Cognitive restructuring, what is

Cognitive restructuring, what is

The cognitive restructuring It's one of the most used methods In current psychology due to its widely proven efficacy. This technique is an essential part of cognitive behavioral therapy, derived from learning theories and considered one of the most effective treatments that currently exist to treat multiple psychological problems.


  • What is cognitive restructuring based?
  • What are the cognitive distortions?
  • Types of cognitive distortions
    • 1. Magnification or minimization
    • 2. Overweight
    • 3. Polarized thought
    • 4. Selective abstraction
  • Steps in cognitive restructuring
    • Conclusions
    • References

What is cognitive restructuring based?

Cognitive restructuring is a technique whose objective is to discover, face and modify those patterns of irrational and negative thoughts that affect our lives and that lie in the background of many psychological problems And in our way of facing difficulties.

Cognitive restructuring seeks identification of thoughts or negative "internal speech" that automatically emerge at any time in the life of an individual distorting your reality And his reasoning before this. Its main objective is replace these negative thoughts that instantly infuse anxiety, for others more adaptive and rational. This is achieved through learning, practice and constancy and uses different techniques for its development.

What are the cognitive distortions?

The cognitive distortions are automated, negative and irrational thoughts patterns. These are ideas that we have completely established in our conception about ourselves and the world, thoughts that force us to see reality from a limiting and harmful prism.

We all present negative thoughts on the occasional occasion. For example, let's imagine that, after making a mistake, we can automatically think something like: "How clumsy I am!". However, we know that this is not true, since we understand that we can highlight in some subjects and not in others and that, as humans, we can err.

But when that statement is repeated again and again Given any circumstance of our life, limiting us and making us believe that it is reality, we talk about a problem greater than the cognitive restructuring Its purpose is to address.

Cognitive distortions are found in the background of numerous psychological disorders such as social anxiety, depression or eating disorders, among many others.

Rumitations, the habit of thinking too much

Types of cognitive distortions

There are many types of cognitive distortions, some of the best known are:

1. Magnification or minimization

It is the tendency to exaggerate and magnify extremely a circumstance or negative fact, as well as minimize that positive That happens to us. For example, if we fail in a question of an exam, we can think that this is a personal catastrophe and feel very bad about it; However, if we answer the rest of the questions, we do not give importance, we justify it as any fact due to chance and we continue to think that our success is mediocre.

2. Overweight

It is the tendency to transform a circumstance or isolated incident in a General and absolute norm. Taking the previous example, if we suspend that exam, despite having approved others, we would turn this fact in our life, firmly believing that we are bad students and that we have no capabilities.

3. Polarized thought

Type distortion "all or nothing". It is the pattern of thought in which everything is conceived as absolute, like black or white, regardless of intermediate tones. It is common to listen to words that indicate extremes such as "never", "always" or "all".

4. Selective abstraction

Occurs when we focus exclusively on negative details of a concrete experience, ignoring everything else.

Steps in cognitive restructuring

Cognitive restructuring is a structured and very organized process, whose realization is carried out by a Behavioral Cognitive Therapist widely formed in this regard.

There are different steps to carry it out and achieve the objectives to be met, as well as techniques and exercises to better achieve each of these steps. Next, we show a summary with the most relevant phases of therapy.

  1. Identify and register: In this step, we try to identify and record all the negative and automatic thoughts that we pour over ourselves and whatever surrounds us. It is about identifying and carrying a diary of negative thoughts to be aware of its object and appearances and with which to begin to understand what distortions we will face.
  2. Analyze distortions: Once we have identified the main negative thoughts we will proceed to analyze them During therapy. It is about understanding what are the main fears and situations that shoot these thoughts to carry out strategies To fight them. For example: in the case of a patient with social anxiety, those thoughts that are more harmful in their daily lives would be analyzed. It may, for this patient, speaking in public triggers cognitive distortions such as "I will make a fool of" or "I will put the leg and laugh at me", which may not appear in other situations such as being in A party surrounded by people. It is then that we will proceed to analyze the basis of these thoughts and the situations that shoot them.
  3. Discuss thoughts: In this phase, once the distortions have been identified and analyzed, we will begin to dispute their truthfulness by proposing evidence for and against of every one of them. It is time to face the irrationality of these distortions, discussing the objectivity from the same. For this, many techniques such as:
    • Socratic questioning: With which it is intended to inquire about the veracity of the idea through questions such as "Is this idea objective?"" Is this thought based on real events?"" Could it be explained from another perspective?"
    • Bring distortion to the extreme: Through issues such as “What would happen if… ?”, We carry the negative thought to reality To face him and lose the fear that blinds us. For example, before the previous patient with social anxiety, we could ask “what would happen if when giving a public speech you would make a fool of?"Why would you feel bad if they laugh at you? What would be the biggest problem in this situation? How would you face it?
    • Prosecute thoughts: It is that the therapist and the patient recreate the role of Defender and the opposite lawyer of cognitive distortion. Arguing about the certainty of this, the two will go through the different roles to achieve a realistic judgment on cognitive distortion and their lack of connection with reality.
  1. Replace: During this phase, the thoughts distorted by others are replaced more realistic and objectives. Through effort and practice, we try to get those already automated thoughts to give rise to others more rational. If we take as an example to a person who has automated negative thinking: "I do not feel attractive, I will never attract anyone", we could change it for another as: "For some people I can be attractive, for others it is not okay, because my It was worth not only based on the physical "; It is about getting this second thought to automate and replace the previous one, which is achieved with practice and effort.


The cognitive restructuring It is a technique that requires a lot of training, perseverance and commitment. The features we have commented are only an approach to what it consists of. If you feel that your life is marked by cognitive distortions that do not allow you to enjoy it, do not hesitate to inform yourself about this therapy by choosing a qualified professional for your advice.

Cognitive distortions: what are they and how to fight them


  • Beck, J. S. (2011). Cognitive therapy: Theory and practice. Bilbao. Ed Declée de Brouwer.
  • Olivares, j. & Méndez, F. X. (2008). Behavioral modification techniques. Madrid. Ed. New Library.
  • Vila, J. & Fernández, M. C. (2004). Psychological treatments. The experimental perspective. Madrid. Ed. Pyramid.