The bad depression

The bad depression

When someone suffers from depression, the phrases we usually hear are: "Don't be sad," "Dare, that's nothing," "You have no reason to be wrong"... All of them are mood phrases from goodwill, but their effect is void. This article aims to address a deeper understanding of depression, no longer at so much theoretical but at the experiential level. In this way, it is intended to show that depression is not only to be sad. The bad depression is part of an increasingly demanding society, so An understanding of its effect on people is essential to try to empathize with those who suffer from it.


  • The bad depression: "You are not sad"
  • At the bottom of the well
  • Our mind: our ally and worse enemy
  • The bad depression: seeds and patience

The bad depression: "You are not sad"

Being depressed is not always a choice. The choice is not wanting to fight and stagnate in this state of deep sadness and hopelessness. However, although many think that depression is only to be sad, it entails something much deeper. The "deep" concept perfectly defines many of the emotional states that are going through in depressive states. Sadness is deep, despair is deep .. Those who suffer from depression claim to be deep in a dark well.

There is great misunderstanding around this disorder. Who suffers from it has not been aware of the gradual emotional descent that has been managing inside, Until one day you realize that you have no encouragement to do anything. It is hard for him to get up, he is a great effort to work, walk, perform the homework. Begins to notice a great lack of appetite for what he liked before. The Anhedonia takes over us and we begin not to enjoy what we liked, such as sport, go to the movies, walk with friends.

At the bottom of the well

The bad depression is confused with a state of sadness that we can control at any time. There is a belief that with two or three beers and a good party all ends. However, depression is much more powerful. Rooted inside us, in our heart and in our soul and sucks us with slowly. We begin to see the future with pessimism. We neglect our image, "Why care for?". We wake up the house aimless. We lay on the couch, then in bed and again on the couch.

All this can be accompanied by anxiety attacks. Deep despair states that we are unable to control. Breathing agitation, chest oppression, sweat, crying ... all this surpasses us and We are subjected to an emotional state of which we are unable to lift their heads. A huge stone tied to our feet prevents us from reaching the surface of the sea and breathing calmly.

When the mind sick to the body: the hypochondriacos

Our mind: our ally and worse enemy

Despite all the efforts we make when we are depressed, it seems that nothing is useful. Our mind becomes our worst enemy. Bombard us with messages full of pessimism and despair: "You will never leave this", "It is not worth continuing to live", "What do you want to fight for? it's no use"… The curious thing about all these messages is that we get it to you. We discover that our own mind is the one that poisons us with such weakening and catastrophic messages that we believe them in such a way that we stop fighting.

This is one of the fundamental points that would explain the fact that those with depression are immune to messages such as: "Dare". It would be like telling someone with fever: "Stop having a fever". Everything requires a process. In some people this process can last weeks, in other months and in others more time. The depressive mind has become a radio that emits messages automatically and which of them the most negative.

That is why, so important to start working as soon as possible with a professional. The poorly understood depression will need a deep intervention to turn the mind to our best ally. In the same way that our thoughts have become negative, they can become positive. At this point, it is important to know that change is not instantaneous. We must spend time working. Although we do not notice obvious results the first days, little by little, we will begin to notice better. Until the foundations of a building are consolidated, it does not begin to rise its height.

The bad depression: seeds and patience

When we ask for help and start working with ourselves, we are starting to plant seeds. Inside we have seeds, for example, of happiness and unhappiness, anger and peace, etc. It will depend on us what seeds we want to water. It is important to know that we must be patient. The seeds do not bloom overnight. It is necessary to water them, pay them and give them all the necessary care. Thus, If we take care of the seeds we are planting, one day the first outbreak will appear.

To think that the recovery process has to be from one day to another, without a doubt, it will be the most counterproductive. In this way, we only managed to press and hinder a gradual recovery process. If we want to impose any obligation, it will be to fight and move on, but we will try to avoid the obligation to want to be fine at the time. Every process requires time, patience, effort and perseverance. Therefore, it is important to know that our recovery will take time, but that, without a doubt, it will be worth it.