Dark psychology, what is it? 20 keys

Dark psychology, what is it? 20 keys

Dark psychology is a term that some people use to refer to the darkest or most disturbing features that a person may have such as the so -called Machiavellianism.

With this term of dark psychology too Personality traits that are uninable, such as manipulation and control have been encompassed that is exercised on another person, among others, who are also dangerous if the other person does not know how to fight, since he could become a victim.


  • Is there dark psychology?
  • The dark triad
    • Psychopathy features
    • Bibliography

Is there dark psychology?

In itself, dark psychology does not exist as a branch itself, although there are areas of this science that deal with investigating the behavior of criminals, such as criminal psychology, which is avocated to study the behavior of those who have committed crimes with the purpose of determining how or why a person has acted in that way.

In addition, criminal psychology It is also responsible for studying what are the types of criminals and what are the criminal behaviors in which they usually incur.

In the case of forensic psychology, this It deals with studying the mental processes and behaviors of a person who will be submitted to presentation In a trial, with the purpose of submitting a report.

Thus, while criminal psychology involves in their studies victims and criminals, forensic psychology is more dedicated to the study of the criminal personality and behavior.

Therefore, when mentioning is made to dark psychology it is important to clarify these concepts and notice that, A person who fits the behavior patterns indicated in dark psychology, do not necessarily have to be a criminal.

While they can be, the truth is that one of these manipulative, controlling or Machiavellian people can be anywhere and not precisely in a prison, then, it can be the kind neighbor or the disciplined master who goes on time to their classes every day to their classes.

The dark triad

Something that is fully studied in applied psychology and clinical psychology is the dark triad. Lately, this has also been considered in the Business Management Departments.

Well, the dark triad refers to people who throw high scores in evaluations that indicate probabilities of causing discomfort and problems, which would be a difficulty if they came to occupy positions of greater leadership.

Those who obtain these high scores in these evaluation tests can generate discomfort in the work environment, since They are profiles that are characterized by being not very empathic, understanding, compassionate, unpleasant, among others.

In short, the term of Dark triad Yes it is approached within the field of psychology and covers those personality traits that are typical of narcissism, psychopathy or maquiavellism.

Has received the "dark" denomination for being qualities that include a touch of evil or coldness when expressing emotions, as well as aggressive behaviors and the tendency to be little sincere, or false.

Those who in principle began talking about this triad were the authors Delroy L. Pauhlus and Kevin M. William, in 2002.

However, the psychologist Moraga Fernando, in his study entitled: The dark triad of personality: Machiavellism, narcissism and psychopathy. An evolutionary look, points out that the origin of the clinical study of psychopathy actually appeared for the first time in 1941 in the work The Mask of Sanity, of h. Cleckley.

But, in 1991 it was Robert Hare who managed to make this triad Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R).

Although Hare's book focused on subjects who were already behind bars, today it is known that this goes many beyond.

Psychopathy features

In 1976, Cleckey proposed several features that could define subclinical psychopathies, which are the following:

  1. Terrible superficial charm that is attractive from the beginning;
  2. A remarkable intelligence;
  3. Absence of irrational thoughts;
  4. Absence of hallucinations;
  5. They did not demonstrate any type of nervousness;
  6. Lack of sincerity, or falsehood:
  7. Antisocial behaviors that were not justified;
  8. Inability to feel shame;
  9. Inability to experience remorse;
  10. Difficulty learning from experiences;
  11. Inability to love;
  12. Egocentrism;
  13. Loss of intuition;
  14. Little affectivity;
  15. Insensitivity;
  16. Exaggerated behaviors, either under the influence of alcohol or not;
  17. Suicide threats that were rarely carried out;
  18. Little capacity to elaborate a life plan, or follow it;
  19. Frivolous sex life;
  20. Unstable emotional relationships.

When the term of dark psychology is mentioned, all these details indicated are actually mentioned and that, as indicated, today they charge relevance because some academic or business environments estimate of great importance to make a psychological approach to the candidates, to In order to filter all those that are thought to cheat in the exams, they will incur dishonest practices to climb positions, create conflicts in the environment, among others.

Narcissistic personality, what is different from egocentrism?


  • Moraga, f. R. G. (2015). The dark triad of personality: Machiavellism, narcissism and psychopathy. An evolutionary look. Criminality57(2), 253-265.
  • Hernández Villar, C. (2014). The dark triad and the mechanism for detection of cheats: an approximation of evolutionary psychology to the computational architecture of deception.
  • Barrutieta, l. H., & Ursúa, M. P. (2011). Subclinical psychopathy and the dark triad of personality. Behavioral psychology19(2), 317.
  • Salessi, s. M., & Omar, to. G. (2017). Dark triad of personality, job satisfaction and organizational cynicism: a structural model.