Short -term memory, characteristics and functions

Short -term memory, characteristics and functions

Short -term memory is a temporary information storage system that is vital in our daily activity and plays a very important role in learning.


  • Memory classifications
  • Memory classification according to its duration
  • What is short -term memory
  • Short -term memory characteristics
  • What is short -term memory used for
  • The role of short -term memory in learning
  • Enhance short -term memory
    • Bibliography

Memory classifications

Several types of memory can be defined depending on how they are classified. exist 3 main classifications to distinguish different types of memory:

  • Classification according to the duration of memory: Sensory Memory, MEMORY COST TERM AND MEMORY Long Term.
  • Classification according to the type of information stored: Explicit memory and implicit memory
  • Classification according to the modality: Verbal memory, visual memory and auditory memory

In this article we will focus on the short -term memory that is within the classification of the memory that distinguishes the different types of memory according to the time that the memory is stored in our mind.

Memory classification according to its duration

If we define the types of memory according to the duration of the memory, we can distinguish 3 types:

  • Sensory memory: It is a very brief way of memory that retains sensory information for a short period of time, usually of a few seconds or less.
  • Short -term memory: This type of memory, retains the information for a short period, usually about 20 to 30 seconds. Working memory is a specific type of short -term memory that is used to process and manipulate the information temporarily.
  • Long -term memory: It is a type of memory that retains information for prolonged periods, which can be from minutes to a lifetime.

In this article, we will talk about short -term memory, which we use when we have to memorize something for a brief period of time to solve a problem.

How to retain everything you read and not forget quickly

What is short -term memory

Short -term memory is a temporary information and limited capacity storage system that acts as an "intermediate storage" between sensory memory and long -term memory. Short -term memory retains information for a short period, usually about 20 to 30 seconds, although it can vary according to circumstances and people.

This information remains active through a process called repetition or trial, in which information is mentally reviewed to keep it in consciousness, however, due to its limited capacity of approximately 7 elements, it can be easily interrupted by new information, resulting in forgetting the previous information.

An example of this type of memory occurs when someone gives you a phone number to call a restaurant and make a reserve. You keep that number in your memory enough time to mark it on your phone and make the call.

Once you have made the call, you are likely to forget the number unless you repeat it and store it in your long -term memory. Short -term memory has a limited capacity, usually about 7 elements and information is rapidly faded if it is not repeated or reinforced.

Some games like Simon, allow to enhance short -term memory since they make intensive use of it.

The working memory It is a concept related to short -term memory but something more specific, refers to the ability to maintain and manipulate information actively in the mind while performing complex cognitive tasks, such as solving mathematical problems or following a conversation. Working memory is essential for reasoning, decision making and learning.

Working memory is a key component of fluid intelligence, which is the ability to think and reason abstractly, and solve new problems, while short -term memory is a temporary storage system that serves as a basis for memory of work.

An example of working memory in action would be given by mentally solving a mathematical problem, such as adding two two -digit numbers. Suppose you want to add 37 and 45.

To perform this task, first keep the numbers 37 and 45 in your working memory, then you add the units: 7 + 5 = 12, store the "2" in your working memory and take the "1" to the column of the tens, then add the tens: 3 + 4 = 7, and you add the "1" that you took previously and store 8 in your memory, finally, combine the numbers stored in your working memory (8 and 2) to obtain The full result: 82.

Throughout this process, the working memory allows you to actively maintain and manipulate the partial numbers and results in your mind. This type of memory is essential to carry out cognitive tasks that require real -time information processing and manipulation.

Basically, short -term memory refers to the simple storage of information briefly and The working memory refers to the storage and manipulation of the information.

Short -term memory characteristics

Short -term memory is an essential but limited component of the human memory system, which acts as a bridge between sensory memory and long -term memory. The main characteristics presented by short -term memory are as follows:

  • It has a limited duration: The information remains for a short period, usually about 20 to 30 seconds, although if necessary, we can retain information in short -term memory for longer periods by repetition or trial.
  • Has a reduced capacity: The storage capacity of information of the short -term memory is limited, which means that it can only contain a reduced amount of information simultaneously. It is estimated that storage capacity is around 7 elements, although it can vary between individuals and situations.
  • Admits different codifications: Short -term memory information is mainly coded phonologically or acoustic (based on what we hear), although it can also be encoded in visual or semantic format. This phonological coding is the cause of which we often confuse words or numbers that sound like.
  • It is susceptible to interference: This means that new information can move and replace existing information. The interference can be of two types: proactive, when the ancient information makes learning of new information, and retroactive, when the new information hinders the retention of ancient information.
  • Very sensitivity to oblivion: Short -term memory information fades quickly if it is not repeated or reinforced and the oblivion rate is high compared to long -term memory.
  • Susceptible to distraction: Short -term memory is highly sensitive to external and internal distractions, if attention deviates to other information or task, it is more likely that information in the be lost.

Memory test: memorize letters

What is short -term memory used for

Short -term memory plays a vital role and we use it intensively on a day -to -day basis. It allows us to maintain active information in our mind for a short period, which is essential to perform tasks such as remembering a phone number while marking, or address while looking for a place.

This type of memory too It helps us to continue and understand conversations, since it maintains the information of what is said while formulating answers or interpreting the context and intentions of the interlocutor.

It has a fundamental role in reading and understanding language, since it allows us to retain and process words, phrases and prayers while we build the meaning and structure of a text.

Us Help in solving problems and reasoning, since it allows us to maintain and manipulate information while we solve problems or make decisions. For example, perform mathematical calculations in our head or evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different options before making a decision.

It helps focus our attention and favors concentration since it contributes to our ability to focus attention on a specific task or information while ignoring distractions and filtering irrelevant information.

It acts as a intermediate storage between sensory memory and long -term memory. By maintaining information in short -term memory through repetition and trial, the transfer of long -term memory information for its indefinite storage is facilitated.

The secret mechanisms of intuition

The role of short -term memory in learning

Short -term memory is a essential component of the learning process, since it allows us to retain, process and manipulate real -time information. By interacting with the attention, problem solving, reasoning and communication, short -term memory facilitates the acquisition and consolidation of new knowledge and skills.

The process of temporary retention of short -term memory information is essential to understand and process new information, for example, when reading a text or listening to an explanation, short -term memory allows us to keep the information active while we build the meaning and the structure of what we are reading that later will be stored in long -term memory.

Enhance short -term memory

Powering short -term memory will improve your cognitive skills and performance in your daily tasks. To achieve this, they exist Some strategies that work very well:

  • Repeat technique: Repeat the information several times will help you retain it in short -term memory for a longer time and also facilitate its long -term memory transfer.
  • Information grouping: Organizing information in significant groups or categories facilitates information management and helps overcome their capacity limitations, for example, instead of remembering a series of individual numbers, grouping them in pairs or trios.
  • Elaboration: Try to associate new information with another already existing in your long -term memory, since this creates stronger connections and facilitates retention and memory of information.
  • Display: Use mental images to represent information, since it can facilitate retention and memory of information, especially if it is abstract or complex.
  • Mnemonic techniques: Use mnemonic techniques, such as acronyms, acrostics or rhymes, facilitates retention and memory memory.
  • Take a healthy lifestyle: It is demonstrated that adequate rest, regularly performing physical exercise, having a balanced diet and reducing stress helps improve cognitive performance.

It is also useful to perform memory exercises to train short -term memory like this one that we propose:

Short -term memory test


  • Li, w., Zhang, q., Qiao, h. et al. Dual N-back working memory training evinteces Transfer Effects Comparated To The Method Of Loci. SCI REP eleven, 3072 (2021). https: //
  • Short -term memory - https: //
  • Baddeley, a. D.; Thomson, n.; Buchanan, m. (1975). "Word Length and the Structure of Short Term Memor" - https: // // www.Ballarat.Edu.AU/ARD/BSSH/School/HP502/Word%20length%20Effect.PDF