The technique of hemispheric glasses

The technique of hemispheric glasses

The technique of hemispheric glasses is included in neuroscientific and reprocessing therapies, the latest in therapeutic methodology, the technique of hemispheric glasses has a non -invasive technology: a “specialized glasses game” that Promote brain integration Through work with the corpus callosum, since they favor the communication of both hemispheres, it aims to Change the way the patient "sees" conflicting information, producing clinical manifestations emotionally, somatic, electromagnetic and neurological, They are data that are stored in the central nervous system (CNS).


  • What is the technique of hemispheric glasses?
  • Hemispheric differentiation and integration
  • Seeing through the hemispheric glasses
  • How do the glasses or hemispheric glasses work?
  • Unraveling the 'knots of your visual network'
  • Why does a good psychotherapeutic option represent?
    • Who can benefit with the use of the technique of hemispheric glasses?
  • How do hemispheric glasses help 'heal' their emotional wounds?
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What is the technique of hemispheric glasses?

This technique has been applied with great success in psychotherapeutic praxis to treat a variety of psychopathologies, especially Anxiety disorders, mood and learning problems, managing to reduce the number of treatment sessions with a high degree of effectiveness and potentializing the benefits for them, so it is a valuable clinical tool.

This methodology is part of therapies that make up the brain integration techniques (ICT), instituted by doctors: Raquel C. Ferrazzano de Solvey, Pablo Solvey and DR. Daniel Asís (2000), have their root in applied physiology, kinesiology and procedures of "desensitization and reprocessing by eye movements" (EMDR) mainly.

Through the technique of hemispheric glasses and “one eye at a time”, developed by Canadian scientists Audrey Cook, and Richard Bradshaw, (2000), Both cerebral hemispheres is alternately stimulated, which allows better communication, while "synchronized", thus achieving the "reprocessing of experience", so it is so helpful to treat phobias and victims of bullying, physical, sexual abuse and those who keep "memories of pain" in their body and in its central nervous system (CNS) producing great emotional suffering.

Each hemisphere "perceives and sees the reality of different ways" by integrating the work of both cerebral hemispheres, is more feasible that the patient can overcome before what generates conflict and causes emotional discomfort. When the "hemispheric synchronization" occurs, the anxiety levels are significantly reduced, allowing the person "to see through the hemispheric glasses with more clarity and objectivity" what caused him so much restlessness, thus allowing to adopt functional coping strategies for their personal contexts, as observed in patients with phobias, anxiety disorders and Mood.

One of the aspects in which it is reflected is in the decrease in the classic somatic responses of anxiety such as: chest oppression, sweating, acceleration of heart rate and activation of the tonsil, among others. Through neuroimágen you can see the modifications in cortical activity and in the types of brain waves: alpha, beta, gamma, delta and Theta, where different degrees of activity are visualized, which explains the reduction of levels of anguish in anguish in Patients, giving way to a beneficial 'cognitive restructuring' for the subject.

Hemispheric differentiation and integration

The right and left hemisphere "see reality" and perceive in different ways. The right hemisphere promotes our musical intelligence, artistic skills, Own Perception and worldview From the person, however, it also stores unpleasant experiences and activates anticipatory anxiety, does it to help us survive, maintaining an alert state when feeling in danger or threatened. While the left hemisphere instead, represents the "here and now", problem solving and our planning capacity.

The Interhemispheric communication is potentiated With this process through the corpus callosum, reducing the levels of stress that can cause the blockage or the hindering of certain functions, the necessary processes for learning such as: Sensoperception, memory and attention are reimbacked, improving the cognitive performance of the person , hence It is widely used to improve academic and professional performance.

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Seeing through the hemispheric glasses

"By activating both hemispheres with hemispheric glasses, the person 'visualizes their problem' from two different approaches, acquiring greater mental clarity, which allows it to reach an effective resolution of their conflict and adopt favorable coping strategies for personal development for their personal development".

Thus, with the help of hemispheric glasses, brain integration is possible, glasses with the left eye, help to "think better things", so that the patient can access in a state of calm in a gradual way, When the frontal lobe is activated, it acquires greater 'mental clarity' for reaching an effective solution of its problems and not to stay in typical 'mental rumination' that generates more anguish, unnecessary concern and confusion; Manifestations of body discomfort tend to diminish and finally disappear.

How do the glasses or hemispheric glasses work?

What is done is to put the patient glasses that apply a sequential gradient alternating the use of both eyes from very specific angles. Specifically, the glasses allow the passage of light and stimulate the retina on the nasal side, activating the contralateral hemisphere, then, through neuroimaging it is possible Find in a state of vigil or 'beta', while the other hemisphere is found in 'Alfa', which is a state of rest.

Hemispheric glasses stimulate Central Nervous System (CNS), So it is more feasible to give way to a 'favorable cognitive restructuring' For the development and well -being of the person, they contribute to the fact that emotional and somatic responses are more adaptive and less conflicting for the subject, or: 'more proactive and less reactive' '.

The neural, cognitive and electrical approach of the hemispheric glasses technique, activates what traditional Chinese medicine calls "meridian system" and "balances", promoting the work of both hemispheres, to the Optimize brain functioning, improves the performance and well -being of the person, In less time they usually do traditional orthodox psychotherapies.

During the psychotherapeutic process, the patient is asked to "visualize, think and feel" in the conflicting topic, hemispheric glasses have openings; When alternating the glasses, the functions of both cerebral hemispheres are "activated and deactivated", finally By 'synchronized' both give way to the 'brain reorganization'.

This allows the person to have some control over their own treatment, an aspect that is comfortable for those who suffer from anxiety disorders, because they experience less anguish when they feel that they can have control of their process and the presentation of aversive stimuli that bother them so much.

Unraveling the 'knots of your visual network'

With the technique of hemispheric glasses, “knots in the visual field” are sought, these can be observed in the movements of the eye, they manifest through changes when the person experiences different emotions, Dra. Ferrazzano (2015) says that: "It is possibly due to a cluster of information that remained in a neuronal group and you have to 'dissolve it' to lower the disturbance".

Emotional lability and dysphoric emotions, are accompanied by uncomfortable body manifestations that, in turn, exacerb The technique of hemispheric glasses?

"By unraveling the knots of the visual field, the conflict begins to properly processed, reducing to its minimum expression and in the best case: it no longer represents a problem for the person".

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Why does a good psychotherapeutic option represent?

In clinical cases of healing of phobias, you can see the effectiveness of the hemispheric glasses technique, such as: Arachnophobia, which does not leave people to go on an excursion to the field even if they wish for fear of finding a spider; Aerophobia, which many times makes individuals go important job opportunities and social interaction with people far away; or irrational fear of dogs or cinophobia, so uncomfortable, since these 'faithful friends of man' can be found in many parts of our path.

Who can benefit with the use of the technique of hemispheric glasses?

Hemispheric glasses for psychotherapeutic purposes are part of brain integration techniques (ICT) They help children, adolescents and adults to reorganize their brain activity around their specific challenges and needs They present, without pernicious health effects: quite the opposite!, because it allows the brain to function more efficiently through cerebral reintegration, being more feasible for the subject to develop his talents and his potential, in case he decides, because it also implies the exercise of his will.

Learning difficulties can be transcended through this technique, as well as some mathematical skills, many patients are able to recover their optimal brain function. When the brain operates with its maximum aptitude levels, the learning routes "open", improving cognitive performance, which increases in a short time with lasting modifications, as seen in: the improvement of reading-writing skills, the capacity for learning, intelligence, understanding, creativity and others.

There are many conditions that can be treated with the technique of hemispheric glasses, patients with dyslexia, learning disorders and difficulties, attention, attention, lack of emotional regulation, disruptive problems and poor impulse control, victims of physical abuse and sexual, as well as those of bullying. Has been used with excellent results to treat anxiety disorders.

These conditions can diminish the lives of individuals and prevent their health Traumas', which often prevent the healthy social interaction of the individual, some opt for affective isolation, thus complicating their psychopathology, being an avoidative and little resolutive behavior.

"Through the technique of hemispheric glasses, the Emotional discomfort And the subject opts for “a more optimistic and functional vision for its reality".

How do hemispheric glasses help 'heal' their emotional wounds?

Hemispheric glasses can help 'heal' more quickly wounds and emotional traumas, allowing the person to have greater clarity and equanimity, as well as a focus focused on the present, it facilitates abandoning feelings and repressed emotions. Why does this happen? Thanks to the cerebral reintegration and the activation of the frontal lobe, which helps us to have a lucid trial, so it is more feasible that the person can acquire “a clearer vision” by means of the hemispheric glasses, with this the acceptance of his problem and the individual is able to make a decision in this regard that benefits him.

The technique of hemispheric glasses, It allows the frontal lobe to work and the subject decreases levels of anxiety and stress, as in the case of phobias and "panic attacks" or anguish crisis to name a few. Our prefrontal cortex in an extremely creative area, allows new learning, favors problem solving and cognitive reallocation with programs that we can build for the benefit of the person, serving for psychotherapeutic purposes.


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