Schwartz's 4 steps technique to unlock the brain

Schwartz's 4 steps technique to unlock the brain

The 4 steps of Schwartz was established as a procedure to deal with obsessive thoughts and compulsions. She describes a series of indications that, in order, who has symptoms of an obsessive compulsive disorder can continue, to revindicate the course of her ideas, and not be immersed in her negative thoughts.

In this article we will describe the aforementioned technique, created by the DR. Jeffrey Schwartz, to be able to develop in case of obsessive thoughts. Keep reading if you want to meet about it.


  • Obsessive thoughts
    • What is the compulsive obsessive disorder or TOC
  • Jeffrey Schwartz and his 4 steps technique
    • 1. Rehew
    • 2. Reatribute
    • 3. Rehend
    • 4. Reassess
  • Say goodbye to obsessive thoughts with the 4 steps technique of Schwartz
    • Bibliographic references

Obsessive thoughts

There are two types of thoughts that appear intrusive in our mind and, in general, we tend to confuse them. These are rumiative thoughts and obsessive thoughts. In this article we will focus on obsessive thoughts and therefore we must begin to distinguish them from those who consist rumiar.

Rumiative thoughts take place when an idea gets into our mind intrusive but, in addition, insistent. It happens when we turn and go around the same thought, again and again. They are extremely related to the experimentation of slight anxiety paintings and are the ones we commonly experience about certain concerns. If they do not occur chronicly, they are not alarm sign. Another issue is obsessive thoughts.

It is understood by obsessive thinking to those who break into intrusive, as well as ruminations. However, they generate a high degree of anxiety, and who experiences them believes that certain can really become. Obsessive thoughts negatively affect a person's life, on numerous occasions preventing their development normally.

The person who experiences obsessive thoughts is aware of his irrationality, however, he still fears that they can be completed.

The insistence and fear that an obsessive thought becomes a reality makes the development of the daily life of those who suffer them very difficult, since it ends up ending immersed in fear of their possible realization.

What is the compulsive obsessive disorder or TOC

There are a number of disorders that are related to the emergence of obsessive thoughts. Among them, obsessive compulsive or TOCs stands out. Who experiences this disorder experience constant obsessive thoughts before those who feel the need to react to, usually avoid.

An obsession, following the developments of the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders(DSM-V) can be defined as mental thoughts, impulses or images that tend to be constantly repeated. These are unwanted and cause stress or anxiety. Who experiences these thoughts, tends to ignore them to try to make them disappear, however, the effect tends to be exactly their opposite.

Obsessive-compulsive character test

Obsessions consume a lot of a person's life, in addition to causing significant states of anguish. Considering these factors and attending to the seriousness of the intrusion of obsessive thoughts is that the 4 -step technique of Schwartz can be a good implementation of the emergence of thoughts of obsessive characteristics.

Jeffrey Schwartz and his 4 steps technique

The doctor. Jeffrey Schwartz is an American psychiatrist, a pioneer in research in the area of ​​neuroplasticity that made great contributions regarding the treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder.

To describe the behavior of a person who experiences TOC symptoms, Schwartz coined the term of Blocked brain or cerebral block. He postulates that the development of this nature is the result of a cerebral biochemical imbalance that "blocks" to some extent the functions of the brain, leading to the development of behavior patterns that become obsessive, to try to avoid the development of something that It would be considered tragic.

This is how, for the treatment or realization of this kind of patterns of thought and behavioral. Jeffrey Schwartz described four steps that can follow who is being invaded by obsessive intrusive thoughts. It was in this way that the technique of the 4 Schwartz steps whose purpose is that whoever suffers obsessive thoughts can carry it out every time one of them breaks. The idea is that this technique becomes a habit, until the person manages to eradicate obsessive thoughts. We will now describe one of the steps proposed in the referred technique.

1. Rehew

In the first instance, given the intrusion of an obsessive thought, thoughts must be re -estate. This is to grant the thoughts and actions of who has an OCT the name they really deserve. Instead of being "dangers" or "fears" they are obsessions and compulsions, and they must be referred to by those who experience them.

To give an example, if someone has a thought of these characteristics: "If I do not wash my hands after touching unknown objects, a disease could contract," could re -do it, saying "I have an obsessive compulsive disorder that forces me to wash my hands Every time I play an unknown object for fear of getting a disease, which is the product of my disorder ”.

2. Reatribute

In this next step, the responsibility for obsessive ideas must be attributed to the OCD himself. As referred to, this disorder is the result of a cerebral chemical disorder. Must be understood in this way. The idea of ​​this step is to separate the obsession of the person in themselves, the one that must be understood as someone else, so as not to be immersed in the fears that concern their intrusive thoughts.

3. Rehend

At this stage, the idea is to remove the attention of obsessions, and take it to another site. You will try to deviate from focus on thoughts, taking care of something else, at least for a brief period of time.

To do this, any activity that manages to clear you will be an excellent option. You could water the plants, draw, go for a walk or watch a movie. The goal is to divert the course of thoughts, even for a while.

4. Reassess

In this step, two things remain to be done: accept and anticipate. Accept is to understand that the ideas that are experienced and attitudinal impulses are the result of a diagnosed condition, a disorder, which produces these symptoms. It is not about resigning, but about understanding things as they are, to do something with it.

To anticipate you must recognize the signals that announce the coming of intrusive thought, or the behaviors they entail. Once you can do it, you can follow the steps described here, to avoid paying attention to your obsession. Of course, anticipation is not achieved from one day to the next, nor will it be possible on all occasions, but once you manage to do it, it will be a great step to stabilize your emotions and divert the thinking of obsessions.

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Say goodbye to obsessive thoughts with the 4 steps technique of Schwartz

With the 4 steps of Schwartz you can act on your obsessive thoughts. If you have a TOC, it is probably useful to try. You must remember that your thoughts do not define you and, although you can have obsessive and compulsive symptoms, you can also accept them and modify them through cognitive restructuring techniques, such as the one we have described here. It is not about accepting and lowering the arms, but about doing so and moving forward to living better.

Cognitive restructuring, what is

Bibliographic references

  • Bartz, j. TO., & Hollander, and. (2006). Is obsessive-compulsive disorder an anxiety disorder?. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 30 (3), 338-352.
  • Schwartz, J. M. (nineteen ninety six). Brain Lock. Free Yourself from Obsessive-Compulsive Behavior.
  • Schwartz, J. M., & Begley, S. (2009). The Mind and The Brain. Springer Science & Business Media.