Crazy Is there? What is it about?

Crazy Is there? What is it about?

Madness is a somewhat ambiguous concept. It is a word found in everyone's lips to offer a rapid and easy diagnosis of those behaviors that seem inappropriate. When we see that someone carries out risk behaviors, many can think that he is crazy. The same goes for those who end the lives of others. Even so, it is not necessary to leave so far, sometimes it is enough to see someone dressed in a muddy way to label her like crazy.

If we investigate a little in ourselves and in the comments of others, we will fall into the account that We use madness to define and explain many behaviors. But do this type of behavior have any kind of common characteristic? it's possible. Most of them leave normal. And here we enter into swampy lands that could take days and days of debate with the simple question of: What is normal?


  • Madness and normal
  • A new horizon in mental disorders
    • Final reflection on madness
    • Bibliography

Madness and normal

The normal can be addressed from four criteria: biological, social, statistical and subjective. From a biological point of view, the normal thing would be what follow the biological laws. At the statistical level, the normal thing is most likely to happen. From the social, it would be that mostly accepted by society. And finally, at the subjective level, it would be related to what the person believes or not that is normal.

On many occasions, these types of criteria can help professions Identify pathologies and identify that abnormal. For example, if at the biological level we present any alteration, it could point out that we suffer from any disease. If at the social level we show totally messy behavior, perhaps it is related to some disorder. If at the statistical level, someone's behavior does not agree with the most likely to occur, it may also indicate the presence of some mental alteration.

However, this is always like that? Not necessarily. If we strictly governed ourselves by these criteria, we can qualify as an abnormal everything that does not match the norm. And what happens when something does not match what is expected? What is usually tagged crazy. At a social and statistical level, most likely people seen in an elegant way. But if a guest is dressed as a clown, some of the other guests may think that he is crazy.

At the social level, criminal behaviors are not well seen, therefore, the easy and fast diagnosis is to think that those who carry them out are crazy. Somehow, Everything that comes out of the borders of the expected, of the probable or of the socially accepted, is qualified as abnormal or as madness.

A new horizon in mental disorders

What could before be madness, can now be schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, etc. That is to say, The madness concept has no use in psychology or psychiatry, because everything related to the mind has been or is being investigated. What was previously a strange and inexplicable phenomenon, now it takes shape. Thanks to this, treatments are also being offered to enjoy a more functional and stable life.

It is time, then, to begin to banish the word madness from our mental dictionary, since it is only an easy and vague diagnosis of what we do not understand. The person who saw in a strident man. But neither one, nor the other is synonymous with madness. When we use the concept mad to describe someone, we are obviating all their learning history.

Serial killers, rapists, abusers and All those who carry out criminal acts can also hide a disorder behind or a learning history too disorganized. It should be clarified that the fact that criminal behavior can be explained from psychology, does not subtract a gravity apex. Psychology explains, justice dictates a sentence.

Final reflection on madness

As could be observed throughout the article, the concept "madness", in reality, is a diagnosis that people make about what they do not understand. Thus, instead of rejecting what is unknown to us, if we begin to investigate human knowledge, we will better understand others and ourselves. Thus, Those who do not want to go to the psychologist because they defend not being crazy, have no excuse.

It can be said that the year 1879 is a before and after in the explanation of mental processes. Wilhelm Wundt founded the first experimental psychology laboratory in Liepzing (Germany). In this way, the figure of the psychologist and the first scientific research in the field of psychology appears. This event was the departure pistol to a endless theories that would be about to arrive on mental disorders. Even so, more than a hundred years later, there is still a long way forward.


Calero, m. and Navarro, and. (2015). Fundamentals of psychological evaluation. Granada: Sider S.C.