Pomodoro technique, what is 5 recommendations

Pomodoro technique, what is 5 recommendations

Pomodoro technique is one of the most popular in work and study environments, its function lies in manage time.

The technique receives this name in the eighties because its creator, Francesco Cirillo, had a tomato -shaped kitchen timer, which was his inspiration, then, "Pomodoro" to Spanish means "tomato".

Those who wish to take better advantage of time can resort to this technique, since it is simple and efficient.

When working or studied there is a time to concentrate, but then the mind begins to wander. Therefore, although taking rest periods help, if they are not scheduled, the person can spend more time from the usual in completing the task. However, the Pomodoro technique ensures that this does not happen, to Divide the day into approach sessions, followed by rest moments.

To apply this technique, you can use any watch or the phone, however, today there are many applications that are timers designed exclusively for the Pomodoro technique.

The Pomodoro technique

The objective of this technique is to support people to execute their tasks with maximum concentration and in the shortest time that can be.

It consists of dividing the time that will be dedicated to a task into periods of 25 minutes. At this time you should not have any distraction and between each period, a 5 -minute break is taken.

The work time is called "Pomodoro Tiempo" and at the time of rest it is called "No Pomodoro Time". To make time counted, it is essential to avoid any distraction. Thus, the mind will associate the concentration to the timer, so, the more it applies, it is expected that less time to concentrate will be required.

For a good application of the Pomodoro technique it is recommended:

  1. Divide the tasks into periods of 25 minutes or "pomodoros";
  2. take 5 minutes breaks between those "pomodoros";
  3. Every time 4 pomodoros pass, a longer rest period is taken, it can be 15 to 30 min and the cycle begins again.

In addition, it is suggested to start with Define which task is going to be performed, then the stopcutter is activated in a 25 -minute countdown. It works with concentration and intensity until the timer sounds. A equis (x) is marked on a sheet, each of them is equivalent to 1 pomodoro. It is rest for five minutes.

When you have 100 minutes working, or four pomodoros, proceed to Take a long break of 15 to 30 minutes. Pomodoro time is taken to review what has been done.

5 keys to good technique use

For the Pomodoro technique to be effective, the following guidelines are recommended:

  1. Start calmly: since the application of the technique is a routine change, so it is suggested.
  2. Plan the tasks: Taking the Pomodoro technique into consideration. Each task must be thought by estimating the time it would take, applying the technique. This will have a better organization and how many pomodoros are needed for execution.
  3. Avoid distractions: placing the mobile in silence or off the computer notifications.
  4. Take good breaks: Taking some steps to stretch your legs, fill out the bottle with water, water a plant, or any activity that does not involve mental effort. It is recommended to avoid reading mail or connecting to social networks.
  5. Apply it to the precise tasks: since it cannot be applied in any job. For example, attend meetings, review emails, attend calls, among others, then, the technique was designed for those activities that are carried out continuously. It is also suggested to use it at the time of the day in which there is greater performance.

The Pomodoro technique contributes many benefits, since the person who uses it feels better their self -esteem, while he is fulfilling his goals and this makes him feel good. Likewise, the capacity to concentrate is practiced and it is allowed to increase, mental fatigue, anxiety, prevents procrastination, is reduced and less time is required to fulfill tasks.

It should be noted that there are other techniques to manage time and have good productivity. This Pomodoro technique has had its detractors, which has allowed other options to be created, but everything depends on the style of each person.

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  • Cirillo, f. (2020). The Pomodoro technique. F. Cirillo, the Pomodoro technique (p. 192). Spain: Paidos Editions.
  • Herbas Torrico, B. C., Arandia Tavera, C. TO., Murillo, n. V., & Quintanilla, M. (2020). Multitasking at school and university: Implementation of the Pomodoro technique for the improvement of academic performance in engineering students.
  • Nemur, l. (2016). Productivity: Productivity tips and shortcuts for occupied people. BABELCUBE INC.