The technique of one eye at a time

The technique of one eye at a time

With the technique of an eye at the same time, it is alternately activated to cerebral hemispheres, so that The person is able to "see" two different points of view around a specific conflict or situation. The objective of this procedure is to achieve better interhemispheric communication and the integration of cerebral hemispheres through the corpus callosum, thus, the subject acquires a more complete and clear "vision" of the situation, thus "can" walk more light For life ”without so many emotional packaging.


  • What is the technique of 'One Eye at a time'?
  • How does the brain work?
  • How is the “one eye for a time” technique performed?
  • For what problems have the technique of one eye be useful at a time?
  • Traumatic memories and desensitization
    • Links

What is the technique of 'One Eye at a time'?

This technique is part of brain integration techniques (ICT), emotional loads that cause dysphoria, discomfort and that generally bring implicitly somatic and cognitive responses, they can work and be significantly reduced, Eliminate those "knots" in the visual field, in the body and mind, In a short time and obtaining good results, so that the brain is released from this weight, can optimize its superior functions and better or more adaptively regular corporeal functions.

This procedure has its foundations in desensitization and reprocessing by eye movements (EMDR), was matured by doctors: Autrey Cook and Richard Bradshaw (2000), they observed psychotherapeutic work with their patients, since: Through the eye we can have access to the visual cortex, they did it sequentially and alternately, activating both cerebral hemispheres. They have currently created the technique of hemispheric glasses that applies these principles with a novel technology that facilitates psychotherapeutic treatment, both for patients and health professionals (Ferrazzano Solvey and Cols. (2007).

How does the brain work?

Interhemispheric fissure is a cleft that divides the left and right hemisphere, although both operate in very different ways, the corpus callosum unites them, allowing the exchange of information; With the technique of one eye at a time, it is sought Optimize the "connection" between both hemispheres and improve higher brain functions, Recall that being this: the “Command Central” of the Central Nervous System (SNC), is also in charge of regulating our body functions.

The prefrontal cortex helps us to carry out cognitively complicated behaviors, problem solving and decision making, when anxiety levels are very high are not so 'efficient' in their tasks, as the alert system of the alertness of the body, giving priority to other functions.

When the brain function is integrated, by means of the technique of one eye at a time, the frontal lobe is "activated", so that the individual is able to choose other more adaptive or functional behaviors for their circumstances for their circumstances. Therefore, it is Employee to treat phobias, since in a short time effective results can be achieved, Sometimes they require it, because there are patients with phobias or fears that can affect their life, many times they need to lose that fear to continue their optimal development in the different areas where the subject develops, as in the case of Social anxiety, which can be a cause of school absenteeism for a student, is sometimes for fear, as is the case of many patients who have been victims of school violence, it is important that parents attentive to our children and their educational needs; This neurotherapy, allows the patient to renewed to academic life, with cerebral reintegration, the student can unveile improve classroom skills.

What is the Zeigarnik effect and what is its utility

How is the “one eye for a time” technique performed?

This neurotherapy is a non -invasive and very simple technique. During the session, the patient is asked to 'Think, visualize and tune in' with the problem, emotion or 'pain of pain' to which the treatment is desired, it is common for the subject to narrate the conflicting situation, while the person covers an eye.

Subsequently, the individual will be executing subsequently during the protocol the guidelines that are given, alternating with right and left eye, at the request of the psychotherapist. It is done in 'Beta', which corresponds to a vigil or alert state.

The praxis of the technique of one eye at a time, can be with the patient's own hand or with the device previously given to the patient by the psychotherapist, this always under his indications regarding the alternation and other variables that must be controlled, when Patients perform this technique, the therapist visualizes certain “points in the visual field”, the DRA. Ferrazzano Solvey, calls them "knots", are emotions that cause us discomfort at somatic and cognitive level, because "body and mind are intimately related". Gary Craig, creator of the EFT: the emotional liberation technique, said:

"The cause of all" negative 'emotion is a disorder of the body's energy system ".

The technique of one eye at a time contributes to reprocessing conflicting information, so that the person "can see things more clearly" by dissolving those "emotional knots" How is it achieved to lighten those extra emotional loads? Managing to minimize the levels of stress, anxiety, dysphoria and physical manifestations of those states, or at best: eliminating or significantly modifying somatic, cognitive and behavioral responses, since that type of reaction remains energy, while exacerbating confusional and anguish states.

For what problems have the technique of one eye be useful at a time?

It has been applied with good results in the treatment for To modify emotional and somatic responses, such as some confusional, dissociative and "psychological shock" states, The latter is a phenomenon in which the person "blocks" before an object, person or situation (stimulus), altering their cognitive, behavioral and body functions. It happens to some students in the face of an academic examination, the "famous”: 'Mental block', where the pupil has effectively stored that information required in the test, but experiences such great anguish that it cannot 'recover' that data, just at the moment it requires them the most!

Likewise, a very varied range of psychopathologies can be treated, then It is a good tool for Anxiety, anger and stress management, that are implicit in many conditions. It is used as a complement to another type of different therapeutic process, in case the disorder merits and according to psychological assessment, so it is important to go with health and health professionals.  Some of the conditions for which this technique is very effective are:

  • Anxiety disorders
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Phobias and fears
  • "Panic Attacks" or anguish crisis
  • Compulsive Obsessive Disorder (TOC)
  • Lack of emotional regulation
  • Acute or chronic stress
  • Separation anxiety disorder
  • Difficult to focus

Traumatic memories and desensitization

Psychological abuse can also be very harmful, especially when it comes to young and adolescents, remember that they are building their self -concept, so it is suggested to strengthen it. The brain of a person who has suffered verbal, physical, psychological and other traumatic or violent experiences, above all, learns to respond in a certain way or not to respond adaptively in situations of this type or that are painful, as is the case with the learned helplessness, that before an obviously threatening reality. The psyche is 'comfortably numb' or 'desensitized', The person is so accustomed to abuse, in any of their forms, which isolates painful memories and emotions.

Many times it manages to save from "mental bombing" also using repression, denial, as well as different types of defense mechanisms and others Bad mechanisms for adaptation and emotional well -being, It is worth mentioning that even if they sound similar and share character, these strategies of the intrapsychic structure of the self are different.

With the 'technique of one eye at the same time', it is possible to desensitize a traumatic memory or a 'pain of pain', as well as somatic alterations of the states of anxiety.

When painful experiences occur, memories are kept in the body, a hemisphere knows with certainty that the experience caused by trauma (s): "Indeed happened"; However, the other part "cannot or does not want to believe," he perceives it as if it were a 'bad dream' and has the 'feeling' that when he woke up: "everything will end", he does it to protect himself, he uses it as a shield not to feel so much pain and Emotional suffering.

The prefrontal cortex helps us execute cognitively complicated behaviors, problem solving and decision -making, when anxiety levels are very high are not so 'efficient' in their performance, as the 'alert system is activated 'of the body, giving priority to other functions.

Some people may suffer so much that they manifest Dissociation of identity, states of "psychological shock", affective dullness, confusional states, mood disorders And sometimes, you can see a detriment in its cognitive processes such as: thought, Attention, memory, Language and learning, among others.

When anxiety levels are very high, distress is generated, in which: the prefrontal cortex is not so "active", being she who supports to perform superior brain behaviors and functions, The individual's decision -making is directly affected And its cognitive processes, the "technique of one eye at a time" represents a good psychotherapy resource with which the emotional load of traumatic memories and changing the answers can be eliminated.


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