The practice, the key to succeed in life

The practice, the key to succeed in life

Yes, like me many and many times we ask ourselves to why there are geniuses and why I don't, why are these famous football there, they are awarded with Oscars and many others who succeed, but I don't? If going into too much depth, we will say it to cold, because it is you!

Many believe that gifts become something that comes predetermined with people, is something that is not true 100%, if so, we must also consider that A gift is not completely, More is required to get something valuable in life. Example:

Juan, he was born with a guitar gift, this discovers at age 10, so he is dedicated to it but as a simple hob, without giving much importance.

Pedro was born with a gift to paint, however he never discovers it, because he had never approached this environment so much where he could play his talent, however he fascinates what music is, a guitar is bought, although it is Bad this does not stop practicing and is gradually learning what he likes so much.

One day Juan and Pedro participate in a small guitar contest, where it is seen that Juan touches the guitar moderately, because he has not added to his talent what is doctrine and dedication constantly, it was only a hobby for the , on the other hand, Pedro got to get the prize since he dedicated a long time until he reaches the point of being very good in it.

In this small anecdote we can notice that if one is born with what is talent or gift for anything, we see that this is not everything, but also Requires constant dedication To this, a gift without practice is almost nothing.

There is a very interesting book called "Talent is overvalued", which belongs to Geoffrey Colvin, In this book he denies that the successes of the great celebrities are because they have been born with a natural talent, otherwise the concept that Colvin manages is based on the fact that successes are the fruit of what perseverance and hard work is.

This book mentions the well -known study that a psychologist named Anders Ericsson had done:

"In a Berlin Music Academy with five -year -old children studying the violin.  At 20 years exceptional violinists had accumulated about 10.000 hours of practice, the good 8.000 and normal less than 4.000. Ericsson writes that although it is true that there is innate talent to develop a skill, if it is not practiced, it will be canceled or very poorly developed."

Likewise, we can realize in our own life, as many things that we used to do at the time, now it turns out that it is no longer the same, do you remember those times where no one could beat you in football? Or, if before I had a great voice for song, but now the fact of having a life, devoting yourself to other more primary things has prevented you from continuing with that hobby that used to have the song, as a result, no longer no longer It is the same, it is very likely that this is due to the fact that it no longer comes to play that practice that used to have.

It is not in vain that the phrase comes from this kind of activities "Practice makes a master", Likewise, when one begins to see that we have errors in what we perform, we realize that it is in the absence of practice.

To be able to get goals in life, It is necessary to devote completely to what we want to achieve.

Author: The Vividor