Morexia obsession with eternal youth

Morexia obsession with eternal youth

Midorexia consists in the lack of acceptance of age and the obsession for looking eternally young.

Every day there is an imperative desire to remain as far as possible from old age, without taking into account that aging is a process inherent in life itself. Who suffer from Morexia they fight against the passage of time and try to stop the signs of the Senectud.

This behavior could be related to an internal rejection of the idea that the human being is deadly, so being young "becomes a value to which many aspire. Of course, this It also feeds on the fact that every time life expectancy lengthens.

Morexia, an evil of our time

The term Midorexia first appeared in 2016, when in an article in the newspaper The Telegraph, Reference was made to the difficulty some people experienced to accept their age. Since then, this phenomenon gained visibility. Although it may not be novel, then, Since the beginning of humanity man has always sought immortality, Now, with the rise of social networks, it is much more difficult for some people to accept that they are aging, since networks help show idealized images of nearby people.

Behind the Midorexia a psychological factor is hidden, while the idealization of the body is present, as well as there are factors that are sociological, because societies impose an ideal for each era.

According to the author Paula Ponchitesta, in her study on emotions in aging and fear of death, modern society is characterized by promoting hedonism, narcics and detachment.

So that, In contrast to the once ethical society, in society the aesthetics would now predominate, From which death tries to deny, persisting a fantasy of immortality fed by scientific developments and one of the feelings to aging is the fear of their own death.

Those who suffer from Morexia are looking for the source to always look young, so Aesthetic surgeries, anti-aging creams, youth clothing and everything that helps appear to be less age are recurring and stay inside the youth group. Although for now it has not been pointed out that Midorexia is a disorder, it is considered that after it there is an egocentric factor.

That is why there are those who do consider that it is a personality disorder, although it is not stipulated in any manual so far; but, At cognitive level, the person with Morexia has a thought about his age that is distorted And therefore, many times, it does not see inappropriate to maintain relationships with other people who are much younger, even if they do not have many affinities.

On a social level, this is also reflected, therefore, perhaps the affected person has difficulties with the couple or with the children, especially because for the latter It is not always pleasant to see how their father or mother demonstrates a behavior similar to that of another teenager. However, the life period has lengthened and 65 -year -old people can still be quite productive, so at 45 or 50 they feel young, in addition to fear that underlies having thoughts related to old age, duel and death.

The fear of thinking about death is common, especially in one's own, so old age seems of aging, when the truth is that Every day we get a bit of human beings.

Keep the balance

Taking a healthy lifestyle is not bad, On the contrary, there are many specialists who recommend exercising, feed well, perform cerebral gymnastics exercises, among other tasks that help feel well -being.

But, adopt a healthy style to live is far from the fear of aging. That is why Morexia has also been associated with Peter Pan syndrome, in which people They refuse to accept their age and are afraid to accept the roles they must assume according to his time, which ends up affecting relationships with others and personal development itself.

It is recommended that, when a person feels a lot of fear of aging, he goes with a mental health specialist so that, With support from behavioral therapy, any erroneous belief or distortion is addressed that is present and assume your age with the responsibilities that each stage implies.

The objective is to avoid the obsessive behavior that conditions the person and that leads him to direct all his routine and behavior towards that desire to look eternally young, since This causes deterioration in the social, work, family and even health sphere, in some cases.

Sexlescents, when age does not prevent life from enjoying

Bibliographic references

  • Belsky, J. K. (2009). Aging psychology: theory, research and interventions. Barcelona [etc.]: Masson, Cop. nineteen ninety six…
  • Córdoba, a. M. C., & Mantilla, M. S. Q. (2015). Group reflections in gerontology: normal and pathological aging. Virtual Magazine Universidad Católica del Norte, (45), 173-180.
  • Pochintesta, p. (2010). Emotions in aging and fear of death. Research Institute Magazine of the Faculty of Psychology UBAfifteen(1), 117-140.
    Schultze, f. R. (2022). Fear of aging. Representations and imaginary about old age in Argentina. Re-presentations. Journalism, Communication and Society, (17), 86-104.