Psychologist Mar Ortiz and Help and Care Project

Psychologist Mar Ortiz and Help and Care Project

The psychology and well -being of people are necessary aspects for today's society, dominated by stress, social demands and changes. They are also human rights, freedom and respect for people, for diversity and equality.

That is why we have the pleasure of interviewing Mar Ortiz, a psychologist with a long professional career to whom we appreciate his time to learn more about Humanist psychology on the one hand and on the other to tell us about Help and Care Project, An interesting project that has recently launched.

Thank you very much for being with us. We would like first to make us a brief description of your work in consultation and the humanist psychologist, what is it?

Thank you very much for this interview. People who come to my consultation will find a safe listening space, without judgments or prejudices, where they can freely express their emotions, having the peace of mind that they will be heard and that they will never be treated as a set of symptoms , but as people, and that we will look for between the two of the best solution for the problem they present.

As for the second part of your question, humanistic psychology is a current that began in the 50s of the twentieth century and that in a very summarized way proposes a study of the human being understanding it as a conscious, intentional being, in constant development and whose mental representations and subjective states are a valid source of knowledge about itself. That is, we try to give an integrative vision of the human being, working self -consciousness, the power to choose, and the idea of ​​continuous improvement, of the integral development of the person.

When visiting your website we observe very interesting sections, including the different services you offer, can you tell us something about them and where we can find you physically or online?

In psychology consultation Mar Ortiz we offer various services, from individual therapy in which I am especially specialized in Duel management, trauma reprocessing with Brainspotting, stress management and anxiety, and other emotional difficulties. On the other hand, I also perform couple therapy and guidance in child parenting guidelines. Another of my services is the Personalized training and speak in public, communication to overcome work interviews, oral and oratory exams for politicians. Finally I offer empowerment and health tools for the LGTBI collective through Help and Care Project.

All my services are offered both in face -to -face sessions on Azzati journalist street, 5, 2 pta floor. 4 A in Valencia, by appointment by calling 661 592 658 and also online through Skype, in this case it is also required by calling the same telephone indicated.

When visiting your website, some recognitions and mentions impress, such as: the Humanitarian Merit Medal awarded by the Illustrious Academy of Health Sciences Ramón y Cajal.

Congratulations, do you tell us a little more about it?

Thank you. The truth is that in recent years, together with my office partner Matti Ameli, we have had the honor of being recognized several times with professional merit mentions.

Specifically, the Humanitarian Merit Medal was the last one we received last May. Personally I was very excited that an academy dedicated to health science.

Do you remember the first patient in your consultation and its impact?

Yes, I believe that none of those who dedicate ourselves to psychology never forget our first patient. I remember it with special affection because it was a somewhat complex case: due to a wrong diagnosis the suffering of this person was prolonged for a long time and I had the opportunity to appreciate that diagnostic failure and implement the appropriate therapy that, after a year , he got the healing of this person.

If you hadn't dedicated yourself to psychology that you think you would have dedicated yourself professionally?

Well, in my case, as the saying has been a chef before friar, I explain my. Subsequently and simultaneously studies and work in psychology, which is really my vocation.

Mar, what exactly is the affirmative gay psychology?

The term affirmative psychology Gay was first coined by the American Psychology Association in the 80s of the twentieth century. It is not a different paradigm or a radically independent theoretical-technical framework regarding existing psychotherapeutic systems. Affirmative Gay therapy does not see the homosexual subject as psychologically different from the heterosexual subject, seeks a deeper understanding of the particular issues of the LGTBI population, as well as the development of theoretical and clinical models more appropriate to those particular needs. Let us think, for example, that a heterosexual will never have to “leave the closet” and tell his relatives that he is hetero, however the LGTBI collective goes through that experience which can be highly traumatic if they find a homophobic reaction in their more environment nearby.

Why did you choose to decide to work for and for the LGTBI collective?

As a woman, as a psychologist and as a human rights activist, I am very sensitized with human suffering. And many times I have observed that this suffering is caused by social constructs that affect and can constrain, when not directly attempt, the rights and health of many people. And although in terms of rights much has been achieved in favor of equality among all genres, there is still much to do, there are still many homophobic gestures that cause a lot of suffering.

Do you believe, as a professional on this topic, that the problems that many people in this group face are known enough?

At the social level there is a lot of ignorance of the LGTBI world in general. We do not have serious and draft cultural referents that are openly gays. When the Jungian archetype of the masculine and the feminine has been overcome by a binary reality, another archetype for the LGTBI collective has been created, the bad thing is that it has been a very biased and quite negative archetype. I explain, according to Jung, there is an archetype of the masculine that supposes what is socially understood by what a man is, the same happens with the female archetype. The male archetype encompasses characteristics such as leadership, strength or zero emotional expression, and the female archetype would refer to emotionality, care of others. Although the majority of men and the majority of women do not currently fit into the archetype, it is so rooted in the collective consciousness that is still maintained. When reality is raised as non -binary in gender, society generates a new archetype for in this case, the LGTBI collective, an archetype that links this group, with sex, party, disease or vice. Obviously this archetype is biased, it is negative and mostly false, but for the same reason for roots in the collective imaginary it is maintained. This makes a reductionist and negative vision of the problems that the LGTBI collective faces.

We see that also the families of LGTBI people are a very important factor. In your opinion, what role the family plays in the disarming processes?

They have a fundamental role as the first social support and normalization network. If an LGTBI person is sure that he can leave the closet with his family and friends without fear of being rejected, repressed or punished, he will increase security in himself. It is an empowerment tool that can help you cushion the stress that may suffer from adverse reactions from other people outside your intimate circle. That is why it is also very important to work with the relatives of LGTBI people so that they can carry out their own disassembly process.

Do you think that today there is homophobia or some kind of discrimination in this regard?

Without a doubt and at many levels. There are countries where homosexuality is still considered a crime with jail sentences and even with death penalty. Countries like Russia, openly homophobic that generate persecutory policies of the LGTBI collective. Obviously in Spain we have nothing similar to this, and I say that we no longer have it because we have had it: before the Spanish Constitution of 1978 here the homosexuality was also pursued under the crime of sodomy and the law of lazy and thugs was applied with prison sentences. While Spain has been a pioneer approving the law of homosexual marriage, in society at the molecular level there is still homophobia. In my opinion there are two types of homophobia especially serious: liberal homophobia, which is manifested in comments type “Why there must be a day of gay pride? There is no hetero pride day, "or" they can be what they want but at home, "this homophobia can end up generating the other that seems very serious, internalized homophobia, which occurs when the gay person internalizes these arguments and generates hatred by itself. This type of homophobia in addition to generating tremendous suffering can lead to suicidal ideations.

What is more difficult for this group and what can society do to help and promote its naturalization?

In my opinion, the most difficult is not to be able to live its truth and not be able to develop your personality in a full, naturalized and visible way.

Society has to mature and has to do it quickly. You have to accept that we are talking about where we place our affections, and that this is first a private issue, and secondly a manifestation of the personality. It should be able to accept what love is love.

As we see we are talking about a very concrete and complex topic and that requires a professional response from the psychology that promotes the empowerment and health of the LGTBI collective.

Let's talk about Help and Care Project, Mar Ortiz's most personal project When does the project idea arise and with what objectives?

The idea arose a long time ago. Psychology consultation Mar Ortiz is part of the Spanish Gayfriendly Companies Guide since 2012, the year this guide appeared. From that date I am an articulist of the Magazine Digital Loev and previously I was from the digital magazine EGF and the City, both of the EGF group. In 2016 I participated in the I LGTBI Visibility Congress in institutions and companies. With which, due to my personal and professional involvement, the next natural step was Help and Care Project, whose fundamental objective is to put psychology tools at the service of empowerment and health of the LGTBI collective.

What is Help & Care Project and who are oriented?

Basically Help and Care Project offers 4 areas of aid: individual therapy, aimed at accompanying in disarming processes, as well as the reprocessing of the possible trauma through homophobic behaviors. Support groups with two meetings per month and an individual session where to create a sense of community. Work with relatives for the emotional management of their own disassembly and therapy for adolescents especially to cushion the effects of gender bulling and prevent suicidal behaviors. All these services are offered both in face-to-line sessions.

Very interesting and necessary without a doubt, but? What is most needed to carry out this great project? More means of diffusion? Resources?..

Above all diffusion, that people know that there are psychology professionals trained and prepared to accompany them in these empowerment processes, that they know that they have a friendly hand, that they are not alone.

How has this project been welcomed?

We are in the process of diffusion and the truth is that I am happy, in a couple of weeks of the dissemination campaign on Facebook we have reached the figure of 300 followers and increasing, which means that it is reaching people. And we have already received a very positive feedback from some of the followers who encourage me to follow.

Mar, in Spain from 1 to 10, how do you value our knowledge on this subject? That is, are we in line or are we one of the most innovative?

At the legislative level Spain has both regional and national laws that are on the path of gender equality, in this area I would put a 7, because there is still much legislative development and above all concrete actions to take. As a society, to the extent that there is still a lot of emotional and behavioral homophobia, it would value it with a 6. There is still enough path to go based on education in equal values.


Unfortunately yes. And the most unfortunate is the intrusion suffered by the psychologist's profession. The public has to know that psychologists and psychologists are people who have studied a career, who after finishing it we continue to form, with the aim of being very updated and being able to provide the best of services. We are not healers, neither miracles or smoke vendors. We are professionals and the problem of intrusion is that in the end we end up all measured by the same standard and that for real professionals is very frustrating.

What would you tell those people or groups that want to go to your consultation but do not take the step?

I would tell you that going to the psychologist is not equivalent to being crazy or suffering from any pathology. Psychologists are here to help people overcome the emotional obstacles with which they can find themselves, we are to listen to, to help. They should not be afraid of being judged or censored because psychologists do not do that. We help them to develop the superhuman inside.

Would you recommend psychoactive?

Of course. I think it is a very professional, serious and reliable portal where people can find from very interesting articles and publications to professionals that we are there to help and love our profession.

Thank you very much, it has really been a pleasure to have interviewed you. Until next time. A hug

Thank you very much.