The narration of your life influences your emotions

The narration of your life influences your emotions

The narration consists in counting a sequence of facts or actions carried out by characters, in a certain place and in a time interval. However, the way in which we narrate our own actions influences the way we feel And we think.

It is not the same to tell a story since the hope that from the wound, therefore, we must learn to tell us better stories about our lives and our day to day.

Everything that happens to us can impact us in a positive or negative way, depending on how we make the narrative.

The narrative influences our emotions

We can tell a story an infinity of times, however, this is also an opportunity to create a story that helps us heal, telling it from other perspectives and finding the value it possesses.

Many Holocaust survivors have been sources of inspiration for others, such as the case of Elie Wiesel, who narrated the horrors she lived since hope, or the example of Viktor Frankl who even created a psychotherapy school from which today is infused encourage many people.

This means that The stories we tell ourselves can get sick, or they can have a healing power over us, as long as we try to tell us the facts in a way that connects us with joy.

Our whole life is full of stories. Since we were little ones, great fables were narrated with great morals to make us good human beings and instill good values.

Now, it is we who have the power of the story to tell our stories, building a positive identity and that gives our world a favorable sense, thus improving the way we think and feel about ourselves.

In this process of narration, on many occasions We leave our emotions under the power of other people, With statements such as: "My partner does not love me", "My boss does not value my work", "My brother never listens to me", among other sentences in which we are never the true protagonists.

Thus, It doesn't matter what happened, but how we are narrating it, Do we do it from guilt or from gratitude? If the story we tell ourselves does not contribute to our happiness, it is better to ask ourselves: “Is it true?, What place do I spend in that story?, The affection I feel towards me depends on my brother not listening to or that my boss does not consider my opinions?".

Everything that happens to us has the power to be verbalized, narrated; Since dawn until the day ends, we can even narrate our dreams, but we should do it in a convenient way, since the narratives do not always represent reality in a reliable way, but of how we make sense.

In short, we are history and the way in which we tell ourselves the events will have a very big influence on the feelings we elaborate from ourselves. Hence the importance of elaborating a good narrative.

The narration we have can generate joy, fear, hope, anguish, suspense or fear.

An example of how we tell a story, from the victim position, is the hypothetical case of visiting a restaurant and "receiving a bad service" in which the waiter even spills our drink. This, without a doubt, connects us with anger or anger.

But, What if we tell that story from another perspective? For example: “The waiter was so nervous that he couldn't even hold the drink; It is likely that your boss has caught your attention, let's hope you don't say goodbye. ”. In this case, we connect with compassion and empathy, which could be experiencing the other person, instead of closing ourselves in a private and selfish world in which we only judge and victimize ourselves.

Thus, we can elaborate the narration of the stories of the past or of the present; also those of the future. If we have panic to speak in public and tell ourselves: "I will do it wrong", "Everything will be a disaster", this projection will be a self -fulfilling prophecy, unlike project in terms of: "I will do it well", "I will impress everyone with My skills "," I have the knowledge to make a good presentation ", among other projections that generate well -being and not shame or insecurity.

All these are narratives that allow us to enter the reality in a way that only we have the power to choose because, in the end, we end up believing everything we tell each other.

If we are the protagonists of our narration, we at least make them have a good end and thus our emotions and thoughts will also be positive. And you, how do you tell you your stories?

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  • Cautín-Epifani, v. (2014). Cognitive approach for the understanding of narratives: a look from discursive psychology and the event indexation model. Literature and linguistics, (29), 252-271.
  • Garay, a., Iñiguez, l., & Martínez, L. M. (2005). The discursive perspective in social psychology. Subjectivity and cognitive processes, (7), 105-130.