Monogamy, myth or reality?

Monogamy, myth or reality?

The Monogamy is the predominant pairing system among human populations, Even among societies that allow polygamy, it consists of a type of exclusive relationship of a couple that endures in time. Monogamy is a form of love relationship present in much of the traditions around the world.

This term comes from the Greek bun (one) and Gámos (marriage), although monogamy is not synonymous with marriage, there are other types of marriage unions such as polygyny (man with several women) or the polyandry (woman with several men).


  • Love relationships
  • Types of relations according to cultures
  • Are we really monogue?
  • Explanations to monogamy
    • Bibliography

Love relationships

In some, the monogamous law prevails and in others the polygamy (marriage between a man and several women), which suggests that the human being has some flexibility that allows him to adapt to different forms of family structure. What is true, is that among people There is a tendency to create affective links between them and to be emotionally linked to their lovers.

Monogamy is very rare among most animals. About 3 percent of mammals forms long -term couples. The males do not have to remain with a single female if you can copulate with several and thus transmit their genes to a greater number of couples.

Types of relations according to cultures

You can distinguish two types of monogamies, the strict monogamy (the union lasts a lifetime) or the serial, which is the most common, in the last the hard link while the two members of the couple decide. Once one of the two parties want to break the union, it will be free to have a new relationship with another person.

Monogamy opposes polyamor or polygamy, which are terms that we already explain in a previous article. In different cultures, based on the regulation of erotic activity, life forms and type of social organization have been created. No human people who have not been organized in some stable couple or marriage are known, Although it is also true that experiential groups have appeared that have sex without any affective bond, but this way of relating is not the norm in any known human society. The human being needs a durable love link and apparently monogamy is the most widespread option.

Truths and lies about sex

Are we really monogue?

There are many opinions and quite diverse about it. Most human societies are polygamic but, although monogamous societies are lower in number, they are also the numerous people in terms of population. In addition, it is striking that In polyndical societies, the tendency is for men to marry a single woman even though they can socially join with several.

Not everyone sees monogamy as the human emotional and sexual relationship by antonomasia. There are those who believe that we are actually polygen that we insist on being monogamous or that we are Successive monogamous, that is, that in reality We tend to have a stable partner for a while and after that time we will replace it with another. Regarding this Freud said that everyone in the background is "repressed polygos"

The Zoologist and Ethologist Desmond Morris affirms that couples fall in love and establish a Link or love relationship of generally 4 or 5 years, This is related to the need to collaborate in the raising of children, once children have already grown enough to guarantee their survival, it is then when interest in the couple is lost and it is time for new conquests.

For the philosopher José Antonio Marian, there are differences between the sexes in terms of the tendency to maintain a stable couple, according to this philosopher, men have the tendency towards polyginia and instead women towards monogamy. He explains that sexual love and couple bond are an “invention” of women who are interested in their partner as a time as possible and collaborate more in the raising of children.

Explanations to monogamy

It is considered that Monogamy could be the result of a set of both cultural and historical impositions. Specifically in western society it could be due to the footprint left by the Christian Church during decades. Likewise, it also relates to the patriarchal society, since it is a covert way of subordination of women. Another possible explanation is its link with private property, in which women are part of the male's heritage.

The truth is that monogamy prevails in society, although there is also among human beings some tendency to experiment and try new things, this makes us be attracted to other people, although we already have a partner. The regulation of both trends, stable emotional ties and search for news, will also depend on educational factors and individual factors.


  • L vera-gamboa. (1998). History of sexuality. December 29, 2019, of Rev Biomed-UdeC.Cl website: http: // www2.UdeC.CL/~ ERHETZ/PRIVATE/SEXUALITY/UNIT_01/HISTORY_SEXUALITY.PDF
  • Sirvent Ruiz, C. (2011). Fidelity and commitment in the relationship. Trinomial fidelity, commitment and monogamy. North of Mental Health, Vol 9, Nº40, pages 57-71.
  • Morris, d. (2017). The naked monkey. Spain: Debolsillo.