Pansexuality, another way of understanding love

Pansexuality, another way of understanding love

"I always hated the word bisexual because I fit me. I have never thought about someone like a woman or a man. My eyes began to open in fifth or sixth grade. My first sentimental relationship was with a girl. (...) Once I saw a particular human being who did not identify as a man or woman. It was both, a beautiful and sensual person, hard but vulnerable and feminine but masculine. And I felt so identified with that person as I had never felt with anyone in my life ". These were the singer's statements Miley Cyrus about your Pansexuality And what was meant for her to be panSexual.


  • What is Pansexuality?
  • Is Bisexuality and Pansexuality the same?
  • What is not being Pansexual?
  • What can we do to end prejudices?

What is Pansexuality?

The term Pansexuality (bread: from Latin everything) refers to the orientation that people who feel romantic or sexually attracted by other people regardless of their biological sex or their gender identity, that is, the pansexual people They feel attraction to the individual, regardless of their expression, gender identity or sexual biology.

Is Bisexuality and Pansexuality the same?

No, it's not the same. Pansexuality is often confused with bisexuality, however, these are different concepts. While the bisexuality refers to Attraction for the two genres, Based on identity in man or woman, Pansexuality It goes beyond that dichotomy and refers to a broader and more inclusive term that part of the base of the rejection of attraction based only on the binary notions of sex (male or female) and the genre (man or woman) and opens to the attraction towards The entire spectrum of sexual identities either cisgeneros, transgender, agéneros or any other.

Long -term love relationships and the prohibited fruit hypothesis

What is not being Pansexual?

Some prejudices faced by pansexual people can be based on treating this orientation as a transient trend that only exists among young people. This is a mistake. Pansexuality, like other options such as SapSSexuality wave demisexuality They have always existed. What has not existed is its identification and the freedom of identification involved in these new terms for individuals who could not feel represented with the few “official” options that were recognized.

According to Dr. Shapiro therapist and social worker specialist in LGBT issues, "people can be more or less pansexual than they were before the Pansexual term emerged. The identification of this offered a simpler way to analyze this experience, and an easier goal to identify it ".

Pansexual people can also have to face unfair prejudices How to be characterized by others as more promiscuous people, having more sexual options.

According to him Dr. Frankie Bashan, Psychologist and Relationship Coach, for those couples in which one of the components is not Pansexual this “brings many fears; They think they cannot trust the person, who will not be loyal or monogamous, assumptions based on the fear of being abandoned ”.

This is an absolute mistake: A sexual orientation does not dictates what type of relationship can or want to have a person. The search for many or few couples or more or less stability in a relationship is an independent personal choice of sex By opposite sex.

What can we do to end prejudices?

The education It is the way of end up any prejudice both towards Pansexual people and to people of any other type of orientation. In the words of the dr. Shapiro "staying ignorant creates and encourages food for fear and erroneous perception". And to achieve total normalization, We have to keep talking about it.

It is true that we still know little about the data surrounding panxuality, such as prevalence, development of relationships, personal characteristics or other demographic data, since this orientation has not been a very studied option in academic research. While until now only heterosexuality, homosexuality or bisexuality orientations were contemplated, now concepts arise that reflect the reality of many people who did not feel identified before.

This is quite unfortunate, since pansexuality is a reality in which many people, especially young people looking for their identity, can feel reflected and can help them find answers.

Living our own sexuality without prejudice, with responsibility and respect for us and our partners must always be essential to achieve happiness and self -realization.