The technique of life ecology, what it consists of

The technique of life ecology, what it consists of

The term Ecology refers to science in charge of studying the relationships of living beings and their habitat. In general, the human being constantly interacts with the world around him, which generates different results in different areas. Following this conceptualization, Vicens Olivé Pibernat has developed the technique known as 'Life Ecology'. This tool allows the person Visualize in a deep way the way it relates to the world.

Next, I will present in detail how a person can apply the ecology of life and benefit from it.


  • How to apply life ecology?
    • Steps to apply life ecology
  • How to make use of my life ecology?
    • References


It is impossible to foresee all of our future, because a certain part of it depends on circumstances outside the ourselves. However, it is important to understand that at least a good part of what we live is a consequence of our actions. In this sense, if we only concentrate on the points of life that we cannot control we will end up frustrated. Then, the decision -making capacity and the planning of medium and long term goals become fundamental to face the future.

Returning to the previous point, if we consider that we are able to build our future, we must use strategies that allow us to achieve this end. Therefore, a life project can be a useful instrument in such a task.

The life project is defined as the orientation that a person gives to his future. This, "gives coherence to existence and marks a style in acting, in relations, in the way of seeing events" (Arboccó, 2014).

The life project is carried out individually and personalized, as it is unique for each person. To carry it out, the person must take into account their values, beliefs, interest, desires, priorities. Therefore, one of the requirements To carry out a favorable life project, it is previously undergoing an introspection process. In this way, it will be possible to draw goals according to our vocation if we really have a well -forged identity.

How to apply life ecology?

On the path of self -knowledge, there are different tools that allow the individual make a detailed observation of yourself. Among them, the ecology of life stands out for focusing on the acquisition of congruence and responsibility by whoever applies it.

The ecology of life was created by Vicens Olivé Pibernat, a coaching specialist, and raised in his book 'NLP & Coaching: an integrative vision'. The ecology of life is characterized by helping the person to explore different areas or media in which a person circulates. Thanks to this, it is an ecological procedure, because Study how the person interacts with their environment.

Life Ecology Test

Steps to apply life ecology

The first step To carry out this technique would be Write down what are the most significant aspects of your life. For example, you can include spirituality, personal care, finance, work, friendships, sexuality, and even hobbies. On average, it is recommended that you contemplate 15 to 20 areas of existence that you consider relevant to evaluate.

In second place, Who performs the ecology of life will have to reflect on what their personal values ​​are. That is, it will have to identify what are the principles or virtues for which your life governs. In this way, the following will be to link one of these fundamental principles to each of the significant areas above. Thus, the Friendship Area can be linked to the virtue of loyalty, or tranquility could connect with the scope of spirituality.

The third step corresponds to Perform weights about the relevance of each area in your life. This refers to the fact that not all aspects will have the same importance, because perhaps finances are much more primordial than hobbies. In this way, the valuation of each area is done by assigning a number from 1 to 3 to each aspect. Understanding that the 1 corresponds to lower value and the 3 to greater importance.

Finally, what would subtract would be establish a value with respect to your current state and your desired status for each area. In this case, weighting ranges between 1 and 10. If personal care is an area that you want to improve but you have not put much effort on it, you can assign “2” to your current state and “9” to your desired state.

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How to make use of my life ecology?

When using this tool with an automated program, we will result in what are the areas that we must enhance. In this sense, Life ecology measures the individual's congruence levels. Since, If an area of ​​life is very important, it should be the most enhanced. On the other hand also Helps evaluate which are the areas of greatest satisfaction and self -realization.

In general, life ecology is an excellent exercise of observation and analysis regarding the identity and achievement of objectives.

From these results, it is possible raise goals to improve the most relevant areas, or even those of greatest congruence. In the long term, life ecology is a good reference point if what is desired is draw a life project.

It should be noted that These aspects do not have to stay static over time. Therefore, it is advisable to perform the ecology of life from time to time to constantly evaluate progress. Making life ecology a habit to repeat a couple of times in the year, will allow to compare the advances in each area. Also, it will help to rethink if any of the areas or values ​​require modification.


  • Arboccó, M. (2014). The importance of the life project. Official Gazette El Peruano, P. December 12, 27, 2014
  • Olivé, v. (2016). Who I am. Recovered from: https: // am/
  • Sutton, Harmon, N.(1994). Fundamentals of ecology. Limusa Noriega Editores, México-España-Venezuela-Colombia.
  • Olivé, v. (2010). NLP & COACHING: an integrative vision.
  • Photo: Photo by Samantha Garrote in Pexels