Mental fog as an effect of menopause

Mental fog as an effect of menopause

Female hormones undergo changes according to the age of the woman in question. Thus, by crossing the different stages of life, processes corresponding to reproductive capacity are developed. Specifically, menstruation and menopause are the key points that mark the pattern in a woman's fertile history. Each one is accompanied by certain manifestations both physical and psychological.

In this article, the central axis will be precisely to deepen one of the less known manifestations of menopause: mental fog.


  • General effects of menopause
  • What is the Nental fog
  • What to do to reduce the effects of mental fog
    • References

General effects of menopause

During the youth and the first years of their adulthood, the woman has the possibility to procreate. Since, in this period certain hormones interact in a complex way: estrogen, progesterone, follicle -stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone. So, such interaction propitiates that menstruation and menstrual cycle in general be experienced. Now, From the average adulthood, menstrual bleeding stops appearing, generating what is known as menopause or climacteric.

According to the World Health Organization, menopause does not represent a pathology, but a natural process of femininity. Usually, It takes place between 45 and 55 years of age, Due to a decrease in the production of hormones responsible for menstruation. Therefore, it is expected that the climacteric favors a certain symptomatological picture at the physical and psychological level.

Following this thread of ideas, One of the most common effects on menopause would be the embarrassment. That is, the sudden heat sensation that can make the woman tired or tension. Also, the risk of suffering osteoporosis or cardiovascular disease. And, at this stage, the Vaginal fabrics become thinner, leading to dryness and pain during sexual intercourse.

From a psychological perspective, serotonin levels decrease in menopause, which is associated with Changes in mood, emotional outbursts, decrease in sexual desire and sleep difficulties. On the other hand, a little studied symptom of the climacteric, but not least, would be that of mental fog.

What is the Nental fog

Mental fog refers to a cognitive alteration that can take place during menopause. This is mainly characterized by The feeling that thoughts are not as clear as before. Such disturbance at the mental level leads to Forgetting words or tasks to complete, hinders the ability to maintain attention and generates states of general confusion. Such effects have a physiological explanation, related to the Descent in estrogen production.  In this sense, the brain has a large number of estrogen receptors in the hippocampus, an important area for the proper functioning of memory.

The hippocampus allows both setting memories and recovering them, so it is logical that a low estrogen level affects this area of ​​operation.

Nental fog is a little known menopause effect for most people, which does not mean that it is a novel discovery. Since Victoriana, British doctor Edward Tilt stated that some menopausal women referred to feel a "cloud in her brain". However, who has Popularized this term is recently Dr. Gayatri Devi, the neurologist from the Lenox Hill Hospital in New York. Devi realized that a hospital patient had been erroneously diagnosed with Alzheimer's. In this sense, Estrogens administration improved considerably, So it was surely a situation related to this substance.

The mental fog phenomenon has a considerable incidence in menopausal women, making it more difficult to carry out simple tasks. Pauline Maki, the former president of the American Society of Menopause, states that 10% of women in climacterary have significant impediments in everyday life. However, this situation can begin to appear long before the cessation of menstruation. In certain cases, occurs during perimenopause, the period in which the body prepares for the end of its reproductive years. Even the mental fog symptom can begin to demonstrate seven years before the start of menopause, being able to be almost imperceptible to the beginning.

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What to do to reduce the effects of mental fog

The most uncomfortable effects of menopause can be reduced through medical treatment. Certain studies claim that Hormonal treatment administration, specifically estrogen, allows the recovery of cognitive capacity. It could even relieve embarrassment and reduce the risk of osteoporosis and cardiovascular disease. Now, it is important to clarify that in Some women symptoms lower their intensity without treatment. Therefore, it is essential.

On the other hand, it should be noted that Adopting certain habits regarding lifestyle can be beneficial To reduce certain symptoms of climacteric. To do this, a non -pharmacological treatment that could help reduce mental fog is mainly based on food control. Thus, it is recommended decrease the consumption of saturated fats and refined sugars, in addition to increasing fiber, water, calcium and vitamin D intake. In the same way, patients benefit from avoiding alcohol, caffeine and tobacco, accompanying all this of the Practice of some physical activity.

How Menopause affects female sexuality


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