Therapeutic practice in behavioral emotional psychotherapy

Therapeutic practice in behavioral emotional psychotherapy

In emotional behavioral therapy, we define rational thoughts, appropriate feelings and affective behaviors such as those that help the survival and happiness of humans. Here are the goals that virtually all beings of our species choose during their life, continue the existence that is given to birth and try to follow life with reasonable happiness and relatively free of pain or discomfort.


  • Rationality vs irrationality
  • Coping and attack of irrational beliefs
  • Trec's therapy to practice
    • Some questions you can ask:

Rationality vs irrationality

When we say in a speech oriented to emotional rational therapy, that a person is rational, we commonly mean that he has decided or chosen to live with happiness for certain reasons: Accept what really exists in the real world, Try to live friendly in a social group, relate intimately to some members of their community, commit to productive and pleasant job, participate in recreational companies chosen by selection. Irrationality or feeling and acting inappropriately consists in interfering without justification in someone's life or causing damage unnecessarily.

As we have previously commented, the TRE, Your belief system leads to activating certain emotions of pleasure or dislike, comfort or discomfort, discomfort or well -being. For example, they feel depressed after being rejected by someone, rejection does not make them depressed, but their beliefs about this rejection lead directly to feelings of depression.

They tend first to have a set of rational beliefs that come from their basic values ​​system, their desires and their preferences, since they want to remain alive, feel happy and achieve the acceptance of others, they will almost always find rejection, such as, undesirable, They will conclude that: I do not like to be rejected, what misfortune!, Then they will feel, concern, discomfort, perhaps depression, disappointment, grief.

They also have, a set of irrational beliefs, such as: I must be accepted by other significant people for me, I have to get what I want, and if I am rejected, it will be terrible, I will not be able to bear it.  Rejection will make me a bad person, undesirable, with little value!, Then they will feel depressed, self -pronounced. Their irrational beliefs almost invariably come from intensifying rational desires and preferences making them absolutistic demands or demands. With such beliefs, they no longer want to have what they want but think, in a demanding way, that they must have it, so they will feel frustrated, depressed.

Coping and attack of irrational beliefs

The Emotional Rational Therapists Psychologists face and discuss irrational beliefs From their patients, in a much more active and energetic way, they show their patients that their philosophies are irrational and counterproductive, they explain how these beliefs create emotional disorders, teach them how to attack them in logical and empirical lands, they are instructed on The way of discarding them. They help them uproot their irrationalities, motivating them to do emotional exercises and assigning them tasks that serve to destroy their stiffy ideas.

When we think, we also feel and act, when we feel, simultaneously we think and act and when we act, we think and feel.

To measure personality change, the TEC, adopts a strict practical method: that The goal of therapy is helping people to be better and not simply to feel better. This means that patients not only have significant improvement of their symptoms and see themselves carrying happy lives, but also experience deep philosophical changes in their attitudes towards themselves, towards others and towards the world that surrounds them and that if they arise any new harmful conditions, it will be unlikely that it will disrupt them seriously.

Psychology and gender violence

Trec's therapy to practice

Next, we share some of the steps of the Trec process, to minimize, decrease and even counteract irrational beliefs. It is worth mentioning that this is just a brief exercise to have an idea of ​​what is worked on in psychotherapy.

  • For about 10 minutes a day, remember some belief, irrational, limiting idea, rare that is causing conflict, for example:

It is terrible to see me and feel rejected by someone.

  • Use the logical method, to see if your hypothesis is consistent with your reality. You will also ask yourself several questions in order to face and discuss them (discuss them).

Some questions you can ask:

What am I telling myself?

What is the idea I want to face?

In case of this hypothesis of mine?

Then, try to give you an answer rationally, that is, based on reality and the facts, rather than your assumptions.

If any of your answers were, that it is true such or that thing, then, plant another question like:

Where is the evidence that it is true?  Or where is the evidence that it is not true?,

Now, in case your belief is true, you can ask yourself another issue:

What is the worst that could happen if .. ?,

For example, if a woman rejects me?

Maybe you think: I would feel sad for some time ... but it would not be terrible, I can find other opportunities and learn from my experiences, I will keep trying.

Try to ask you this method of questions, until you get sensible answers, this will lead you to feel better, perhaps experience somewhat unpleasant, but not intense emotions that cause you disorders in your life.