The romantization of entrepreneurships

The romantization of entrepreneurships

Every day the growing romantization of ventures in all sectors is observed. This desire to undertake has led to many from feeling frustrated, especially those who have not yet done so. But have each one born to undertake?, Or do you still need employees?


  • The romantization of entrepreneurships, why
  • Entrepreneurships in different generations
  • Consequences of romantizing entrepreneurship
    • Bibliography

The romantization of entrepreneurships, why

Before it was discussed whether the entrepreneur was born or was done, but now it seems to be a trend the belief that the entrepreneur makes himself. This belief has also charged boom thanks to the fact that, when reviewing the list of the most millionaire men in the world, many of these wealthy men have been entrepreneurs. However, this belief brings some dangers, since A company does not grow alone, but requires the work of several people, that is, You need employees.

In addition to this, there is platforms in which many are shown as experts in a subject, So they decide to share their knowledge, without taking into account whether they have been validated or not. Thus, it is possible to meet phrases loaded with excessive optimism that ideals the task of entrepreneurship and makes it see how an easy and sweet path.

For Formichella, in its study on the concept of entrepreneurship, this can be defined as the development of a project that pursues a certain economic, social or political end. At the same time, A project is defined as the search for an intelligent solution to the approach of a problem To solve, to a human need.

But undertaking is not a path for all, it requires certain skills, training, effort, discipline; In other words, it is not an easy way ..

Today digital communities for entrepreneurs abound in which It is preached that, by the simple fact of desireing success, it is already obtained, And this has led many of them for a false idea of ​​entrepreneurship. In fact, Many of the professional relationships that begin on social networks only remain there, in the networks, They do not make a leap to reality, and this is an aspect that every entrepreneur must take into account.

To form good connections, it is essential to have a good marketing strategy, have a clear message, generate quality content, know how to position themselves, among other tasks that are performed by experts.

Entrepreneurships in different generations

One of the generations that has most opted for ventures, and that has led it to its consequent idealization, has been The Z generation, since it is totally digitized and this has caused them to accelerate the models to undertake. But, although before there is a hierarchy, in generation Z this is not observed, but all march as if it were a swarm of bees, without hierarchy, and rarely with lack of harmony to achieve their goals.

In the case of the Generation x, It was observed that this needed a career, a specialization, a master's degree or a doctorate to be able to do things better. Millennials They realized that they needed a degree as a basis for undertaking; Then they took a couple of years to specialize and apply their knowledge.

However, what the school offers may not be the only thing that is needed to create a business, or at least to make this successful. For many ventures it is important to have professionals who know how.

Many experts in the marketing area, for example, suggest that, to undertake, it is necessary. It is because of that, Before launching a business, an exhaustive investigation is required, In order to observe if the business model and the proposal will have good acceptance.

Nevertheless, Many young people, especially between 23 and 25 years, They believe that everything can be obtained quickly, see the results immediately and become his own bosses by skipping other labor processes. It is then that the romantization of entrepreneurships occurs and

... reality is blinded to the obstacles and challenges that the decision to undertake.

In the market there are certain obstacles that should be considered, and these range from personal.

On the other hand, it must be taken into account that, when a loan is sought, this is easier to obtain, at least today, if there is a MBA (Master Business Administration), so the lack of investment is an important issue when undertaking.

In addition, The idea of ​​an entrepreneurship can be affected if the person does not have experience because they have not previously worked in the business field.

For all the aforementioned, it is necessary to be aware of the obstacles that can occur when undertaking and for this it should be avoided romantizing entrepreneurship, because it is not just about filling a hole in the market, since this brings certain consequences.

The practice, the key to succeed in life

Consequences of romantizing entrepreneurship

When entrepreneurship is romantic, it runs with certain risks, since blind veneration, endorsement and The lack of self -criticism can lead to making great mistakes in the business world.

One of the terrible consequences of the romantization of entrepreneurships is that When everyone is right to the entrepreneur, he ends up ignoring his own mistakes and loses even the ability to empathize with others.

The romantization of entrepreneurships also leads to little or nothing teamwork; It should be borne in mind that behind many millionaire entrepreneurs there are large work teams that have taken the project ahead, so this must be valued and avoid all merit.

On the other hand, The romantization of ventures can also lead to those who are disadvantaged, feel frustrated. Well, there are many people who dream of undertaking, but they should not feel frustrated if entrepreneurship does not make them the richest person on the planet.

The idea of ​​success is relative, and this must be kept in mind, since, for many people, perhaps a successful life is that in which what you love is done and still time to share with family, with friends and pass Leisure time.

In this issue about the romantization of ventures, it is necessary to note that there are many success cases, but Not everyone starts from the same starting point as others, Therefore, it should be avoided that if it has not been successful, it has been due to lack of capacity or talent, since other circumstances also have other circumstances.

The 10 rule.000 hours for success


  • Correas, c. Yo. EITHER. (2008). The human dimension of entrepreneurship. Strategic Sciences Magazine16(20), 225-236.
  • Duarte, t., & Tibana, M. R. (2009). Entrepreneurship, an option for development. Scientia et Technicafifteen(43), 326-331.
  • Formichella, María. (2004). The concept of entrepreneurship and its relationship with employment, education and local development.
  • Gómez, l. (2012). Entrepreneurship theories. Recovered from http: // uniajc. PBWORKS. com/w/file/fetch/54060386/theory of the company. PDF Total entrepreneurial capacity and its factors (P> 0.05).