The need for recognition in psychology definition of Maslow and examples

The need for recognition in psychology definition of Maslow and examples

In this article we will talk about the need for recognition. ¿You have already seen yourself in some situation in which you expected to be recognized? Well, you know that the need for recognition is normal of the human being. In this Psychology-online article, we will see What is the need for recognition in psychology. We will understand where the need to be recognized comes from, when the need for approval is excessive and also what can be done in relation to such need.

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  1. What is recognition in psychology with examples
  2. Maslow's needs
  3. How to heal the need for recognition?

What is recognition in psychology with examples

¿What does the word recognition mean? To begin with, it is important to define what recognition is. According to the RAE Dictionary, among the definitions of recognizing it can be found: admit or accept something as legitimate, admit something as true, admit or accept that someone or something has a certain quality or condition. So being, it can be said that recognition occurs when one feels valued and competent for their facts and qualities.

Recognition examples

First of all, you can give some examples:

  • Alfonso has approved in all course subjects.
  • Juan has built the model alone.
  • Álvaro was promoted in the company that works.
  • José has won the best writer of the year.

¿What's in common among them? All were recognized for their facts. Now that we understand that it is recognition, we will deepen a little more.

Maslow's needs

Within psychology, there is an author named Abraham Maslow, this American psychologist created the "Maslow Pyramid" that proposes a Hierarchy of human needs. We will see each of the levels and how Maslow defines the esteem needs.

  1. Physiological needs. To better understand your pyramid, let's start with the base. At the base of the Maslow pyramid are physiological needs, that is, all human beings need to breathe, feed and rest.
  2. Security needs. If we go up for the next level of the pyramid, we will find the security needs, these are referring to the need of the human being to feel physical, resources, health and family safety.
  3. Affiliation needs. In the middle of the pyramid is the need for affiliation, this means that human beings feel the need to belong to a group of friends, to receive affection and sexual intimacy.
  4. Recognition needs. In the next level of the pyramid we find the need for recognition. ¿What is the need for esteem and recognition? This need refers to the esteem feeling for oneself. The high esteem that a human being feels is associated with feelings such as trust, independence, importance, achievements, appreciation and dignity. At this level, the person's motivation is highly related to what is felt in relation to oneself and the validation of other people, that is, recognition.
  5. Self -realization needs. And finally, on the levels of the Pyramid of Maslow, at the last level there is the need for self -realization, this level is a bit different, since the person has a higher psychological need, it is compatible with the idea of ​​personal growth, need of "being" and feeling self -realized.

It must be understood that in Maslow's theory only the next level of the pyramid is reached when the previous level has been conquered.

How to heal the need for recognition?

If we develop more the issue on the level of "need for recognition" said previously, we will see that human beings can have:

  • A high self -esteem, That is, what is thought of oneself is positive and manages to recognize its qualities and capacities.
  • A low self -esteem, Having a thought of inferiority over oneself, allowing what others think have more value, in this case, there is a constant need to receive attention and approval from the other. And it is just from there that the issues of low self -esteem develop, because the individual ends up feeling inferior and begins to experience feelings such as exaggerated reactions, anxiety, lack of ability to see the positive side of situations, guilt, indecision, feelings of impotence, among others.

Need for recognition and social networks

When we bring the issue to today, we can identify some routine situations in which the need for recognition occurs frequently, such as social networks.

Some individuals who have social networks often worry about the content they are going to upload in their networks, there is a certain care with their "Posts". It is not a mere chance the existence of so many applications to improve the quality of a photo or video, and, the goal is unique, it is to be recognized, whether by beauty, by creativity, for grace or for any other reason. Generally, these people They are looking to be seen, there is the need for approval, of being valued and of being accepted.

¿Why people seek recognition?

The need for recognition is something that all human beings need. From very early, a child needs the approval of his parents, understanding here in this case the family field, since from the most youthful stages of our life it is when we learn about respect and affection, which are values ​​that make us feel recognized

In addition, once our qualities and abilities are recognized, these allow us to develop our self -esteem and self -confidence.

The individual who has self -confidence is able to know their abilities and limitations, So, he feels safe to advance and have control of his own life.

¿When the need for approval is excessive?

And finally, but not least, you have to know how to evaluate when that search for recognition is not healthy. An example is When a person becomes obsessed with recognition, both referring to their physique and for their behavior and actions. It is important to say that if we recognize that we are not changing our attitudes in relation to certain situations, we must go to a professional who can guide us.

How we have seen, the need for recognition exists in the process of development of the human being and it is important to conquer a balance on the subject, learning to deal with emotions, having a critical sense, realizing when we are allowing others responsible for the value given to oneself and knowing how to recognize the qualities that are possessed.

This article is merely informative, in psychology-online we have no power to make a diagnosis or recommend a treatment. We invite you to go to a psychologist to treat your particular case.

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