Sigma personality features, characteristics and behavior

Sigma personality features, characteristics and behavior

Sigma personality is characterized by not needing the validation of other people. This typology is commonly applied to men, but in a changing world and full of digital nomads, it could also be applicable to any other genre. In this article, we will explore the features and characteristics of the Sigma personality.

Who has a Sigma personality is not usually reckless or noisy; On the contrary, he is considered a calm and serene person. In addition, they are usually introverted people, but sure of themselves.


  • What does the term sigma mean?
  • What is Sigma personality?
  • Sigma personality features
  • Conclusion: hugging the singularity of the Sigma personality
    • Bibliography

What does the term sigma mean?

The term "sigma" comes from the Greek alphabet and is used in statistics to refer to atypical values, that is, they move away from the average of a distribution. In the context of personality, the term Sigma is used to refer to people who come out of the common and do not fit into the conventional patterns of society. Sigma personality is characterized by an independent, creative and unconventional attitude, which makes it an interesting option for those looking for a different way of life.

What is Sigma personality?

Personality is generally considered the result of the dynamic articulation of psychological aspects, such as cognitive, affective, intellectual and drives, as well as the biological ones, typical of each person and distinguish them from others. However, the world is changing at a dizzying pace, for the that every time we talk about new types of personalities, such as Sigma personality.

It is believed that the Sigma do not fit into the groups because they are unusual or out of what society would expect. Most of those who have sigma personality are nomads travelers or freelancers seeking knowledge and adventures, instead of the accumulation of material goods, since they consider possessions as something empty.

This calls for conventional forms of life, that is, to get up every morning, attend a traditional job or lead a life as in past decades, since Sigma personality usually has the ability to work even remotely and live anywhere in the world.

Whoever has the Sigma personality likes to receive superiors, so they do not usually adjust to traditional jobs, as mentioned, without that prevents being productive and effective in their work.

Another trait of the Sigma personality is that they know how to handle loneliness very well, because they like to be disconnected, so the personal space is important, even if they do not refuse to share with others in society, occasionally.

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Sigma personality features

Another interesting sigma personality is that these people They do not want to be trapped by consumerism of today's world, or the materialism that forces them to remain in the same place or live a situation for a long time. That is why they need a life purpose, since otherwise their mental and emotional health could commit.

Sigma personality is typical of those who prefer to learn different tasks, explore and meet new things. However, they are responsible workers, who are not afraid to leave their comfort zone, and that, in addition, they are calm and emanate trust.

Many people tend to misunderstand Sigma personality, because they consider that they move away from society because they do not want to work, but the truth is that what He characterizes them is a feeling of independence that makes them excellent visionaries, entrepreneurs and productive. Just need their own space to elaborate their ideas and realize their dreams.

Every day societies change, as well as hierarchies levels in jobs, so Sigma personality could represent a preview towards a new system, in which there are new structures.

Among other Sigma personality features, the following stand out:

  1. They are not visible in society all the time, since they need their personal space;
  2. They follow their own rules and at their own pace: Well, they do not want to live their lives in the way that others impose them, so they take great care of their emotional and mental health regardless of whether this implies leaving aside the standards of society;
  3. They are introverted and silent: which can be uncomfortable for others, but someone with Sigma personality will speak only when necessary and if it is something really important;
  4. They do not like to impose a lifestyle: since they have their own creativity and criteria;
  5. They do not pay attention to trends: Just feel comfort, so they don't suffer following the latest fashion styles. What matters most is feeling good about themselves;
  6. They usually fit in many places: Because they do not pursue power and just as they can be integrated, they can also be slipped from anywhere with ease;
  7. While the Alfa wishes to be on top and monopolize attention, the Sigma will do everything on their own;
  8. They are not interested in meeting the expectations of others;
  9. They appreciate peace and flexibility: which explains why they want to work on their own, since they manage their own time and tasks.
  10. While others follow those in the hierarchy, or want to be part of it, the sigma will prefer to be separate.

Conclusion: hugging the singularity of the Sigma personality

In conclusion, Sigma personality represents a new paradigm in the world of personalities and the way in which people see themselves in society. Instead of focusing on the validation of others or material success, people with Sigma personality seek adventures, learning and freedom to live according to their own terms. Although they can be misunderstood or misunderstood by others, this singularity is what gives them their power and their ability to think and create out of the conventional. By embracing and accepting the singularity of Sigma personality, we can learn to value human diversity and appreciate the wealth that each individual brings to the world.

This new Sigma personality definition has generated much controversy, however, it is a fact that can be evidenced in the lifestyle that many are current.

And you, do you identify as a sigma?

Characteristics and strengths of extroverts


  • Cloninger, s. C. (2002). Personality theories. Pearson Education.
  • Freendez Rius, L. (2013). Thinking about personality.
  • Schultz, d. P., & Schultz, S. AND. (2002). Personality theories. São Paulo.