Flowtime's technique to be more productive in 6 steps

Flowtime's technique to be more productive in 6 steps

The technique of Flowtime To be more productive, it allows better efficiency over time.

Today productivity is demanded, however, the same need to do many tasks at the same time makes productivity down. Therefore, the technique of Flowtime It allows people not only to organize their time better, but also have greater productivity and less stress.


  • Origin of the Flowtime technique to be more productive
  • What is Flowtime's technique?
    • 6 steps to follow this technique
    • Bibliography

Origin of the technique of Flowtime To be more productive

According to Paz and González, in their study on competitiveness and productivity, productivity implies an improvement in the production process, which is equivalent to the fact that there is a favorable comparison between the amount of resources used and the amount of goods and services produced.

To achieve this productivity, there have been many formulas that have been designed, one of them has been the technique of Flowtime, Created by the Brazilian Dionatan Moura, a guru, writer and developer of software, who in 2015 published his book Mantra da Produstivity, in which he explained what this technique consisted of.

In the field of psychology, the state of Flow or flow like that mental state in which the person is totally immersed in an activity that performs. That is why this State is of maximum productivity and in which the person requires more concentration to execute a task.

In that state of flowing is when individuals achieve a high concentration that even forget the passage of time. In the case of the technique of Flowtime, This is partly oriented to the monitoring of periods of time of greater concentration.

Also, the technique of Flowtime It is an alternative or an improvement to the already known Pomodoro technique, which has as many followers as detractors. In the case of the Pomodoro technique, many professionals dismiss it because when they get to meet Ye are at their maximum moment of productivity, then the time ends and the whole process stops; Then, a non -voluntary rest must be taken that breaks with the concentration, so it must be suffered to recover that state again.

Instead, With the technique Flowtime, While there is a monitoring of time, multitasking is not promoted and breaks are allowed, But without these interrupting the productivity peak moment.

What is the technique of Flowtime?

The flow time, or Flowtime, lasts between ten and ninety minutes, that is, much longer than in the Pomodoro technique. Besides, These time ranges can be extended, following the degree of concentration that the person has. If the period ends and the person is still concentrated, then it can continue to produce, but it has tired and lost the concentration, it can opt for a break.

In other words, if the person decides to take a 45 -minute flow time, place an alarm for that time and start their tasks. When this time is completed, the person might ask: "How long can I continue? If your answer is zero, then you must take a break. If you consider that you can follow fifteen more minutes, configure the alarm again and stay at work. When this moment is completed, the person again raises the base question and, based on it, is deciding on their concentration time.

These data can also be pointed out and then Make a measurement about productivity, fatigue and recovery times, which allows to know at what time of the day there is greater productivity or maximum concentration.

If the times are taken in an organized way, even with graphics, The most difficult tasks can be scheduled for maximum concentration time and leave those other tasks for the lightest hours.

This technique can be adapted to each person, their lifestyle, their personality and even the type of tasks it performs.

If a person has to do many tasks that are repetitive, the Pomodoro technique could work for him, taking 25 minutes to work and 5 rest. However, if your work is more complex and requires abstractions, limiting cycles to 25 minutes could cause an interruption in the creative process, so the technique of Flowtime It would be more effective, since I would not have to interrupt.

6 steps to follow this technique

In this sense, the technique of Flowtime pIt is that people feel less stress or pressure for measuring time and then seeing your tasks interrupted. To execute it only needs the following:

  1. Choose a particular task;
  2. register the start schedule;
  3. start to work;
  4. Stop when you need a descase and point the time;
  5. Choose the time to rest and
  6. Repeat the cycle.

With this technique, The person simply works the time he really needs and gets greater efficiency. Well, maybe in the morning someone can execute tasks for 90 minutes, but in the afternoon, require more rest periods.

The most important thing about this technique is that it is not about following rigorous rules, but about discovering what is the best distribution of time for certain works and thus achieve the greatest productivity.

"May8" technique to increase productivity


  • Adiri, i., Bruno, j., Frostig, e., & Rinnooy Kan, A. H. G. (1989). Single Machine Flow-Time Scheduling With A Single Breakdown. Informatic Act26(7), 679-696.
  • Cirillo, f. (2020). The Pomodoro technique. F. Cirillo, the Pomodoro technique (p. 192). Spain: Paidos Editions.
  • Paz, c., & Gonzales, D. (2013). Productivity and competitiveness. Alpha Omega1.