute of Health of the United States, scientific research is currently carried out to understand the effects of magnetism on biological systems.

Therapy applies with Specialized Aparatology, The best are those that have a mattress shape, because they allow the patient to receive therapy throughout the body simultaneously.

What are some of its benefits?

Improves the condition of the skeletal muscle system: Increases the strength of muscles and tendons, while accelerating the recovery of bone tissues when there are fractures.

  • Promote blood flow in veins and arteries: Stimulates the formation of new blood vessels. Activates the regeneration of venous and arterial endothelios.
  • It regenerates cells activating their metabolism by increasing cell function, this by means of the movement of ion through the cell membrane, oxygenation and Increase in growth factors.
  • It is a stimulus BIOREGENERATOR (at a cellular level).
  • Promotes cell regeneration, formation of collagen and that of the endothelios.
  • Accelerate wounds and ulcers.
  • Avoid the calcification of soft tissues. (Tumors and cancer)
  • Has anti -inflammatory and analgesic effects.
  • Stimulates the regeneration of cartilage and bones.
  • Help to balance he PH cell phone.

It may interest you: Energy body therapies


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